Chapter 1778

Renee spent a few more days at Joyner Village, and it was the most relaxing time she'd had lately. She woke up early to watch the sunrise and enjoyed the sunset too. She even went out to the sea with Ava and her family sometimes, and if she was lucky, she could see dolphins and swim with them. After a while, her injured heart started to heal, and eventually, the pain had almost faded completely.

One day, she was chatting with the villagers, and heard the legend of the sea witch again. They would always mention the horrible story of an adopted son killing his entire foster family whenever they mentioned the sea witch, and Renee always wondered if the boy in the story was Quinton, her brother. Curious, she decided to go to the village her brother had stayed at because she wanted to know more about her brother's past.

However, she wasn't familiar with the area, so Jeffrey readily agreed to go with her when he found out her plan. When Cole and Ava heard that, they chose to support her even though they were worried. They made a lot of food and stuffed Renee and Jeffrey's backpacks with it.

"Garcia Village is far from here, so we packed a lot of food for you. You both can grab a bite if you're hungry on the way," Ava said kindly to Renee and Jeffrey.

"Mom, what did you make? I told you Renee doesn't like pastries, so why did you give US so many biscuits? You'd better cook some seafood for her- she likes that the best." Jeffrey fished out the buns and bread that Ava had put into their backpacks and ran into the kitchen. "Forget it, I'll cook for her." "Ah, Jeffrey..." Ava turned to look at Jeffrey, who had run into the kitchen. She sighed helplessly. "Ren, please bear with him. Jeffrey might be a little rough around the edges, but he cares about you very much. He's always seen you as his idol and only wants the best for you..."

Renee smiled. "You flatter me. I have a lot of shortcomings he doesn't know about. Once he learns about them, he'll know that I might be worse than many others." "Hey, how could you say that? You're the most brilliant person we've ever met. Even Cole and I admire you." Ava smiled, then asked Renee curiously, "Why do you suddenly want to go to Garcia Village? After that incident, the village became strange. All the people moved away except the old and weak. I heard that people who went there would sometimes come back with bad luck... So, I don't suggest you go if it isn't anything important.' The legend about Garcia Village had spread far and wide, and elders would always advise their children not to go near that village. If Renee hadn't wanted to go there, Ava would never have allowed her son to go.

"Mrs. Joyner, I'll be honest with you-my brother grew up there, so I want to check the village out and see if I can find out more about his past. That's why I have to go there," Renee said sincerely. She had only heard about her brother's past from him, but there were still many things she didn't know... like who had kidnapped Quinton from the hospital and separated him from his family?

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