Chapter 1812

"You..." Renee tightened her grip on the tree, squinting at the man below. He seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember his


"It looks like you've forgotten about me, little girl!" The man sighed dramatically, but his eyes shone with mirth. He had sharp features, brown curly hair, and light blue eyes like Renee-he looked like a typical guy from Varangia.

"You're..." Renee frowned as she tried to recall who this stranger was. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. "Are you Jamie? Is that really you, big guy?"

"Thank God you remembered-I wouldn't be able to call myself your childhood friend if you didn't!" Jamie Thatcher's smile deepened, dimpling his cheeks. He was the son of the Varangia couple who lived next door to the Everhearts, and he had grown up with Renee. Since they were of different ethnicities, he had always been taller and sturdier than Renee, leading to Renee calling him 'big guy' and him calling her little girl'.

When they were young, Jamie doted on Renee very much. He always carried her around on his back and helped her climb trees. Unfortunately, his family had to move back to their country, and Jamie had left with them. Eventually, the manor was abandoned, and Renee and Jamie lost contact.

Jamie and Renee had changed a lot since they had last seen each other. Jamie was not as plump and bear-like as before, and he looked more refined and handsome now. Renee, on the other hand, had grown from a slim and petite young girl into a tall and charming woman. Jamie had recognized her immediately, and although seeing her climbing trees brought back memories of their childhood, her transformation still amazed him.

"Big guy, when did you come back? Why didn't you come meet me?" Renee couldn't hide her excitement as she eagerly chatted with him.

"I did, but you weren't home. I had to keep waiting until I found you." Jamie raised a brow, pursing his lips. He was still trying to figure out why Renee was in the tree. "That doesn't look very comfortable. Do you need me to help you... the way I used to when we were kids?" As a child, Renee had loved climbing trees, and would always attempt to climb them no matter how tall they were. Jamie would always let Renee step on his shoulders to come down, or let her jump into his arms. If that didn't work, he would climb up the tree and bring her down. He spoiled her more than a brother would spoil their sister.

"Umm... Isn't that inappropriate?" Renee did want to leap down from the tree, but she wasn't as light as she used to be. Besides, they weren't kids anymore, so they shouldn't be getting close to each other like that.

"What's so inappropriate about it? You're still that cute little girl to me, and I don't see you any other way. Just jump-I'll catch you!" Jamie grinned, stretching his arms wide.

After a long hesitation, Renee leaped down, and Jamie caught her smoothly. He looked at the embarrassed woman in his arms and smiled charmingly. "I hope it's not too late to catch you this time."

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