*Luke's POV*

I waited patiently for her to share what was on her mind, growing concerned as I noticed her nervous demeanor. "Remember the flashback I had back at the cabin?" she asked, and I nodded eagerly, urging her to continue.

"We were married," she blurted out abruptly. I stood there, taken aback by her sudden confession, trying to process her words. Sensing my shock, she continued, revealing that we had referred to each other as Mr. and Mrs. Parker. As I looked at the building's banner, realization dawned on me - this must be our building.

"Why didn't you tell me everything?" I asked, feeling a twinge of irritation that she had kept secrets from me, especially when we were both in the same situation.

"I don't know, I was embarrassed. I didn't know how to tell you," she admitted, looking down in shame. Without thinking, I gently lifted her chin, meeting her eyes. "I understand," I said, smiling as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Confused by my own actions, I cleared my throat and quickly composed myself. "We should head inside and see if we can find any clues," I suggested, eager to break the awkward silence. She nodded, and we made our way towards the door.

*Her POV*

After what felt like hours of searching, every room we entered was disappointingly empty. My hope of finding any answers in this place was dwindling. Suddenly, I heard Luke's voice echoing through the building, "Hey, come here, I think I found something!" I quickly exited the room I was in and began to search for Luke through each room I passed. After checking several rooms with no sign of him, I let out an annoyed huff.

"Marco!" I called out, hoping to locate him. Luke's head popped out from the railings upstairs, a boyish grin on his face. "Is this the part where I say Polo?" he asked, clearly amused. I looked up at him and shrugged, "Well, at least now I know where you are." He chuckled and motioned for me to join him.

As I ascended the stairs, Luke excitedly announced, "I think I found my office." I entered the room to find a chaotic mess. "So, now we know you're also a messy person," I teased. Luke defensively crossed his arms. "You don't know that! Maybe a small earthquake shook everything," he said, looking like a little kid. I couldn't help but laugh, "Sure, Luke."

But that wasn't what he wanted to show me. Pointing to the wall behind me, he drew my attention to the many diplomas hanging there. One in particular stood out, centered among the others, exuding an air of importance. "Luke Parker...Biomedical Science," I read aloud, my voice filled with intrigue.

"There's more," he said with a smile as he walked towards the desk. He picked up a picture frame that was placed right beside the computer. "Your flashback was definitely accurate," he added, a small smile playing on his lips as he handed me the frame.

The picture showed us standing in front of a massive aquarium filled with sharks. What caught my eye, though, was the diamond on my finger as I held up my hand to show it off. Luke had his arm around my waist, and we gazed at each other with adoration.

I was speechless. Completely and utterly speechless. All I could do was stare at the picture and yearn for the day when things could be like that again.

I blinked away the tears before Luke could notice and handed the frame back to him. I couldn't keep dwelling on the past. I needed to focus on my future, which could only happen if I escaped from wherever 'here' was.

"We should check the computer for any important information," I suggested, walking towards the desk and sitting down. "I tried to access it, but it's password-protected. I'm looking to see if I wrote it down anywhere." Luke updated me as he rummaged through the drawers.

"Why don't you take a seat and look around the office? Maybe it will come back to you," I suggested, standing up and motioning for him to sit down.

He sat down and paused for a moment. "I've got nothing," he sighed and slumped over.

"Don't worry about it. We can come back to this later. Let's search for anything else that might be helpful," I reassured him.

He nodded and headed to the filing cabinet. As he opened a file, he glanced at me and smiled, and suddenly, the same feeling I had in the kitchen that morning washed over me.


"Hello, my dear husband!" I exclaimed with excitement as I entered his office. Luke was standing by his filing cabinet, engrossed in some documents. A smile lit up his face as soon as he heard my voice, my heart fluttered as he looked up at me. "I'll never get tired of hearing that," he said with a cheeky grin. "And I'll never get tired of saying it," I replied as I walked towards him, hands behind my back, hiding the surprise I had brought for him.

"What have you got there?" he asked, craning his neck to see behind me. "Well, I got you a present," I said, still keeping it out of sight. "Getting to see you is a gift on its own," he said, pulling me into a heated kiss. I was so entranced by his sudden actions I hadn't notice his arm reached back grabbing his gift.

He quickly pulled away with mischief in his eyes. "No fair," I pouted. He chuckled and winked as he leaned on his desk. "Now, are you going to let me open my gift, or are you going to continue being naughty?" he asked in a low, husky tone. I gasped and scolded him, reminding him of the workers setting up around us. He chuckled again, enjoying my discomfort.

In all honesty, he still made me as nervous as the first day we met. He was intimidatingly perfect, from his physique to his graceful movements. Even his intelligence was awe-inspiring and somewhat intimidating. I, on the other hand, was clumsy and witty. We were complete opposites. But Coulomb's law was as correct in magnetism as it was in love. Opposites really do attract.

"Well, go on then, open it. It's nothing extravagant. I just wanted to give you something to keep me on your mind," I said as I moved my hands up to play with the ends of his hair.

"Baby I can never keep you off my mind. I have declared it to be scientifically impossible." He whispered in my ear then proceeded to place a kiss on the small birthmark on my neck.

My breath caught at his unexpected gesture, but he just chuckled and turned his attention to the beautifully wrapped gift in his hands. Slowly unwrapping it, he revealed my favorite picture of us, now encased in a wooden frame.

He carefully placed the picture on his desk, facing his chair, and then turned back to me, placing his hands on my hips. Leaning in, I kissed the beauty mark just above his lips, my favorite of his features.

"Thank you," he said, but then added, "Now I won't be able to focus on work. I'll be too busy daydreaming about that night at the beach after I proposed. Remembering all the naughty things you let me do to you," he said with a seductive tone. Laughing when I playfully slapped his chest. Leaning in again, he nuzzled my neck, gently kissing my birthmark, a gesture he always made.

As my vision began to blur, I closed my eyes, knowing I would soon be pulled back to reality, leaving behind this seemingly perfect moment.

Opening my eyes, I found Luke staring at me intently as I sat in his desk chair. "Another flashback?" he asked, to which I simply nodded.

"What did you see?"


We walked back to the cabin in silence, the only sound being the crunch of leaves beneath our feet. Luke appeared lost in thought, likely processing everything I had just shared with him. This time, I didn't hold back. I recounted my flashback in vivid detail, believing it was necessary for us to face this challenge together. Concealing the truth would only complicate matters. Perhaps my openness would trigger some memories for Luke as well.

As if sensing my thoughts, Luke finally broke the silence. "I don't understand why I'm not experiencing any flashbacks," he confessed. "I wish I could remember. It would make things easier." His expression darkened as we continued our journey back to the cabin. With nightfall approaching, we quickened our pace, wary of potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

Upon reaching the cabin, we silently went our separate ways. I lay down, gazing up at the ceiling, my hand instinctively reaching for the birthmark on my neck that had been revealed to me during the flashback. Closing my eyes, I recalled the sensation of his lips against my skin, a memory that lingered even as sleep beckoned.


*Luke's POV*

I drifted off, imagining what it would be like to feel her soft lips, just as I had in her flashback. When I finally opened my eyes, I felt disoriented. "Dr. Parker, thank goodness you're back! We have a problem," I heard Hensley's panicked voice as I struggled to focus my vision.

AN: What do you guys think? Is it time for Luke to have his first flashback?


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