Chapter 1710

Jovan smiled helplessly and shrugged. "I know that I'm just a mean little man to you. I can't hide anything from you." "No, you're not-you're just a boy who hasn't grown up yet. You're always so competitive. But... you're not a boy with any bad ideas," Timothy said honestly. Although he had stopped meddling in the affairs of Hunt Enterprise, he knew the issues between Stefan and Jovar as they competed for power. Jovan was talented and smart, but grew up in Stefan's shadow. As time went by, he found it more and more unacceptable, and would always find fault with Stefan. Even if they both gained a hundred marks in a test, Jovan would complain if his score was not written as nicely as Stefan's. Timothy didn't mind their fighting as long as Hunt Enterprise was still owned by their family, so as long as the person managing the company was capable, he would let them be.

"You flatter me." Jovan was moved as he added, "Everyone thinks I'm crafty and wicked, but you're the only other person who doesn't believe that I'm bad. It makes me feel like I'm someone with a conscience and limits."

Timothy raised his cup of tea to his lips and smiled. "Don't you have those?" "I might be bad sometimes but... I stop myself from going too far," Jovan answered sincerely. He had come up with bad ideas many times, but when it came to execution, he had never been able to do them. His cunningness had its limits.

"I'm curious about who that other person is. They must be quite insightful to see the real you," Timothy said curiously.

"Oh, she... You know her too. I came today to ask for your help, and it's related to her," Jovan admitted.

Timothy's exhaustion ebbed away because of Jovan's words, and his curiosity grew. "Who is it?" "Do you still remember Renee, your granddaughter-in-law?" "Oh, Renee! Of course, I remember her!" Timothy's calmness turned into agitation when he heard Renee's name. "How is she?

"Ah... Stefan let me down. He didn't treat her well and lost her..." "Can you give me her number if you have it? I think it's about time for me to talk to her. Every time I think about the past, I remember her. I want to talk to her and play chess with her like old times." After Stefan and Renee got a divorce many years ago, the Hunt family hid many things from Timothy because of his old age and heart condition. Hence, Timothy felt that Renee must be angry at Stefan because she had not appeared after a long time or contacted him. She might have even found a new man and led a happy life. Naturally, Timothy felt that he could not disturb her. However, when Jovan mentioned Renee, Timothy's memories of her flooded his mind, and he couldn't stop missing her.

"She's not very well and is in some kind of trouble. I think you might be the only one who can help her as the chairman of Hunt Enterprise." Jovan clenched his fists, sounding serious.

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