Angela and Neil were there to catch Marc as he stumbled out of the half crushed Blazer; the Eagles hurried over to make sure Dillan wasn’t a threat anymore.

“He’s dead. Jeep’s a total loss.”

Their extra men rolled into view as Kyle’s words gave them their answer.

The bullets stopped as suddenly as they’d started, leaving only the sounds of burning, crackling wreckage.

Doug pulled up next to Neil. Before he could speak, Neil pointed at Angela. “Code Raven.”

Doug obediently looked at Angela. “Where do you want me, Lass?”

Angela was too busy to recognize the moment. “There’s a sniper.” She helped Marc unzip his jacket so she could assess the damage. “Take care of the kids in my Blazer.”

Doug waited for the next vehicle to go around so he could pull over and climb out.

Marc leaned against Neil, glassy-eyed and subdued as he tried to recover.

On guard duty now, Seth saw a glint of light. “Get her down!”

Marc automatically swung Angela around as the shot echoed; he jerked, grunting.

Marc fell against her as the Eagles returned fire, creating a line of vests between them and the sniper.

“Marc!” Shoving his long coat out of the way, her hands plunged under his shirt, expecting the worst. Angela exclaimed in relief when she felt dry cloth. “You wore the vest!”

Marc tensed against her as his lungs throbbed with sharp, heavy pain from the wreck. “Eagles are…required to.” He wiped the tears from her dark lashes, smiling when the pain in his chest increased. “Anything for you…”

Fresh tears spilled over her cheeks as she gathered energy to try what had failed on her premature son. “I can help! Hang on!”

Marc’s breathing became labored. “Not this…time.” His eyes glazed fully with coming death. “Always love you!”

Angela held out her hands.

Those around her saw a deep blue glow run along her fingers.

This can be done once without payment. You would continue?

The Eagles only heard her answer.

“Yes! Quickly!”

Doors in her mind opened. Power exploded from her outstretched fingers.

The Eagles watched in stunned silence as thousands of tiny, bright colored orbs flew from her like shooting water. They hit Marc’s chest and sank into him, covering his body in a constantly changing flash of synchronized red, blue, and purple light.

Those witnessing it were torn between watching his injuries disappear and the fierce concentration shining from Angela’s face. She was the magic Adrian had been searching for!

When her shoulders went from tense to tired, Kyle got the new men up to speed about the airport threat, but he didn’t look away from the miracle happening behind the line of vested Eagles. “Top two up high, next five low. Go!”

His team set up the ordered guard.

Angela stumbled as the magic swarmed back in.

Neil was there to steady her. He drew in a breath. Her skin felt as if it was frying, but there was no sweat. When she trembled under his fingers, the need to comfort her, to hold her, was nearly overwhelming.

Neil retreated instead. That isn’t in my job description.

Marc gasped, sucking air into a lung that hadn’t had any a moment before. He coughed, doubling over.

Angela felt weariness sinking into her. I did it! I... used my gifts in front of strangers! Fear returned.

When Marc rose and steered her toward a truck, she didn’t protest.

Marc opened the door, glaring at the driver, Billy. “Take her...to Adrian.” He was still trying to refill the lung; it hurt. “Don’t stop…for anything.”

Angela got in without looking at any of them. Her heart throbbed when Marc shut the door. Now he knew what a freak she really was and so did the Eagles. The small moments since they’d met didn’t equal this. She knew Marc would stand by her. That’s why he’d put her in here, to be safe from the others, but did he need to? Would Adrian’s men be able to accept how different she was, or would they drive her–

“Recon team, check in!”

Angela jumped at the radio call. She waited to find out how the men with Marc sounded during the report.

Billy gestured.

Angela understood. Everyone else was out of earshot. He wanted her to answer the call.

“Recon team, check in now!”

Angela picked up the mike with a feeling of authority she wasn’t sure she wanted. Being careful with her words came naturally as she hit the button. “We had a…delay run into us. We’re okay now. Hang on for one of the guys.”

“Do you need more men?”

Angela heard his real question clearly. Should I come? Do you need me?

Angela watched the guards, including a limping Marc, pick up gas cans and head for the main terminal. Angela was relieved. They were still going to get the fuel tankers and eliminate the victims who were taking shelter here. The Eagles didn’t appear to be treating Marc differently. “No. They’re about to blow this place, literally.”

“Copy on the noise coming. You found survivors?”

“Yes. I’m sure they could use a healthy meal and a hot shower. What’s for lunch?” Angela wasn’t sure where that had come from, but she knew instantly it was the right way to help him calm the listening camp members and the new kids.

She felt Billy’s satisfaction and realized he’d had her answer the call to calm all of them, including her. He’s smart.

