Chapter 1798

"Mommy, why are you saying that? Did you argue with Daddy again? Did something happen to him? Why are you so sure that he won't be back?" Adie's gaze was sharp as he asked Renee.

"Umm..." Renee stalled, not knowing how to explain it.

Adie squinted at Renee and said slowly, "You must have argued with Daddy. Daddy's probably scared of coming home and facing your anger, right?"

Renee sighed deeply, and confessed, "I do want to argue with him... but the problem is that I never saw him again after he left. How can I argue with him?" It was weird. They used to be madly in love with each other, and Stefan was even willing to give up Hunt Enterprise and his life for her, but why did he no longer want to see her? Adie might be right-stefan might have figured that Renee was aware of his disloyalty and was afraid of her anger, so he was too scared to meet her.

"Mommy, ask yourself this-if Daddy appears before you now, will you be happy or mad? Will you welcome him with a hug, or will you slap him and drive him away? I think that will tell you whether he'll be back or not," Adie said wisely, having a good idea of his parents' relationship. It was unfortunate that he and Abby had such fickle parents who were either deeply in love or fighting with each other, but they had gotten used to it by now.

"Slap him?" Renee imagined what she would do if Stefan appeared in front of her. Of course she might slap him first for causing so many problems, but... If he explained himself, she might hug him. She couldn't help it-she was easily persuaded. She would willingly forgive Stefan as long as he tried to comfort her, even if he was lying.

"Mommy, I'm sure that's why Daddy is too scared to come home..." Adie carefully tried to persuade Renee, "Why don't you emai him and ask him to come home immediately? When he's back, you can decide whether you want to slap or hug him." While talking, he turned the computer screen, gesturing for Renee to reply to Stefan's email. He had confidence that his parents would resolve their conflict and be madly in love with each other again as long as they met.

"Reply?" Renee stared at Stefan's words on the computer screen for a long time, and suddenly, she was furious. She quickly typed her response and sent it.

[Don't come back for the rest of your life if you don't want to!]

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