Chapter 1759

Justin felt that though Stefan was arrogant, he was also cautious and insightful. As Stefan's enemy, he had to be on guard if Stefan was managing Hunt Enterprise, but now that Jovan was running it... it was too easy and wasn't fun anymore. He tilted his head and offered Jovan a lazy smirk. "If it wasn't for my grandpa telling US not to fight, your family would be done for." "Shut up!" Enraged, Jovan grabbed Justin's collar. "Are you testing my patience or my family's power? Do you think I wouldn't dare to do anything to you since you're in Hunt Manor?"

Justin shrugged casually. "Go ahead and do what you want. If you beat me up to vent your anger now, your grandpa will just make you apologize to me later. How humiliating would that be, hmm?" "Apologize?" Jovan scoffed. "You must be dreaming!" He raised his hand to punch Justin.

Renee had finished her chess game with Timothy, and was coming down the stairs when she saw Jovan and Justin. Her eyes widened and she shouted, "Jovan, stop!"

Jovan's fist stopped midair, and he looked back at Renee, who was slowly descending the stairs. His irritation grew as he demanded, "Did you bring this pest here?" "Yeah." Renee explained, "It was raining, so Justin drove me here because he didn't want me to get wet in the rain." "You could have gotten a cab or called me. Why did you ask him to drive you here?" Jovan calmed down as Renee explained the situation to him, but he still found it unacceptable that Renee was hanging out with a Baldwin.

"Don't be an idiot. I was with her, so of course it was easier for me to drive her here," Justin snapped as he smoothed his collar. "Plus, Ren has the right to ask anyone to drive her; it's none of your business. Who are you to her? A boyfriend? A husband? No you're just the same as me-a friend! But wait a minute... You're closer to her than me because you're her cousin-inlaw. Doesn't that mean you should be keeping a distance from her?"

Helplessness gripped Renee as she glared at Justin, who was making the situation more awkward. "Stop teasing him, Justin. He can be petty." She felt that Justin and Jovan were quite similar, but Justin was more laid-back than Jovan. Jovan was sometimes arrogant and extreme, like Stefan, so she'd probably have better luck trying to get Justin to compromise.

"I'm not petty! I just find him annoying because he's a Baldwin!" Jovan huffed unhappily. If Renee wasn't around, they would have surely gotten into a fight.

"What's wrong with my family? Grandpa said that the Hunt and Baldwin families have made peace, so the both of you should be trying to befriend each other," Renee said teasingly.

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