“Ham and cheese sandwiches, applesauce, chips. The entire team is 5-by?”

She knew that one. “Roger.”

Doug pulled in behind them, driving the Blazer of nervous college kids.

“Copy. Hurry home.”

“You know it.” Angela hung up, knowing she’d impressed Billy. Better than that, she felt more like herself. The short words from Adrian had told her he would handle whatever had happened.

Angela looked at Billy. “You help train rookies.”

Billy snickered, hitting the gas. “You are as smart as the rumors say. Nice.”

Angela settled back into the seat, suddenly exhausted. “Home, please. You drive.”


Dark eyes glinting with hatred watched the jeeps and fuel trucks roll out of sight. Dean was hurt beyond words. My brother is dead!

It was the first emotional pain he had ever felt. Even physical wounds were viewed with apathy (at least they had been until the witch taught him fear), and Dean was unprepared for how awful it was. The sense of loneliness, of complete failure, was undeniable.

Dean was stunned by the tears that fell. He would bury his brother, and then he would make that bitch suffer! If I can’t get to her on my own, I’ll take over the slaver camp and attack them.

Vengeance was on the way. It might take a week or a month, but it burned with a red-hot fury that nothing would calm.


The guards were unable to keep from talking about what they had witnessed; the story flew through Safe Haven despite the mandatory quarantine. Small, worried whispers of magic began circulating.

Adrian headed for the taped QZ shortly after they stopped for a lunchtime meal break. The gossip lacked details and would be forgotten without fresh fodder, but Adrian was curious about the reactions of Angela and the Eagles. The panic in her voice had run through him with horror that he would never forget. Would she now back out of the ideas he’d planted? The life he foresaw for these refugees was no picnic anyway, but as an Eagle, she would face dangers like this regularly.

He spotted her at the center table with the rest of his chain of command. Marc on her right in his crisscrossed gun belts. That man looked like he’d taken the worst of it.

The wolf appeared for an inspection and a quick rub of confirmation. From there, Dog went to Angela and curled up at her feet, letting her gentle fingers stroke his soft fur.

The big animal was bonded with Marc. Losing him might have sent Dog back out into the wild. He was grateful to the woman and her witch for saving his master. She would be well protected, and so would their pup.

Adrian let his gift reach out.

Angela mentally rushed to greet him. The girl in the parka leads their group. She doesn’t know she’s pregnant.

Adrian scanned the new people. They were putting away the food and talking with the Eagles around them. They were thin, strong, young. Smart too, he realized, seeing mended glasses, walkie talkies, loaded weapons, and extra ammo staying in reach. They were survivors.

And my men?

Adrian recognized the satisfaction on their faces, the kind that only came from winning a battle. He relaxed, looking forward to the unabridged version the camp would never get.

Surprising only the kids, Adrian went to them first, eager to welcome the first new people Angela had risked her life to help.

It only took a few minutes to realize the kids were already won over. Adrian sat with them, pushing more food toward the girl in the parka as he stored every word of their vivid story. When he began to speak of quiet loyalty, of helping, they hung on every word.

Angela felt exposed. Both sides of the caution tape lining the camp were full of eating, staring people, but Marc had almost died for her. She wouldn’t hurt him by moving away. She worried over it though, knowing Kenn would see and be sure there was more than friendship between them.

He already knows. I’ll handle it.

Adrian sounded pleased. Angela was glad he wasn’t upset that she’d risked so many of his men for so few people. She sent him an apology anyway. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t leave them behind.

Adrian turned to her in silent communication that made Marc’s shoulders tense.

Please don’t feel that way. Each life is without price to me. I want them all. You won’t be punished. The need to help them is what makes you one of mine. Adrian looked at Marc. Same with him. He just can’t accept it yet.

Angela frowned. I’ll work on that.

Me too. When they find out he saved your life today, so will the camp.

What about the Eagles?

Adrian didn’t answer. That road would be longer and harder.

Hoping to calm things down on that front, Angela looked at Kyle and then Neil. “I’m sorry for putting you guys in a hard spot, and I’m sorry Marc’s so pissed at you.”

Marc let out a sigh, understanding she wanted him to let it go. “I’m cooling off, but yeah, they fucked up. Adrian wouldn’t have let you go back alone.”

Adrian slid onto the seat across from them. “No, I wouldn’t have, but I’ve served all my life. I’ve learned the tricks. Now they know better. It won’t happen twice.”

Marc’s response came fast. “Because you’ll train them better or because she won’t be in the line of fire?”

Angela listened to find out if she was as free as Adrian claimed.

