The Transfer
Chapter 40 - Run It Out

"Liam!" I gasped as I sat up fast. I held a hand to my chest as my heart beat fast and hard. I struggled to catch my breath. I panted hard and couldn't control the shakiness of my body.

I covered my face in my hands, trying to stop myself from crying. But the tears came anyway. I cried and worked myself up until I felt Liam's arms wrap around me.

"Hey... it's okay. I'm here,” Liam mumbled into my ear as he pulled me close. He engulfed me in his warm and comforting arms. I shook in his embrace.

Liam held me until I stopped crying. He was first to pull away. He looked down at me and pulled my hair out my face and tucked it behind my ears.

I started to cry again as I looked up at him. I had dreamt about him. I had dreamt that he was being killed by rogues. It was one of the worst dreams

I had had so far.

"They tore your throat out!" I sobbed to him. Liam forced a sad smile and leaned forwards. He kissed my forehead and wiped the tears from under my eyes. I felt the pain that his beast was feeling for me.

"It's okay. I'm okay. We're all okay," Liam assured me softly. I nodded at him and gulped, swallowing the lump in my throat. I looked away from him and outside. The sun was rising.

I had been crying for hours.

"Do you want to go for a run?" He asked me. I turned my head to him and nodded. A run would clear my mind. Liam pulled back the blankets and helped me out of bed.

Liam and I found clothes in our bags. Liam left the room so I could change and when he walked back in, he had changed too. He wore black shorts and a grey hoodie. He had pulled on sneakers whilst he was outside too.

"You okay?" He asked me softly as he took my hand and pulled me to my feet. I nodded at him and pulled my hair back into a ponytail before he left the room.

Liam and I walked slowly down the hallway and to the front door. None of the others were awake and I was glad. I didn't need them seeing me in such a miserable state.

Liam lead me towards a track where we started to run together. Liam matched my quick pace easily and I followed him around the track. He knew his way reasonably well around the area and I didn't doubt that he knew where he was going.

After a while, Liam and I came to a stop. The trail was particularly long and we must've been about halfway. I hoped that we were anyway.

I rested upon a large boulder in the ground and leaned against it. The snow made everything a million times colder, but I was sweating enough that I wasn't cold at all. Liam panted hard and I did the same.

"This track goes forever!" I breathed out. Liam chuckled and nodded at me. The snow wasn't thick enough for us not to be able to go on runs yet, but I had a feeling that it would get pretty thick by Christmas Day.

Christmas was actually only a few days away and I couldn't wait. I loved Christmas. It was always so happy and joyful.

"The best one in the territory, undoubtedly,” Liam huffed out. He walked over and shrugged his eyebrows at me. I offered a small smile as I finally caught my breath.

Liam put two hands either side of me and pinned me to the rock. His breath was hot and fanned against my face. I smiled at him, looking straight at his wonderfully plump and sweet lips.

We had shared our first kiss the night before and I remembered it perfectly. It was the most perfect and amazing kiss ever. It would have been better if Lila and Lucas hadn't interrupted.

Liam cupped my face with his hand and then kissed me. His lips were warm despite the cold weather and his hands were warmer. His body radiated heat and his veins hummed. He smelled delicious.

We moved our mouths against each other in perfect synchronisation. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, twirling strands of his hair around one of my fingers.

When his tongue flicked across my bottom lip, I teased him by not parting my lips. He grunted and held me more aggressively, pushing his pelvis up against mine. I giggled into his mouth as he flickered his tongue across my lip again.

I kept my mouth closed and he growled. "Don't test me, sugar. You won't win."

I giggled some more and parted my lips from him. His tongue was quick to meet mine. They danced with each other and sent shivers down my spine. He tasted wonderful and I wanted more.

I felt his stiffness against my inner thigh and moaned into his mouth. I wanted to give into him badly, and it was getting harder to resist him, but I knew that I had to. I couldn't give in yet. I wasn't ready. It wasn't time.

"Where are you?" Lila's voice popped into my head and I groaned. I pushed Liam back gently and he didn't argue. He licked his lips and stared down at me.

"On a run with Liam. Why?" I replied. I scratched my head and waited for her response. Liam stared at me quizzically and let his fingers brush against my skin gently. He was so soft and fragile with me. I adored it.

"You should come back now. We've made breakfast and we plan to leave for shopping soon,” Lila told me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. She had interrupted Liam and I again!

"We're on our way," I said.

I looked at Liam again and he chuckled. He kissed my lips quickly and then grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the rock. We ran the rest of the way back to the house.

When we got back, I took a shower. Liam jumped in straight after me and I headed down to our room to change into better clothes.

I pulled on black jeans and a deep blue hoodie. It smelt like Liam because it was technically his hoodie. But I liked it more than he did.

I sat on the end of the bed and began to pull on my shoes. There was a knock before the door to the room opened. Liam poked his head inside and smiled at me. He stepped into the room and I gawked.

He only had a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping wet and his body was damp. I drooled.

Liam shut the door behind him and walked over to his bags. He picked out some clothes, a shirt and hoodie with some blue shorts. He turned around to face me and then winked as he walked over to the bed. He placed his clothes next to me.

"That hoodie looks way better on you than it does on me,” Liam told me and he tugged at the hoodie. I shook my head at him.

