*Kendra's POV*

When I was around 8 years old, my parents purchased a new house. I was filled with excitement at the thought of exploring our new home, wondering if the experience would be like something out of a movie.

However, in my eagerness to see the new house, I failed to consider the distance it was from my school. I was disappointed to learn that I would be transferring to a different school and leaving my friends behind.

Despite my initial disappointment, I soon found myself looking forward to the prospect of making new friends. On my first day at the new school, I caught the attention of a girl whom I would later come to known as the school bully.

Cara Taylor was intimidating. As a 5th grader, she towered over me, a mere 3rd grader. I couldn't understand why she felt the need to put me down, especially since we had never even spoken.

I vividly remember walking through the cafeteria, clutching my lunch tray tightly, feeling anxious about finding someone to sit with. As I scanned the room for an empty table, I failed to notice the foot deliberately placed in my path.

Before I knew it, I was on the floor, my face landing in the mac and cheese on my tray. The cafeteria fell silent, all eyes on me. The silence was short-lived, replaced by a chorus of laughter. I quickly got up, wiped the cheese from my face, and fled outside, leaving my lunch behind.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I ran towards the bathroom. Sitting in a closed stall, I heard small footsteps approaching. Suddenly, a tiny hand appeared under the door, offering me a towel.

I took the towel and wiped my face, feeling grateful for the gesture. A sweet voice asked if I was okay, prompting me to open the door and d be greeted by a blue-eyed girl with the most charming freckles.

"I'm Abby," she said.

"Kendra," I replied with a smile.

"I'm sorry about Cara; she always likes to pick on the new kids," Abby frowned.

"It's okay. I'm sure it'll get better," I said optimistically.

I was wrong. Cara's bullying continued throughout the school year, but Abby was always there to make me feel better.

Unfortunately, Abby had to transfer close to the end of the school year, leaving me to face my demons alone. I was alright on my own at first. Cara continuously made a spectacle out of me for the school to see.

But one day, she crossed a line. Something so disturbing that the memory of that day would be embedded in my brain for many years to come.

In the middle of the cafeteria, she pulled my pants down, leaving everyone to see my pink Hello Kitty underwear.

I spent the rest of the day crying. Even when my mother was called into the office to pick me up early, I continued to cry on the car ride home.

It wasn't until my mother sat down and talked to me that the tears stopped. After I had told her what had happened, she had half a mind to go down to the school and talk to the principal. However, I explained it would be of no use, seeing as Cara was the vice principal's daughter.

This explained why she got away with tormenting whomever she pleased.

My mother stood quiet for a minute before finally telling me to stand up for myself and to never let anyone stomp over me again. She reminded me that I was a strong girl and that fighting back did not mean I was the same as Cara.

That night, I stood in front of the mirror and repeated her words over and over again. That was the first time I met her. I called her Kassandra, someone I had made up to cope with my bully.

The next day at school, during lunch, I looked around for Cara.

When I finally located her, laughing with her friends in the center of the cafeteria, I saw it as the perfect opportunity. I marched over to her and delivered a swift punch to her nose.

After that incident, Cara never bothered me again. Kassandra always stepped in when I needed her to. As I matured, I came to realize that Kassandra was just a figment of my imagination, a convenient excuse for my own bad behavior.

However, doubts began to creep into my mind about my sanity and the reality of the situation. As I found myself trapped in the bedroom of the cabin. Kassandra had left me there, after she struck me on the head with a soap holder from the bathroom.

I attempted to force the door open, but it appeared to have been barricaded from the outside.

Feeling completely unhinged, I questioned how

Kassandra could be a living, breathing person. Was this all some elaborate prank being played on me?

Time passed as I remained stuck in the room, resigned to my fate. It was only when I remembered the small window in the bathroom that I saw a glimmer of hope. Realizing I could fit through it, I saw an escape.

Rushing to the window, I tried to open it, but it was locked. I noticed the small latch holding it shut from the outside.

Kassandra may have been clever, but she overlooked one crucial detail - we were the same person. I grabbed the same soap holder she had used on me and hurled it at the window, shattering the glass into a million pieces.

Crawling through the broken window, I escaped with a few minor scratches.

Upon landing on the ground, I quickly made my way to my childhood home, determined to reach Luke. I was unsure of what Kassandra was capable of.

As I approached the house, I heard a commotion from inside - the sound of furniture being moved and heavy footsteps echoing on the floor

I felt my heart race at the thought of Luke being in pain. What if she had hurt him? I knew I should have stayed and talked things out, but I always had a tendency to run away from my problems. Kassandra, on the other hand, was much better at confronting them head-on.

With a sudden burst of courage, I yanked the door open and was immediately struck by what I saw in front of me.

An: Here's another chapter.

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