“She’s to have full rein among my army, though I prefer only the higher levels know it for now. As her protector, I expect you to teach them not to make these mistakes. Who better for that job than the man who brought her over a thousand miles through hell?”

Marc’s heart fell. There was no way she’d turn that down. Stupid, Angela was not. “Kenn won’t let this happen without a fight.” Marc could feel Angela’s growing annoyance with the conversation, but he didn’t stop. “You have that covered?”

Adrian gestured toward the college kids. “It’s already begun. He can’t stop it. He can only interfere. You’ll have twenty-four hours to act openly, while you’re in quarantine.”

When Marc said nothing, Adrian pushed. “Would you deny others like them the chance at a new life?”

Marc scoffed in scorn at the trap. “I care about her! She’s going to keep putting herself in danger. I’d have that stopped!”

Angela’s protests were ignored by both men; she inhaled a calming breath as they continued.

“I won’t hold her back or tell her no on the things she wants to try here. Neither will my men, unless they have to.”

Marc understood the promises he wanted weren’t coming. “Don’t get her killed, Adrian or the men she’s bonding with might turn on you.”

His warning drew scowls from the Eagles, but Adrian held out his hand. “If I lose her, I’ll resign, and the people here will vote in a new guardian. I wouldn’t be worthy of leadership.”

Marc relaxed the tiniest bit. “You believe in all this that much?”

“It’s everything I am.”

Marc shook with him, sighing. “If I only have a day, I’ll need some boundaries.”

Adrian smiled ruefully. “So do I. We’ll talk, then you and the Eagles will draw up plans. We’ll do switches where we need them. She’s never to be alone.”

“I hope you two are done!” Angela stood up with a deep frown. She was angry enough to fight.

Marc doubted Adrian had adequate leverage to get her to agree. They had both forgotten to account for her reaction, but things were happening fast.

“I have defenses. I’m not some helpless pup you guys picked up on the side of the road!”

Both men thought of magic. They hadn’t mentioned it and they wouldn’t, not in front of so many witnesses. They didn’t need to add fuel to that fire.

“I never said you were.” Marc drew her anger away from Adrian without realizing it.

Angela’s lips tightened into a dangerous line. “Our deal stands!”

Some of the listening Eagles exchanged looks. A deal? There wasn’t love between them, but an arrangement?

“Not above your safety.” Marc squared his shoulders. “If you mean to do big things here, and I can already see that you do, then you’ll accept the protections we come up with…”

They all felt the ultimatum coming. Adrian respected Marc even more for continuing when her eyes narrowed and her hands clenched into fists at her sides.

“…or I’m leaving. Tonight.”

There was a shocked silence as tension crackled.

It was broken by Dog’s low whine.

Angela didn’t try to hide how much it hurt. “You mean that?”

Marc refused to budge. “I do. Next time, the bullet will get through, or I won’t be close enough to save you. I can’t take that.”

The words surprised her, hurt her again.

None of them, Angela included, knew if he was bluffing.

“You’d leave me?”


“Then I agree!” She sneered. “I need to piss and dunk my head in some cool water before I explode. Should I pick a guard?”



Marc and Adrian spoke at the same time. Both males saw flames shoot through her eyes.

Angela chose Seth by giving him a tilt of the jaw and a questioning brow that both Marc and Adrian felt deep in their gut. It said, “I need an ally and no one else will do.”

Seth saw Adrian’s expression was harder than he was used to; he tensed at the curt nod, but he didn’t hesitate to follow Angela from the little mess. He would have accepted her invitation without Adrian’s words of giving her free rein. Her pull was strong, though not all sexual. Seth hoped she wasn’t planning on going against Adrian. There could be real trouble if she did that.

Some of Angela’s anger calmed. “He has my support, but I will always fight for my freedom.”

Seth took careful stock of their surroundings, aware of Marc gesturing the wolf after them.

Paranoid about her safety. Seth wondered how long Marc would be able to stand watching from the sidelines while she built a life in Safe Haven. It was already clear to Seth what Angela would become, and he couldn’t wait to help her achieve it. “Complete freedom doesn’t exist. It’s a myth, and I think you already know that.”

Seth received silence. He kept coaxing, drawing on that spark of kinship he knew she felt too. “You’re special, and in danger because of it. Adrian will give you as much freedom as he can.”

His blunt words dulled some more of her anger. Seth saw fear take its place.

“You’re all so eager for me to give him what he wants now, but when it gets someone good killed, maybe him, will you still want me then? Because these things always come due in death–he’s right about that.”

