Chapter 2628

Leah was stunned and shook her head.

"So, how can you explain this? I'm sure there is more than one restaurant in Bassburgh, right?"

Leah shrugged. "But there aren't many high-end restaurants in Bassburgh either."

Morrison chortled and asked, "Then can't you pick another restaurant with a lower ranking?"

"Well, it doesn't matter since I already know your name now." Leah smiled. After that, she turned around and left.

Morrison clicked his tongue, feeling he had been taken advantage of.

Waylon drove the car over and locked the door after Cameron got in. Morrison went to the passenger seat and knocked on the window when he couldn't open the door. "What are you doing?"

Waylon looked at him and smiled. "We still have another date left, so you're on your own now."

"What? You-"

Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, Waylon stepped on the accelerator and drove the car away.

Morrison looked at the car that was disappearing from his vision and snorted exasperatingly. 'He didn't think I was a nuisance earlier, and now he thinks I am? Hmph! Men, they're all the same." Morrison stood with his hands on his waist and watched as Leah entered her car. While she was putting on her seatbelt, the door to the passenger seat was opened, and Morrison entered her car. She was stunned for a moment as she looked at Morrison in surprise. "I thought you already left with them?"

"They have other plans, so I'm not going to be the killjoy to spoil their fun."

Leah nodded and started the car.

While they were on the road, Morrison did not expect Leah to drive so fast. He grabbed tightly at the handle and said, "Can you slow down a bit? I don't really want to die here." Leah replied, "I'm driving at a normal speed."

"You're driving at 80 mph/hour while overtaking cars! Hey, slow down!"

Morrison's heart was in his throat. When Leah stopped the car at the side of Bassburgh River, Morrison looked outside through the river and asked, "Where is this place?" "Under the bridge. I thought you lived here?"

Morrison was rendered speechless.

If he had heart disease, he would be dead now.

Morrison gritted his teeth and said, "Since when did I tell you that I live under the bridge?"

Leah turned her head to look at him and said, "You didn't tell me where you live after you got into the car? So where do you want me to take you?"

Morrison was rendered speechless again.

Leah was right. He had not told her where he lived.

He took a deep breath and nodded. "Century Hotel. Please turn around, thank you."

Leah turned the car around and sent him to Century Hotel. When Morrison got out of the car, he gave Leah his contact number and said, "Don't call me unless it's absolutely necessary." After that, he entered the hotel.

Leah picked up the name card from the seat and chuckled.

'He's rather adorable.'

At the Goldmann mansion...

When Nicholas returned, he cleaned the garden while Maisie and Nolan cleaned the windows. After everything was done, the entire mansion looked new.


Nicholas slowly rose to his feet and said, "Nolan, it has been a few years since we visited mother's grave. Why don't you and Maisie accompany me over there today?"

Nolan nodded. 'Okay."

At 1:30 p.m., they drove off to the cemetery.

The cemetery was situated at the foot of the hill. It was a very quiet place, and an open field was in front of it.

Nicholas brought them to a tombstone. The picture on the tombstone was Natasha's photo before she was dead. She had a beautiful smile, and her face looked gentle. She indeed did not fail her name as the most beautiful woman in the entertainment industry.

"It has been a few years since I last came to visit you," Nicholas said as he took away the wilted flower in front of the tombstone. "It's another new year, so I brought our son and daughter-in-law to come and see you. Our grandsons and granddaughter have all grown up and formed their own families. Time really flies in the blink of an eye."

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