Chapter 1853

"Umm..." Renee was speechless after hearing Adie's explanation. Her anger immediately subsided and she felt guilty and sorry for Adie. She hadn't expected to see Adie face such cruelty at such a young age. She couldn't imagine how Adie must have felt when he heard those words. She thought about how she had violently hit, scolded, and criticized Adie, and felt like dying, "I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't know you had been bullied like this. I sincerely apologize!" Renee took a deep breath, her head hung in shame as she spoke. She didn't expect him to forgive her right now since even adults would hold a grudge when wrongly accused, let alone a child.

Although Adie was still tearful and his palm was red and swollen, he was not angry at Renee. He held Renee's hand and said tenderly, "Mommy, you don't have to say sorry to me; I should be saying sorry to you. I wasn't strong enough. When others mocked me, I couldn't suppress my anger. I should have ignored their words and calmed down, but I couldn't because I know more than anyone else how good my parents are. I shouldn't have turned into a bad child just because of the nonsense they said!" Adie was the kind of person who would only relent after being coaxed. Initially, he would never admit he was wrong, but he willingly reflected on his mistake when Renee softened towards him.

"No, son. You didn't do anything wrong, and neither did I. It was that weird family's fault!" Renee's anger grew as she spoke. She clenched her fists and turned to walk back.

"What are you doing?" Stefan frowned as he watched her.

"What do you think I'm doing? Someone bullied my son!" Renee growled as she picked up a stone, weighed it, then put it down. "It's not heavy enough." Then, she picked up another stone. "This one is good. You can knock someone's head with this."

Stefan's lips twitched. "Whose head do you want to knock?"

"That's none of your business." Renee held the rock, looking satisfied as she studied it.

"Tubby's family?" Stefan sighed helplessly. "Aren't you being too reckless? Please reconsider."

"They should pay for bullying my son; there's nothing reckless about it!" Renee thought about it and said, "I'm going to teach them a lesson. Take care of our children."

"Weren't you just telling your son not

to fight? How are you more hot- tempered than him?" Stefan asked, lips curved in amusement. He felt that Renee was more childish than Adie and Abby. If it wasn't for this being their children's graduation trip, he would have let her go, but right now, he didn't want her to make a scene and ruin everyone's mood.

"Yeah, Mommy. Daddy is right. Calm down. Although they bullied me just now, I resisted. Tubby and his mom are having a bad time too, and they might even have it worse than me. Let's go look for the treasure instead." Adie stepped forward to try and dissuade Renee too.

After much consideration, Renee put the rock down. "You're right, it's more important to look for the treasure. I'll teach them a lesson later."

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