“America surviving is what matters, Angie. Any of us would give his life to make that dream come true, including Adrian. He needs you. He knew you were coming, and he hoped you would be strong enough to stand for the women, and you are! Don’t let what might happen, or will happen if you already know, get in the way. The lives we’ll save, change, are worth the price. Adrian’s worth it.” Using a part of himself not employed since before the war, Seth pinned her with a sexy grin, oozing charm. Seth was ruggedly handsome at the worst of times, but when he flashed those dimples, he was lethal to the camp’s women and he knew it. “His Eagles need you too, Angie. Together, we’ll keep him alive.”

Angela sighed wearily, leaning down to stroke the wolf so his charm wouldn’t work on her. She would agree and follow like the rest of them, but she had to be careful. For the new life she was creating to succeed, she had to keep Marc around while she put the pieces in place. If he leaves, I will too, and that may kill all of us.


“Was it the slavers?”

Kyle shrugged, watching both sides of the mess clear out. Set up in the middle of the road, the emptiness was making him uneasy, especially after the airport trouble. “It could have been a part of their group, the tail we’ve had, maybe. It felt like a two-minute plan, and they had no support.”

Adrian wasn’t relieved. Two spies had recognized a mistake and tried to take advantage of it. Just because one of them had died in the attempt didn’t mean it was over, however. In fact, it had probably added more fuel to the fire.

Kyle took out his notebook. Under pressure, their leader was at his best.

“All training and testing will be done indoors for a while. Start rescue lessons for every level. Double the sentries at night and use the disks at one hundred feet instead of fifty. Seamstresses need to be in my tent an hour after evening chow; gather all the steel plates and green material you can find. Put it in the rear of my rig and have Miller stashed there. He’ll know what to do.” Adrian paused to light a smoke. Kyle already knew to cover the man’s absence. Adrian couldn’t let his camp know he was worried enough to have steel plated canopies created, but it still had to be done. “Mention we have openings in the defensive driving and hand-to-hand classes; offer vests. Use the reserves if you need to, but go out of your way to keep them calm. Tell them it was random, not related to the group moving up 25.”

Kyle had no problem omitting that part of the story. He’d seen panic in New York before the war. It was usually as deadly as the crisis that had caused it.

“I’d like one of you to stay near her at all times, out of sight.”

“We already sorted out a rough schedule for the next two days. There’s four of us. Seth wouldn’t back off.”

Adrian was glad his people were loading up without any obvious signs of being scared, but he didn’t care for the way some of the Eagles were staring at Angela. None of this would be easy. “He’s like her in some ways, I think, running on a level closer. Maybe he’ll catch something we miss. Just make the lower levels believe it was a random attack. Some men saw her alone with the kids and thought they were helpless.”

“I’m sorry for it.”

Adrian answered with none of the coldness Kyle felt he had earned.

“I don’t hold it against you. We will make mistakes. Hopefully, no more like this one. High level security meeting an hour after camp is settled for the night. I want all team leaders present; bring Marc.”

Kyle kept his voice low. “She’d search for you.”

Adrian didn’t pretend not to understand. When he’d told Kyle he trusted him completely, Adrian hadn’t lied. “These people can’t find out too fast, or we’ll lose them all, including her. It’s code Raven.” Adrian met Kyle’s eyes. “You have a better idea now what that means?”

“She’s going to be one of us.” Kyle finally let his awe out. He’d been holding it for this moment. “She was great. Fell right into it like you thought she would, Boss. You’ll get the full in my report, but I’m sold.” Meaning all the details the college kids wouldn’t have noticed, as well as Kyle’s thoughts on what training Angela would need to start with.

Relieved, Adrian thought of the Arkansas dreams that had haunted him last night. “She’ll recognize your loyalty, too. She’ll need it.”

Kyle didn’t really doubt Adrian’s words or Angela’s honor, but questioning both was required now, especially after discovering Kenn’s abusive nature. “We can trust her like we do you? She won’t use it to her advantage?”

“No. She’s almost accepted this as her home, her new family. For the first time in her life, she is valued. She’ll protect that security, this camp, by any means we allow. I intend to give her few limits.” Adrian’s voice deepened in warning. “And Kyle, she’s on the edge with all these new tensions and people. That may make her a little dangerous. Don’t be the one to insist on the changes if you can help it. Marc is the only one who can handle her heat.”


“You keep up that fake smile, your mouth might crack.”

Kenn turned from glaring at the little mess to see Tonya leaning in the open driver door, big tits almost spilling from her lowcut red dress. Doesn’t she have any other clothes? “What do you want?”

His curt tone sent a mean sneer across her pretty lips. “I thought you could use some company now that your woman’s gone and joined Adrian’s super-troopers.”

Kenn’s unshaven face set into hard lines. “She got lucky and found some people. So what? She’s not an Eagle.”

