The Ultimate Husband
Chapter 120

Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 120 – “Dad, what are you talking about? When

did I ever want to…” Yvonne stomped her feet, her face flushed.

Although she outwardly said so, she could not help Darryl’s images floating inside her mind. It was

challenging to know what Darryl was thinking. He always surprised everyone. According to people, he

was pure trash; a cowardly, useless person. Yet, the Darryl that she knew was as mysterious as the

ocean. With him, she felt safe.

Strange… Why would she have such weird thoughts? She blushed.

After leaving the house, Lily parked the car at the supermarket entrance.

“Darryl, why don’t you send Jade home?” Lily asked. “I’ll get some groceries to make you dinner tonight.

’Make me dinner?!’ Daryl thought, shockingly. For the past three years, it had always been him making

dinner for them. He had never imagined Lily to be the one cooking for him.

“Sure, sure!” Darryl nodded, driving away after seeing Lily enter the supermarket.

The two of them remained in the car. Seeing that Jade had become awkward, Darryl laughed it off. “

Don’t be nervous. I don’t bite.”

“No, I’m not nervous,” she whispered, placing her hands between her thighs awkwardly. He did not bite,

but she was still afraid of him.

The other night at the Moonlit River, she saw— with her own eyes—Samson Facey, Harry’s godfather,

bowing down to Darryl. Today, he even scolded Felix Blakely through the phone.

Jade regretted having disdained Darryl in the past by making him do her laundry. Who would have

known that he had such patience?

“I know you’re Lily’s best friend,” Darryl spoke, “ since the start of our marriage, I know you treat her well

with your whole heart. You always thought of her whenever there was something good. Look, I’d like to

share some good news with you.”

Darryl glanced at her. “I’m about to start up a real estate company,” he continued. “I’d like to hire you as

the chairman.”

“R-really?” A happy and excited grin formed on Jade’s face.

Darryl smiled and nodded in return.

He had done his research. Currently, the two best industries to invest in were the entertainment industry

and the real estate industry. In the next ten years, these industries foresee stable growth. Since

consumers nowadays would spend all their money on their idols, the entertainment industry had its

potential. But, he already owned Platinum Corporation, along with its successful shows featuring famous

superstars. Therefore, it was time to invest in the real estate industry.

Darryl knew that Felix Blakely was doing quite well with his real estate business. Since Felix wanted to

develop his business outside the province, Darryl did not want to create any further conflict. He knew that

some land beside Donghai City was to be used for underground stations. Once Darryl established the

real estate company, he would buy the land before construction. He would make some good money

while they built the underground stations.

To establish a real estate company, Darryl needed a trusted chairman. Although Jade was a woman, she had experience working in real estate, and she currently worked for an interior design company. Therefore, she was more than qualified to be the chairman.

“Your salary will be five times higher than the usual market rate,” Darryl waved his hand as he spoke.

Jade was shocked. Five times higher?

“Thank you! Thank you, Daddy Darryl! ” Jade excitedly chirped with joy. All she wanted to do was give a

kiss to this man she claimed as her ‘Daddy’ after offering her such a fantastic job.

“No problem. I do have one condition,” Darryl interrupted, “I’m paying extra because you’re always with

Lily. From now onwards, if Lily faces any problems, you’ll update me immediately.”

“Your daughter promises to complete her mission!” Jade gushed cheekily.


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