The Transfer
Chapter 62 - The Office

"Good morning, Ali. Glad to have you back. Training is no fun without you to make fun of,” Quo greeted me with his arm around my shoulders as we walked. I laughed at him and nodded my head. "You should just make fun of Lucas. It's much funnier,” I said as I looked to my side where Lucas was walking next to me. He playfully punched me in the side as he tried to stop himself from smiling.

I had felt much better. The fact that I spoke about my father the day before made me feel a lot better. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Then, when Lila, Brayleigh and Cass came along after lunch, they sat with me and they talked about it. They were all understanding, even though Cass and Brayleigh hadn't lost any parents. They let me tell them what was on my mind and I felt ten times better instantly.

"So, today I want to take the group out for a bit of a run. Get you all running around, see if you can all kill a deer or some rabbit,” Quo said as we reached the group. I nodded my head as he slipped his arm off my shoulders and walked over to where Alfie was standing

I assumed he was going to be joining us today. I was excited. I had missed Alfie and Quo, I had missed all of them.

Sure, I was still upset about my father, but I knew the only thing he would have wanted was for me to be happy and to move on. I had a giant group of friends who were supporting me and I couldn't have asked for more.

But since we concluded that there were traitors inside Terialta, Liam and I figured that I needed to speak to my brothers about it. I was going to do it this morning, after training, but then I figured that I wanted Liam to be there with me. I wanted him and I to call them together.

"Good morning kids... Quo it looks like you're one short," Alfie greeted my group as he approached us. I looked around, and noticed immediately that Veronica wasn't around.

"She informed me this morning that's she was busy helping her Dad or something like that,” Quo told him. Alfie nodded and then cleared his throat as he looked at me.

"Good to have you back, kiddo," Alfie told me. I smiled and nodded my head at him as Lila nudged my arm. I smiled down at her.

"Alright everyone, get to sniffing. You all can't kill anything while you're all skin and bone,” Quo demanded from us. Everyone nodded and started to strip down their clothes.

Lila grabbed my hand and motioned for me to follow her. Neither of us liked getting undressed in front of everyone. I especially hated it because Anthony was in my group. He was always watching.

I had barely seen him since I returned, but he was healed from his broken hand. I hadn't gotten in trouble for it, so I assumed that Henry let me off.

Lila and I shifted behind the bushes and then came out to join the group again. I walked up to Lucas and playfully nipped at his back feet. He growled lowly at me to tell me not to do it again. I cackled at him and nudged him with my head.

My beast stretched herself out. She'd been cooped up for so long. It felt good to finally let her out. "Let's go. Head East,” Quo said through the group link we had. Everyone turned and followed Quo out into the forest.

We all ran fast and hard through the trees. It was relieving to finally get a good run. It wasn't often that my beast was actually allowed to come out and play. Shaking out her fur was like stretching after not moving for so long

After everyone in the group had killed a few rabbits each, we turned and headed back. The run back to the base wasn't as energetic as the previous one, as everyone's stomachs were full. But I didn't mind. It was like therapy to get back out into the forest again.

It felt good.

"Great job today, everyone. We'll be back to our normal training tomorrow," Quo told us all as people began to shift back into their skin. Lila and I shifted back behind the bushes again and then came out to join Lucas and Quo who were talking together.

As I walked, I caught Anthony's eye. He was staring at me intensely, a fiery gaze in his eyes. Yet, he still looked like he was passionate towards me. I shuddered under his stare and looked away.

"Is that pervert staring at you?" Lucas growled out. I shook my head, lying to him.

"Nope," I lied. I knew Lucas would turn around and have a go at Anthony. I didn't need them getting into an argument when I was already tempted to get into one myself.

"I swear, the day I get my hands around his throat..." Lucas trailed off as he shook his head. I nudged his arm playfully.

"How's your lover boy?" Quo asked me teasingly as we walked away from the group. Lila giggled from next to me. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I haven't walked in on them doing anything freaky lately, so he must be sick or something," Lucas piped up. Quo and Lila burst out laughing as my cheeks heated up with embarrassment.

"Shut up. He's fine," I scolded as I punched Lucas hard in the gut. He winced but then broke out into a grin.

"I bet he's real fine,” Quo teased. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Lucas and Quo split from me and I walked with Lila. Brayleigh and Cass were still doing their training and I assumed they wouldn't be finished until later.

"I'm going to go take a shower. I'll catch up with you a little later," Lila told me. I smiled and nodded at her as she headed off towards her cabin. I headed in the direction of the pack house. I wanted to see Liam.

As I walked, some of the younger wolves of the pack greeted me with smiles and waves. It was welcoming to be greeted by the younger wolves and I enjoyed the feeling it gave me; that they valued me enough to say hello.

I walked down the hallway, following Liam's scent to his office. Apparently his office had been moved downstairs and was on the first floor. I had a feeling that it had something to do with Henry being pissed at Liam.

Liam was starting to stand up to Henry more. I was sure that Henry was scared. Liam could take over. I knew he could. He was red hot and if my suspicions about Henry were right, Liam would be pissed and he would take down Henry.

I knocked on Liam's door and then pushed it open. I stepped inside and sighed as I saw Veronica. Had she seriously skipped training just to be with Liam? My mate?

