Chapter 1766

Xavier paused, frowning thoughtfully. "You know, it does seem possible. Is Stefan hiding because he's no longer a true man? After all, he jumped off such a high mountain. What if a branch or something hurt his private parts? That might be the only reason a man would give up his beloved woman."

Renee rolled her eyes in exasperation. "If I were Stefan, I would poison you so you wouldn't be able to speak anymore."

I'm being serious! Sometimes the truth can be crazy!" Xavier rubbed his chin and said seriously, "I have to look into this." "And just how do you plan to do that?" "I'll get my men to look into all the fertility clinics in Beach City, especially the ones near that village. I might find some clues then." Xavier took out his phone to contact his men.

Renee sighed deeply. "What a crazy man!" Based on Renee's understanding of Stefan, the most he would do is break up with her if he couldn't have kids, he wouldn't pretend to be dead and keep hiding like this. Xavier firmly believed that Stefan was alive so Renee decided to stop looking for

Stefan. Renee would let him be and would not bother if he wanted to come back or not. She was exhausted.

That night, Renee drove to a fishing village near Beach City for some rest and time alone. The village looked shabby, but it had a beautiful view of the sea, especially at sunset. It had become a secret spot for her to heal when she was young, and no one knew about it, even Leia and the others. She would go to that village alone when she was unhappy in school or when her parents criticized her during her childhood. She even went there when she felt wronged after getting married to Stefan. She would sit on the empty cliff and watch the waves. At sunset, the clouds would be dyed a deep red, and the beautiful view always made her feel much better.

Renee arrived early in the morning, which was the busiest time in the fishing village. The fishermen always woke up early to fish. Ava Joyner saw Renee standing on the beach from afar, and excitedly hurried over to Renee as if she was her long-lost child. "Ren, when did you reach? Have you had breakfast? Why didn't you tell me you're coming? Did you forget about me?"

Renee turned around and saw Ava. Her weathered face was simple and honest, and the older lady was smiling happily. Renee smiled back and said, "It's been a while, Mrs. Joyner. I wanted to go to your place to grab a bite, but I knew that you and Mr. Joyner would come here to fish, so I decided to wait for you both over here.' Renee had indeed been waiting for Cole and Ava Joyner there. Whenever she came to the village, she would stay at their house, so she had been banking in money to them every year in return for their kindness.

"There's no need to be so formal, Ren, our house is your house too. You can come and stay with US whenever you come here..." While talking, Ava dusted off her clothes. "Come home. I won't go fishing today; I'll go back and cook a feast for you." Ava then turned to a nearby fishing boat and yelled, "Jeffrey... Jeffrey, come here! Look who's here!"

After a few minutes, a tall figure jumped off the boat and walked toward them. Under the dim morning light, Renee could see a tanned and muscular young man, his handsome features hidden beneath a wide-brimmed fisherman's hat.

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