Chapter 1721

"Grandpa agreed to it?" Renee's eyes widened in surprise. "I thought he always hated Briar? He knows how cunning she is, so why would he risk letting her join the board of directors? Isn't he worried that Briar might lose control and ruin Hunt Enterprise?" Doubts started to pop up in Renee's mind. Had something really happened to Stefan? There was no way he would have agreed to this if he was still the backbone of the company.

"Well, you'll know in a few days."

Three days later, Renee was overwhelmed by anxiety. She knew she had to face the truth. She had thought that Stefan would come to her rescue if she waited obediently, but it looked like he might need her to save him instead. Renee had been imagining that Stefan would come to save her like a knight in fairytales, but as time went by, she realized there was no point in hoping and waiting. If she continued like this, she would only be at others' mercy. Clenching her fists, she announced, "Lisa, I'm tired and want to sleep. You can leave."

After sending Lisa off, Renee tried to think of how she could leave the manor. She felt her way to the door and grasped the doorknob, but before she could turn it, her head started to spin. She stumbled slightly, and in a matter of seconds, Renee blacked out. As she fell forward, someone quickly reached out and caught her.

Jovan held Renee up as he made a call. "We're ready. When can the surgery start?" "Bring her here. Well start the surgery right away." "Okay, we'll be right there!" Jovan drove Renee to the hospital Briar told him to go to.

Both Jovan and Briar waited outside while the doctor performed the eye surgery for Renee in the operating room. Briar looked like a different person after her glorious comeback-she was dressed professionally, and looked like a capable iron lady even with her mask on. "I had no idea your family was this affectionate. Old Mr. Hunt, Stefan, and even you risked everything for this woman. She might be blind, but I have to admit I'm rather jealous of her. She's indeed blessed." Briar really was jealous of Renee, and couldn't understand how Renee had defeated her. She had risked her life and done whatever she could to get the things she wanted, but she had never managed to get them. Renee, however, didn't have to do anything and people would automatically give her whatever she wanted. The world truly was unfair. Someone like Briar was just a nobody placed there to put the hero and heroine in the limelight; No one would see how hard Briar tried or be worried about her.

"She would do the same for US. We're willing to sacrifice ourselves because we know it's worth it. All you can see is that she's blind, but you don't see her kind and strong heart," Jovan explained sincerely. He himself still wondered why he was willing to sacrifice so much for Renee. Maybe he felt that she was kind and worthy of his sacrifices.

"Kind?" Briar snorted. "If I was born into a rich family like her, I would be kind too.'

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