The Ultimate Husband
Chapter 5681

Chapter 5681 "How dare you still defend yourself!" Ambrose's gaze was bloodshot as he roared the words, "There were only the two of you in the room, who else could it have been? I'm going to have your head for hurting my Heather." Ambrose had lost all sense of logic then, raising a hand to cast a blow in Veron's direction.

Buzz! The blow was one channeled out of pure rage and hatred, hurtling through the air and constricting the atmosphere of the room.

Veron was still in bed and could not dodge the blow at all as she screamed,

"Ambrose Darby, you madman..." Amidst her fury, Veron was also unspeakably panicked. 3 How had Heather gotten injured in her room? Veron had no way of defending herself; was she going to die right here? At the same time, Darryl and Chester's expressions shifted as well.

Following that, Darryl swooped in front of Ambrose. He lifted a hand, vanishing Ambrose's move completely.

"Ambrose. Calm yourself," Darryl took a deep breath, speaking in a consoling manner.

Ambrose stopped short. He seemed to be thrown off guard by the fact that his father would have blocked him, and

said, "She hurt Heather, Father. I can't forgive her for something like that." As he spoke, Ambrose glowered ferociously at Veron.

Darryl took a deep breath. "Calm down, Ambrose. Miss Veron hasn't even recovered from that blow she cast at you in the main hall. How could she have the strength to hurt Heather to such an extent?" Darryl's expression was nothing but serious as she spoke.

He could clearly sense that Heather's heart vein had been shattered, something that Veron would not be capable of doing in her current state.

As the words rang through the air,

Chester and the rest nodded in agreement as well.

i "He's right, Ambrose. Please think about it." we'd never hurt innocent people, would we? Let's not run the risk of doing that tonight." "Listen to your father, Ambrose. Don't be rash." Ambrose eventually calmed down after listening to everyone, and he looked at Darryl. "Who would the killer be if she didn't do it?" Darryl took a deep breath, his expression darkening. "I'm not too sure myself. Someone must have broken with the intent of causing friction between the Elysium Gate and the Langes."

As he spoke, Darryl ¢ alled out to the pupils outside. "Quick, seal off all entrances of the Begonia Residence \ and do a thorough sweep of the grounds." "Yes, Brother Darryl!" The pupils called out in response, calling upon more people to shut all the entrances going into the Begonia Residence before launching a thorough search. Yet what they did not know was that Antigonus had already left.

Just then, in the room.

Ambrose bent down to scoop Heather into his arms, tears rolling down his cheeks once again at the sight of her frail body.

The next second, Ambrose looked at Darryl expectantly. "Heather's life is at

risk, Father. You must think of away to save her." Darryl nodded, his chest aching with grief as he said to Ambrose, "I'm going to protect her heart vein at the moment with my divine power. That'll keep her safe for three days. But her condition isn't looking good, and the only thing we can do is take her to the Divine Dragon Clan." The only way to bring a shattered heart I vein back to life was with Dragon Essence and Phoenix Pill.

Both pills were said to have long been obscure, but the Dragon Essence came from the Divine Dragon Clan and they might have another way of saving her.

"Alright, alright!"

Ambrose nodded hurriedly at the words. "We'll head to the Divine Dragon Clan this very instant." He ! would be willing to do whatever it took just to save his Heather.

Darryl nodded, before turning to look at Veron. "You should probably stay in the Begonia Residence until we find the killer. It's not a good idea for you to leave right now." Darryl was doing so to protect Veron's safety.

Yet Veron did not seem to think that, and her brows wrinkled as she said in a displeased tone, "Why should I do that? I'm not guilty in the slightest, you have no right to hold me captive." At her response, Darryl, Chester and the rest sighed to themselves in

I exasperation.

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