Chapter 1728

After putting the photos down, Briar left with a satisfied expression on her face.

Doubtful, Renee turned the photos over, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat. Her eyes widened in shock, and the blood drained from her face. They were all photos of Stefan... and he was kissing and hugging Briar in them.

"How... How could this be?" Renee whispered brokenly. It had been ages since she had felt pain like this, and it hurt even more than the heavy metal poisoning. She couldn't understand why the man she loved would do such a dirty and vulgar thing behind her back. She picked up the photos and studied them carefully for a long time. It was clear that the photos were not digitally altered, which meant that act that had indeed taken place. She has no idea when it happened though.

"No, I have to confirm this with Briar. What if it's not true?" Renee calmed herself down, knowing that there had to be more behind this. Stefan's actions proved his love for her-he was willing to give up his identity, status, and company for her sake. He had even risked his life for her, and was missing right now because of her. Stefan would never betray her, so it had to be a misunderstanding. Renee gripped the photos tightly and ran out of the ward quickly. She wanted to find Briar and get to the bottom of this, but she accidentally bumped into Leia, who was there to pick her up.

"Ouch! Are you blind? Watch where you're going! This is a hospital, you know." Leia rubbed her aching head and wanted to argue with the person who had bumped into her, but when she saw that it was Renee, she gasped. Her eyes met Renee's blue ones, and her jaw dropped. "Ren! You... You..." "Lei, you're just in time." Renee gripped Leia's shoulders and asked her urgently, "Did you see Briar? I have to talk to her!" "No, I... Can you... see now?" Leia hadn't heard what Renee said, and was still dumbstruck. She swallowed hard and said, "Your eyes are very pretty. How did you get them? It's amazing!" "That's not important. Right now, I need to find Briar... Lei, help me find Briar!" Renee's eyes were full of tears, and they were as melancholi as the ocean.

"Briar?" Leia finally focused on what Renee was saying, and immediately comforted Renee. "Ren, calm down. Briar is now a member of the board of directors of Hunt Enterprise, so it's very easy to meet her. Just take your time-your health is most important. I can go and confront her with you once you've recovered!" Although she didn't know what had happened between Renee and Briar, she knew that it must be something serious judging by Renee's reaction.

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