Chapter 325

The atmosphere in the office was tense even after Elder Master Goldmann had left. Nolan pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his drawer. It had been a long time since he last smoked, but he did not know why he had an urge to smoke right now. He clasped the cigarette between his lips and lit it up with a lighter.

He rose to his feet and walked up to the floor-to-ceiling window. He took a long drag and held the cigarette between his fingers.

It went without saying that he hated those people who had killed his mother to the core. However, had it not been for his great grandfather, his mother wouldn't have gotten caught up in it

Even if the de Arma family was the main culprit, he knew that Maisie had nothing to do with them.

He allowed himself to get drowned in his own memories while the cigarette continued to bum in between his fingers. He tapped ash into the ashtray, and he figured that he should keep this matter a secret from Maisie.

Rowena was splashing herself with cold water to calm herself down inside the restroom.

No one would know about the thing that had happened that year: As long as she kept quiet, nobody would know about it. It had nothing to do with her...

"Help me!"

However, the scene was so vividly clear it was as if it had only happened yesterday.

The scene when Natasha had asked her to save her, the two men who had taken her away, and the tattoos on the back of their hands. She still remembered it clearly. It was 'his' people back then who.. Rowena had been there at that time. She could have saved Natasha from those two men, but she had flinched and backed away because she wanted nothing to do with it....

She had been afraid of being expelled from the Night Banquet because of this matter. She had not wanted Titus or Nolan to be disappointed in her, so she had chosen to tell lies and hide the truth. As a result, they had missed the best timing to save Nolan's mother. 1

That man had also come to her because of this.

That evil, vicious, scary man. He had come up to her and said, "You've seen everything that happened that year, right, Rowena? But it doesn't matter. Had it not been for you, we wouldn't have gotten the opportunity as well."

Rowena's face was ashen pale in the mirror.

Suddenly, a staff member patted her shoulder, causing her to jump up in shock and her face to become even paler.

The female staff member was startled by her reaction as well. Looking at her complexion, she asked, "Ms. Summers, are you not feeling well?"

Rowena took a deep breath and offered her a stiff smile. "Yeah, I'm a little bit under the weather, but I'm fine now."

There was a surge of complicated emotions in Rowena's eyes when she got out of the restroom. Nolan hated what happened to his mother back then, so she could never let anyone know that it had anything to do with her.

'That's right. Mrs. Goldmann's death has nothing to do with me. Since they all thought it was the doing of the de Arma family, then so be it. It has nothing to do with me at all!'

#Breaking news: The identity of the mystery woman who met with Helios has been revealed to be Maisie Vanderbilt, the fiancée of Mr. Goldmann.#

#E-news headlines: According to an insider, Maisie Vanderbilt is Zora, the top jewelry designer. She is suspected of having a child out of wedlock, and the father of the child is unknown.#

Another breaking piece of news went viral again on the Internet in the afternoon. Some of the sharp-eyed netizens noticed that the kid in the photo was the little girl who played Helios' daughter in the show. Some netizens revealed that the two children in the show were twins, and they suspected that they were related to Maisie.

As for the father of the two children, a lot of the netizens suspected that it was related to the previous rumor that stated Mr. Goldmann had already gotten married in secret and had two children. Besides that, they were pretty certain that the two children who appeared with Mr. Goldmann were the two rising child stars.

However, a large number of netizens did not buy it. All of them swarmed into Waylon and Daisie's Facebook page and showered them with all sorts of nasty remarks.

#You don't have a father, right? Gee, that's sad#

#They aren't Mr. Goldmann's kids. Mr. Goldmann hasn't announced that he has children, right? I'm sure she had the kids with a stranger, and now she's trying to make Helios their father.#

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