The Ultimate Husband
Chapter 5656

Chapter 5656

Archfiend Antigonus' attack landed squarely in Jacob's chest, just as he was stunned. He

heard a rumble and flew away before he could react.

He was thrown backward for over a hundred meters before crashing into a massive


"Dad!" Graham could not help but yell when he saw that scene. He wanted to check on

Jacob's condition, but his hands and legs were tied. He could not even stand up.

At that moment, Jacob slowly stood up, swaying. His face was pale. He spat a mouthful of

blood. He looked at Archfiend Antigonus with stunned in his eyes.

He could feel that Archfiend Antigonus' attack had broken his heart veins.

At that moment, Jacob no longer had any abilities to battle.

"You—" Stunned and angry, Jacob looked at Archfiend Antigonus. He wanted to say

something, but the moment he opened his mouth, he spat another mouthful of blood.

Archfiend Antigonus’ eyes shimmered coldly. He said to Jacob, "If I didn't have the

confidence to kill you, why would I lead you here?"

While saying, he approached Jacob quickly.

"You-" Jacob tried to calm himself down as he saw him closing in on him, but he could not

help but shudder. "Who are you?"

As the elder of the Wudang Sect, Jacob could clearly sense Archfiend Antigonus' sinister

powers. It was not affiliated with any sect.

Archfiend Antigonus smiled sinisterly. "Anyway, you're about to die. I'll tell you then. I

don't belong here. My real name is Archfiend Antigonus. I'm the supreme leader of the

fiend race."


Jacob was taken aback when he heard that. In his mind, an explosion seemed to have

gone off.

He was the supreme leader of the fiend race?


Archfiend Antigonus no longer bothered to deal with him.

He raised his right hand. The Power of the Fiend Soul condensed into a red light beam,

aiming for Jacob's heart.

The beam of blood-red light was as quick as a laser. Jacob could not avoid it in time. A light

sound was heard, and his heart was punctured. The blood continued to flow.


Graham noticed the scene from a distance. His eyes had turned bright red. He could not

help but cry out.

Jacob felt the energy in his body quickly dissipate. When he heard his son call out for him,

he bitterly smiled and said weakly, "Graham, I am sorry I couldn't save you-"

Before he could finish his last word, Jacob fell backward, dead.


Seeing his father dying before him, Graham lost it. He yelled toward the skies. His eyes

reddened. His tears fell.

Graham then locked his gaze on Archfiend Antigonus. "You killed my father. I am going to

cut you up into pieces." Due to the distance, Graham did not hear Archfiend Antigonus

reveal his identity to Jacob. At the time, he only knew that the person who murdered his

father was his adversary.

Archfiend Antigonus sneered with arrogance. "You're a man about to die, yet you dare to

say such bold words?"

Then, he swiftly rushed toward Graham and raised his leg. Graham felt immense pain, and

he was kicked a few dozen meters backward. He landed on the ground like soft mud.

Graham struggled and tried to stand up, but he was in immense pain. He could feel that

all his ribs were broken. His meridian was also heavily injured.

At that moment, Graham was sad and angry at the same time.

His father was dead, yet he could not avenge him.

"Graham!" Archfiend Antigonus had a mischievous look. He said coldly, "You're going to

die anyway; I don't mind telling you that I was the one who killed Zenyi. Back then, when

you passed out in the room, I also poisoned you."

Graham's face instantly turned pale when he heard that. He fixed his gaze on Archfiend

Antigonus. "It was your fault. I had a feeling something was wrong with you."

He was outraged when he said that. At the same time, he was secretly trying to relax.

Archfiend Antigonus was too powerful. If he wanted to seek revenge, he had to ensure he

stayed alive.

Graham quickly scanned his surroundings as a result of that thought. He realized there

was a pit in the ground two meters away. Due to geography and climate, pangolins lived in

the land surrounding the Lange family manor. As a result, pangolin burrows could be found

almost anywhere.

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