Chapter 1810

"Briar?" Leia gaped at Renee in bewilderment. "Why is that wicked woman suddenly back in the picture? She just doesn't go away!" However, considering how obsessed Briar was with Stefan, Leia could picture it happening. After all, Briar had gone to extremes to meddle in Stefan and Renee's relationship, and it had made Renee and Stefan miss the chance to be with each other for many years. If Briar hadn't meddled in it, Renee and Stefan might not have gotten a divorce, and they would have been a happy family of four.

"Briar said Stefan was a normal man with desires, and since I was sick and bedridden back then, I couldn't satisfy him... which was why he went to her. " Renee explained calmly, reiterating to Leia what Briar had told her.

Surprisingly, she no longer felt pain when she spoke about it; It just sounded ridiculous, like one of those melodramatic dramas she had watched.

"Don't listen to her crap!" Leia snorted. "That scumbag wasn't the kind of man who indulged in such things-he's got good restraint. If he just wanted to satisfy his needs, he didn't have to wait until now. Is it possible that Briar had drugged him or... threatened him with something?" The novels Leia had read usually had scenes of people being drugged, and she could imagine a wicked female supporting role like Briar doing such a thing.

"He looked perfectly aware in the photo, so I don't think he was under any influence," Renee thought of the photo and said slowly.

"Then, he must have been threatened!" Leia smacked the table, her gaze intense. "Come on, let's figure it out. You were seriously ill back then, and Stefan was worried sick about you. He was trying so hard to find the cause of your poison... then he suddenly found it. How do you think he found it?"

Renee's eyes widened comically. "You're saying that..."

"I mean that Briar was the one who poisoned you, so Stefan probably negotiated with Briar to get the antidote for you. Then, Briar threatened him with it and slept with him, and recorded everything because that's the kind of scheming person she is." Leia cleverly analyzed it, then sat back with an impressed smile. "It fits perfectly, and everything makes sense now. That has to be it!"

Renee was at a loss for words. She became quiet as she pondered Leia's theory. Even though she was the one at the center of this issue, she hadn't thought about it that way. When Leia reasoned it out like that, it did sound highly plausible.

Leia took a deep breath, then asked carefully, "If what I'm saying is true, will you forgive Stefan?" If Stefan slept with Briar to save Renee, he had sacrificed his body for her. Technically speaking, he would be a victim in this too.

"I..." Renee bit her lip, looking conflicted and pained. "I don't know." She might have forced herself to ignore it if it was anybody else, but it was Briar... That woman had been entangled with Stefan for almost a decade.

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