"Working hard or hardly working?" I asked them both with a small smile. Liam sat back in his seat and groaned as he shook his head. He looked stressed. It probably didn't help that Veronica was around. Why was she anyway?

"There's so much paperwork. You wouldn't believe it," Liam told me. I smiled sincerely at him as I walked into the room and looked quizzically at all the paperwork on his desk and the piles of papers of the floor. He really was busy.

"Can you two just... stay here for a moment? I need to go to the bathroom, maybe splash some water on my face or something," Liam asked as he got up. He rubbed his eyes, his fatigue showing. I nodded at him as he walked around his desk and came towards me. He kissed my cheek as he passed me and then left the room.

I walked over to the window where I looked out at all the people who were training and walking around. I liked this office better than Liam's other one. His other one didn't have much life in it. This one was much better.

"I don't know what game you're playing at here, Grey, but I don't like it," Veronica said. I raised my eyebrows as I turned around and faced her. She stood with her hands on her hips.

She didn't look impressed.

"Excuse me?" I cocked my head at her. She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes. Veronica took a step towards me.

"He's mine and you're trying to take him. It's a real skanky thing to do," Veronica spat out. I frowned at her. She was talking crazy.

"Are you insane, Veronica? I'm his true mate, you're a potential bond mate. There's nothing between you two anymore, and I'm sorry about it," I told her. Veronica scowled at me, a dark look in her eyes. She looked like she was going to murder me. I wanted to wipe that look off her face.

"I met him first. We were going to mark each other and we were going to be together for the rest of our lives until you came along and ruined everything. Don't you see? How much trouble have you caused since you've been here? How many times have you upset him since you arrived?" Veronica sneered at me. She was seething anger.

"I understand. But he's not yours anymore, Veronica. It doesn't matter who he met first. It's him and I now, not you and him anymore,” I said sternly. My beast was starting to get worked up. This female was crazy.

Liam was mine. Him and I belonged to each other and everyone knew it. We were true mates and I wasn't going to let him go just because of Veronica's crush on him.

"He is mine! You're just being a bitch about it! I would expect for you to know not to steal mates, but judging by your upbringing, it actually doesn't surprise me anymore," Veronica retorted. She took a step closer to me and growled lowly. I frowned even more at her.

"You're just jealous because you don't have someone worthy to fuck anymore," I hissed at her. Veronica acted so fast that I didn't have time to stop her. She lunged at me, and sent us both tumbling through the window I was standing in front of.

The glass shattered and broke into a million little pieces. I felt shards pricking at my skin, but I didn't care.

She was fighting me for my male. She wanted Liam.

My skin burned. It burned red hot with anger. She was so going to get a beating.

I hit the ground with Veronica pinning me down. But I flipped her onto her back and I punched her hard in the jaw. Her head snapped to the side, and I saw the blood on the glass next to her mouth.

I hit her again, and she cried out. "He's not yours!" She yelled at me. I growled at her and punched again.

We both began rolling around on the ground, punching and scratching each other. But Veronica wasn't getting many hits in. I laid blow after blow to her face, bloodying and bruising it up.

She punched me in the mouth and took me by surprise. She flipped me over onto my back and punched me in the nose. I winced slightly at the pain and felt her claws tear into the side of my neck.

The blood was cold on my hot skin and it fuelled my anger. I lifted my leg and kicked her so hard in the stomach that I winded her and sent her flying across the dirt.

She tumbled and rolled before she came to a stop. We both got up fast, growling at each other deeply. She clenched her fists and came at me again. I kicked her in the side and sent her back into the dirt.

She grabbed my foot and pulled it out from under me. I fell, and twisted my body so I could kick her in the chest as I went down. She gasped and I thudded on the ground.

I went for her again. I wanted her throat. I wanted her blood.

I punched her in the nose, and blood flowed immediately. She gasped for air as I went for her throat.

I felt hands grab me around my waist and then pull me back. I flew through the air and tumbled along the dirt. When I looked up, I noticed it was Ezra who had pulled me away.

"What have you done?" He exclaimed to me, his eyes wide with worry. I shook my head at him, trying to get rid of the rage.

"She tried to kill me!" Veronica yelled out for everyone to hear. I got up to my feet as she did the same and I wiped the blood from my mouth.

"You pushed me out a damn window, you crazy lunatic!" I shouted at her as I went for her again. Arms wrapped around my middle and held me back.

"Who are you calling crazy, you dirty whore?" She shouted back at me. She went for me again also, but Ezra got her in time to pull her back and keep her from trying to kill me.

"Me? Whore? Says the girl who's frolicking around with my mate!" I hissed out. She let out a frustrated snarl and tugged at Ezra again. I struggled against the grip of whoever was holding me. "You have got to be fucking joking me! You again, Grey? God damnit!" I heard a shout. I looked up to see Henry and Liam rushing my way.

"I did nothing! She attacked me! Pushed me through the window!" I cried out in protest. I knew he wouldn't believe me. But he had to. It was the truth.

"No, Dad, she tried to kill me because I was with Liam in his office. I swear, I didn't do anything!" Veronica argued. Henry looked between the two of us and then shook his head and sighed.

"Get her out of my sight before I do something I regret, immediately!" Henry shouted, motioning his hand to me carelessly. Liam rushed forwards instantly and took me from the arms holding me. He grabbed me and tore me away, leading me out into the forest.

I knew I was in serious trouble.

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