The Supreme God of Martial Arts
Chapter 440 Is That A Yes Or A No (Part Two)

"Ahem... Hello ladies, sorry to interrupt you," a mid-aged man got into the house and greeted them.

Both ladies were startled. They were surprised to see a man standing by their door without their knowledge. They fixed themselves properly then stood firmly.

"Not at all. But Mike, pardon me for asking. Are you eavesdropping on us?" Sue asked. She felt awkward and embarrassed that Mike might have heard what she just said about Austin.

"Ladies, there's nothing new about what I heard today. I already know that you both adored Austin

He's truly excellent, so it's just natural that you develop such feelings for him. I believe he is the right man for you to marry.

I think I can also talk to him about it.

So do you have anything that you need me to tell him?"

Mike had looked after Ivy and Sue since they were little girls. They were like daughters to him. Being the adoptive father to these young ladies, he, of course, had the right to know what his adopted daughters thought.

"Mike, don't you think it's a little embarrassing if you talk about us directly to him?" Sue asked. She covered her face again to hide the embarrassment.

She was pleased to know that Mike thought of Austin as her rightful husband. But the thought of Mike talking about them to Austin made her feel a little awkward.

"Mike, you know that Austin saved us twice.

We see him as our savior and hero.

And you know that Sue and I liked him. We're both willing to marry him, but we can't ask him ourselves.

So, it will be appreciated if you can ask him for us,” Ivy couldn't help telling Mike what she thought. There was no need for them to hide anything from him especially their feelings for Austin.

"Easy as peas. Sure, I'm going to ask him what he thinks.

But I bet you, he won't refuse to marry any of you two. It'll be stupid for him if he does.

A hero like him deserves no less than beauties like you.

Wait for my good news,” Mike laughed loudly.

At that time, they all heard a voice coming from the outside.

"Mike, Ivy, Sue. It's been a long time! How are you all doing?"

They were stunned as they recognized the voice. It was the voice of Austin.

"Oh, my God! He's back! He is really back!"

Ivy and Sue shouted at the time. They became flabbergasted to hear Austin’s voice after a long time. They felt a tingling sensation in their body that they couldn't explain, and screaming was the only way to express that.

They both jumped up from the chairs. As Austin came to their view, they couldn't believe their eyes. The Austin they knew was like a little beggar. But now, the Austin before them looked quite different. He's more handsome and his muscles were more toned. He had a rough look on his face that made him energetic and mature.

Sue and Ivy could not believe it. How could it be possibly true?

“Am I still dreaming?" Sue thought to herself.

"Little beggar, is that really you?

Are you really here?"

She looked at him. Her eyes started to fill with tears. She couldn't believe it, but she wanted it to be true.

"Yes, it's me and I'm back. Don't cry now, Sue. How are you?"

Austin was clueless as to why Sue was crying upon seeing him. He tried to comfort her with his words and smiled at her sweetly.

Upon hearing his voice again, Sue couldn't contain his happiness and instantly jumped into his arms.

Austin was caught in surprise and taken aback by Sue's sudden action. "Hey, Sue, are you okay?"

he stuttered as he held Sue in his arms.

Sue closed her eyes and just put her arms around Austin's neck. Her tender body pushed against Austin's. Her breast almost touching Austin's face. He could smell her sweet scent. And as a man, this sent a strange sensation to him. He felt excited but confused at the same time After all, this was his first time to be this close to a girl. He didn't know what to do and what he was feeling at that time.

"Sue, stop it. Don't be like this,” he said and tried to push her away. Ivy stood beside them, helplessly watched her sister's coquetry.

"But Sue misses the little beggar terribly!"

Instead of letting go, Sue hugged him tighter and even began to cry loudly.

Ivy didn't say anything but sighed.

Mike felt a bit awkward when he saw Sue being like this.

"Austin, I have something to tell you

You know that Ivy and Sue are like real daughters to me. They told me that they both love you.

Being like their father, I must help them. So, could you tell me if you like any of them? Forgive me for asking you about it so directly, but I don't think you want me beating around the bush.

Tell me, which one you want to marry?"

"Mike, I... I don't know..."

Austin stuttered. He didn't expect Mike to say this so casually. He didn't even think about it until now that Mike had brought it up.

In fact, he didn't see himself as a rightful husband to either Ivy or Sue. They were so beautiful and elegant, and he was just a beggar. It was impossible for him to marry any of them.

It felt like a dream to him. Marrying one of them was any man's ultimate dream.

"So... What are you talking about? You..."

he stammered.

"Oh... are you saying no?

That's right. You're a hero and a champion now. I'm sure a lot of girls are after you this time. So, probably you don't want us anymore, right? You can just leave us, right?

Well, Ivy... I don't think we can still stay here. It's time to leave this place and this cruel man.

I bet he doesn't even want to look at us now.

Come on, let's get going. I don't want to be here with this man anymore!"

Sue was irritated by Austin's hesitation. She pushed Austin away and took Ivy's hand and rushed out of the house like a crazy stupid cow. She cried loudly like a dissatisfied housewife as she ran out.

"Oh, come on, I didn't mean that," Austin tried to explain.

"So, is that finally a yes?"

Sue abruptly stopped. A sweet smile crossed her gloomy face. She turned around and dashed into Austin's arms again, laughing with her tearful eyes.

“What the heck? Do I really need to marry one of them now?"

Austin asked himself helplessly.

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