"Nope. Blue looks real good on you," I objected. Liam chuckled as shook his head at me.

"I look way better naked," he said cockily. I rolled my eyes but didn't argue. He probably looked incredible naked. My beast agreed. "You better look away unless you want to catch a glimpse of something.”

I covered my eyes and heard the sound of Liam's towel hitting the floor. I heard shuffling and waited for Liam to tell me that it was okay for me to look again. I wanted to sneak a peek, but I knew he'd more than likely catch me looking and call me out for it.

"Look now if you dare," Liam said, teasing me. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand away. He was dressed now and he looked good. I stood and he grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

He was fast. I could tell he was eager to be closer to me now. Was it the kiss? Had it sparked something more intimate between us?

Liam kissed me gently and then pulled away. He winked and tugged me towards the door. I followed and sighed as we left the room. I wanted to stay with Liam and kiss and talk all day. "Morning, lovebirds,” Lucas greeted as Liam and I walked into the room. He was cooking and the others were sat at the table already eating. They all looked up at us and grinned.

"Was it chilly out there this morning?" Leon asked. I nodded and sat down next to Lila. Liam pulled up a chair beside me.

"Very. But it wasn't so bad once we broke a sweat," I replied. Lila giggled and I kick her foot under the table.

"Yeah, I bet," Lucas hissed out. I rolled my eyes at him as he plated up food to Liam and I before taking a seat across from us. "You two kept me up for ages with your pathetic moans and stupid giggles—"

Liam cut Lucas off with a loud growl that made me laugh. Cass scoffed and punched Lucas’ arm. He rolled his eyes and shut his mouth.

"Shut up, Lucas. You don't know anything,” Leon hissed at his twin. Lucas shot back a nasty glare and it made Lila laugh.

"So we're going to go shopping with gran and the girls. All of our aunties are coming along too. The boys are staying here. Something about wanting to get a piece of Liam's ass," Lila explained to me. I nodded at her and began to eat. I was annoyed that I was going to be apart from Liam for so long and that I wasn't going to be able to watch him spar with his uncles.

Apparently they had a large barn about five minutes from the cabins. Supposedly, it was used for trainings during the winter. Liam had told me about it this morning wile we were on our run. "Sounds fun. I can't wait," I said through a mouthful of food. Liam nudged my arm playfully and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I bet you uncle Christian is going to try and tear into my ass again. He kicks my butt every year," Lucas huffed out. I couldn't help but laugh at his state. It was also surprising to hear him admit that his uncle bested him in all the fights they had.

"I heard they're all going to lay a beating into us. I look forward to it. I've gotten a lot better since last year," Leon said cheerily. I laughed at this.

"I've never heard someone get so excited about an ass beating before,” I told him honestly. He shrugged and me and Liam snorted from beside me.

"He's used to it now. With me and Cass laying into him all the time, it's normal for him," Liam said, giving his brother a playful look. Leon narrowed his eyes at Liam and growled. Cass giggled and nodded.

"I can agree with that,” Cass said, smirking. She looked proud and I didn't blame her. Leon was strong and although I hadn't sparred with him yet, I knew he would be a tough competition

"I wonder if they'll get you to kick some ass, Ali," Lila nudged me. Liam shook his head.

"I'd volunteer Nathan for that fight," Liam growled out. I giggled and squeezed his leg under the table. I would like to give Nathan a good ass kicking. He seemed like he needed it.

Lila and I scarfed down our breakfast and then left the house to head towards Darcy and Al's house. I looked forward to the day ahead. I was excited to get to know the females of Liam's family. There weren't necessarily many of them and I was excited to be apart of that group of females.

When Lila and I arrived at Darcy's house, everyone was already outside waiting. There were two cars out the front already running. The engines purred softly as they warmed up in the snow.

"Morning ladies," Blu greeted Lila and I as she came forwards. She hugged the both of us and rubbed our cheeks together. I felt warm and safe with the females that I were with and I liked the feeling.

"Hello girlies. I hope you've both got your walking shoes on because this trip always takes a while,” Darcy said with a sincere smile. I returned the gesture and nodded at her.

Darcy, Lila, Hallie and I got into the first car. The others got into the second car and we started driving immediately. It was early, maybe about ten. I assumed that it would be a reasonably long drive before we made it to the shopping centre.

"How about you and Liam? You two made up yet?" Darcy piped up. Lila snorted and rolled her eyes. "More like made out. They wouldn't shut up last night,” Lila snarled, shooting me an angry glare before winking at me to ensure that I know she's joking.

I laughed and shoved her shoulder despite the heat appearing in my cheeks

"Well yes, we talked about it and it's fine now," I said with a nod regardless of what Lila has just said. The two women nodded at me.

"You're doing a lot of good things for him, sweetheart. You're pushing him to be better. He needs that,” Hallie told me. I nodded back at her, knowing what she meant.

Liam was letting people push him around. But that had to stop. He had to realise what he was. Who he was.

"That boy is incredible. His veins hum with such a loud buzz that some times I even get a little choked up. But when his parents passed, he lost all of that spark. He lost a piece of him that was important, and I like to think that you're bringing it back,” Hallie explained. I looked over at Lila, and she nodded at me.

"All we're saying darling, is keeping doing what you're doing."

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