Chapter 1751

He must have given an order when the security guards had surrounded her and were trying to harm her. He was trying to protect her... that must be it!

"What... are you talking about? I don't understand." Victor smiled awkwardly, looking confused.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! You looked like you wanted to beat me up earlier, but now you're being humble and polite. You must have received an order from your superior..." Renee glanced at Victor's earphones and snatched them from him swiftly. Putting them on, she demanded, "Did you give an order and ask him not to hurt me? Who are you? How can you hide like this and refuse to face me?"

Her only response was silence.

Infuriated, she bellowed, "I don't care who you are, just come out and face me! What's the point of hiding like a coward? Can't w resolve our problems face-to-face? Stefan, I won't forgive you if it's you on the other end of this... You make a fool of me again and again; Do you think I won't get hurt or sad?" Despite all her grievances and complaints, there was still no response. It made her feel humiliated and embarrassed.

Victor carefully said, My earphones connect to my boss. I guess you don't know my boss..." "Is that so? I must have lost my mind then!" Defeated, Renee let go of Victor's earphones and smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry. I just came out of the hospital and there's something wrong with my brain. Just let me know the cost of whatever I destroyed, and I'll compensate you."

Harvey walked over and supported Renee, looking concerned. "Are you alright, Ms. Ren? You look pale. Did you just come out of the hospital? You should have told me. I wouldn't have brought you here if I knew you were still sick. I..."

Harvey kept on talking but his voice had started to fade into the background for Renee. Her mind was blank, and her body felt heavy. Her eyelids fluttered, and she fell forward.

"Ms. Ren! What's wrong, Ms. Ren?! Ms. Ren!"

Renee woke up in a strange place. She opened her eyes, wincing as her head throbbed and her eyes ached. She must have been too stressed out earlier.

"You're awake! Thank goodness. If you hadn't woken up, this casino would have to bear the consequences." Victor heaved a sigh of relief as he approached Renee.

"Where am I?" Renee sat up and looked around cautiously.

It was a private room that looked like a bedroom, and it looked very intimidating with its dark walls and furniture.

"This is my boss' room. He rests here sometimes when he comes over for inspections. You had fainted earlier, so my boss told me to let you rest here."

"Your boss?" Renee frowned. "Can I meet him?"

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