“Then why was she at the center table?” Tonya let snark come into her tone. “Well, maybe we were low on seats. I do wonder why she was the one to check in for the recon team, though. Bet they were all too busy. But why is she wearing a vest? Hmm… I can’t answer that one.”

Kenn made his voice sound normal despite the dread in his gut. He’d heard rumors, but he hadn’t talked to anyone yet. Obviously, Tonya had. “Adrian covers that.”

Tonya laughed cruelly, hawk-like profile turning toward Adrian’s rig. “Yes, he does, and you’re on the outside now. She’s already done more for his dreams than you.”

“What are you running your mouth about?!”

Very aware of his abusive notions, Tonya took the smirk out of her tone, but her words couldn’t be buffered. “I’m talking about a lot of things. You didn’t tell Adrian she’s…different, or that Marc was your boss before the war. You didn’t tell him about your heavy hands either, but it’s more than all that now. She left you...for Adrian.”

Kenn was getting hotter as Tonya talked, slamming awful truths into place.

Tonya didn’t stop. She needed him pissed for her plans to succeed. It would take guts to eliminate Adrian. “She’ll be the first female Eagle, the one who draws the others in. He’ll probably give Marc your place just to keep her happy.”

“And where does she rank?” Kenn wasn’t successful in blocking the tremor from his voice this time. “If she’s so important, what’s her place?”

“She doesn’t have one.” Tonya softened her tone, taking pity. Kenn may have broad shoulders and a strong back, but this would be a hard blow. “Your woman will be above the chain of command, an advisor of sorts. Though in time, she might not even answer to Adrian.”

“How do you know all this?!”

Tonya revealed an edge of shrewdness the rest of the people, including Adrian, would have been shocked to witness. “I don’t. I’m the dumbass, remember?” She turned away. “The dumbass who doesn’t play his games, and yet still gets to stay and be safe.”

“You’re wrong!”

Tonya delivered a scornful tone that said everyone had underestimated her. “How many times have you heard him say he could use a little magic, Kenny? Now, he has it. You and the Eagles are nothing compared to that.”

Tonya left him with those unsettling thoughts.


Adrian climbed into the seat of his truck; the tension was thick, unavoidable. He didn’t try. “I’m offering them both a place in my army. They’ll be below you in the chain of command, above everyone else.”

“You’re only giving it to him because of her.” Kenn’s protest was rare.

“He’s one of us. If you didn’t know them from before, you’d be impressed. He threw himself between strangers and death.” Adrian tried to avoid the rest.

Kenn knew without being told. “Would he have done it if she hadn’t been in danger?”

“Does it matter?” Adrian shot back. “He saved several lives, not just hers. He helped complete a mission and eliminated a potential future threat, something you, yourself, are adamant about. If you didn’t know them, you’d agree.”

Kenn let the truth slide out. “But…I do know them, and I can understand why you want her, but he’s just here to...” Kenn sighed. “It’s an insult to me and it should be to you too. He’s using your dream to stay close to her.”

“Like you did, when you first got here?”

Kenn flushed.

Adrian laid it out. “You can’t keep them from getting close. Any fool can see it’s too late for that. As for the dream, how or why we join up doesn’t matter.”

Kenn said nothing.

Adrian grew angry at the silence. “Hardly anyone here has a good past, but we all came to believe in the dream. Unless you still don’t?”

“No, I like living on the edge all the time.” Kenn snorted. “Of course, I believe. It’s our future, our duty to try.”

“Yes. Angela and Marc are a part of our future. I need you to cooperate with them, with me.”

Kenn wanted his rightful place back more than anything. The desire to be everything Adrian needed hadn’t vanished with Angela’s appearance. “I’ll handle it. The camp comes first, right?”

Haunted pain flashed across Adrian’s face. “Yes. Above all else, and I do mean all. You’re not the only one making sacrifices.”

Despite his warning, Adrian couldn’t have been happier with how things had gone. I can do a lot more now. These survivors didn’t know their destinies yet, but he would help them see the light.

Adrian picked up the mike, held it out. “Start the count off. I want the Borderlands before our next three-day break.”

“You’re the boss.”

Adrian nodded. Until we reach Arkansas. Then, it will be someone else’s headache and heartache. But between then and now, I’m going to teach these people to survive.

Adrian caught sight of Angela walking by with both Marc and Dog on her heels. And she’s the reason I’ll succeed. Without her, I might as well turn us all over to the government. We haven’t heard from them in a while, but I know they’re still there. Thanks to Angela’s gifts, we won’t have to surrender. Now, Safe Haven is a super power.

End of Book One

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