Migraines & Alphas.


Walking into the kitchen I see Fraction sat reading a piece of paper and drinking a coffee, I stop for a second and look behind me and then. around the kitchen. Seeing no one but Fraction I’m confused as to why he’s sat out in the open like this and not in his office.

“Office just smells too much like whiskey these days?” I ask heading over to the coffee pot.

“Anna is using it.” He answers without looking up from his letter, it must be something serious because his eyes haven’t left it since I entered.

“Something important?” I ask him while I blow on my hot coffee and sit at the table next to him.

“Not really,” he answers before folding the paper carefully and tucking it into his jeans. “Glad you’re awake actually, once Anna is done I need you both in the office.”

“What is she doing?” I ask him curious.

“Legal stuff with Jefferson, Darryl let me borrow him for her.” I feel my eyebrows draw together in confusion.

“Why does Anna need a shark like Jefferson?” Jefferson is one of the strongest and most badas s lawyers the packs have at their disposal and Darryl doesn’t just let anyone use him.

“I’ve made sure she’s set up before she leaves. I need to know she’s covered out there as best as I’can.” Fraction tells me as we hear a door



close down the hall, I guess that will be Jefferson.

Fraction gets up from the table and walks into the hall. I follow him, considering he said he needs me when Jfferson is gone anyway.

“Everything signed?” Fraction asks Jefferson, he looks as cool ast always. He somehow has this way of being formal but casual at the same time. The man drips S** appeal and once he starts in on the legal stuff I swear the room gets hotter.

“All done, I gave her everything she needs and my number as per Alpha Darryl’s request. If you need anything in the meantime, you know where I am.” Jefferson says before nodding at us both and heading for the door. “Oh, Fraction.” He says spinning around at the door. “thats a sweet Luna you have there. Don’t let that bi tch kill her or I might have to get pis sed off.” My eyes widen as he says this. It seems our little Luna made an impression on the hard as s lawyer.

“Don’t worry. I have a plan.” Fraction says as Jefferson leaves the house, “come on.” Fraction says to me as he heads for the office.

I don’t immediately follow Fraction into the office. I can feel a tension. headache coming on, draining my coffee I take the mug back to the kitchen. I’m trying to build myself up to being in the same room as Fraction and Anna, lately whenever they are together it seems to result in nothing but an argument. I can’t say I blame them, the situation they are in would cause anyone to fight. Sighing I leave the kitchen and head for the office.

“It’s too much.” I hear Anna say as I walk into the office, Fraction is sitting in the armchair and Anna is behind the desk waving her hands over a pile of envelopes and what looks like an iPhone box. “I don’t need all this. Fraction.”

“I can’t do much at the moment so let me do this,” Fraction says to her, closing the office door I drag a chair over towards Fraction and sit.




down next to him. Anna looks at me and smiles, it’s a sad smile not quite reaching her eyes. I don’t think I’ve seen genuine happiness in her for weeks now. She lost weight. I can tell with how her collar bone is sticking out. I also notice the fresh bite on her shoulder. I guess there has been a time the two of them don’t fight if Leo has left his mark on her.

“What did I miss?” I ask them both.

“Fraction being his normal bossy Alpha self. He’s giving me all this stuff,” she waves her hand over her treasures. “It’s too much, you gave me a house!” Anna says to Fraction.

“That house is close enough for me to bring Thomas to see you and fa rt enough away that Faye won’t smell you within packland.” Fraction explains, “it’s not a big house and it’s more for Thomas than you.” I understand his logic, he’s trying to keep Anna around for Thomas but I’ m sure it’s partly for him too.

“Jefferson said you aren’t taking a new mate?” I’m not shocked by Anna’s statement. I didn’t think for a second that Fraction would take

ave as an actual mate. Luna doesn’t mean mate after all.

“No, I don’t. Faye will be Luna in name only. I’m keeping Thomas in his room too, she won’t get the Luna rooms or sleep in our room.” Fraction tells Anna while sitting back in his armchair.

“Where will she stay then?” I ask Fraction out of curiosity as I pull my notepad from my pocket, something tells me I need to be making notes here.


“I don’t give a sh it. She won’t be here with my son or where my mate. should be.” He smiles at Anna.

“She won’t like that, she will assume being Luna means being your


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mate. She will expect certain things from you.” Anna tells him, “and all of this is a moot point if she kills me in the challenge. Even you said it’s a possible outcome.”

“I don’t care what she expects, I’m not doing anything that isn’t required by pack law. And I don’t plan on you dying any time soon, little wolf.” Fraction says looking over at me to see me scribbling ideas for a place Faye can stay. “The cells?”

“Too far?” I ask him, putting a line through it.

“Yeah, maybe.” Anna coughs, drawing our attention to her.

“How exactly do you expect her to stop her from killing me? Not that I don’t love that idea but how?” Anna asks Fraction.

“Simple, you don’t fight.” I think I know where Fraction is going with this but I stay silent and keep writing my notes.

“You said once a challenge is issued it has to be followed. I don’t understand.” Anna looks confused and I don’t blame her.

“You do have to follow it but you can concede the fight and ask for permission to be allowed to leave the pack.” I can see Anna’s confusion growing.

“That makes sense,” I say to Anna. “If you fight there is a big chance. you could die, a very big chance. And if she wins but doesn’t kill you, Fraction will have to banish you. Once banished you can’t ever come


“So if I leave on my own I can come back?” Fraction nods at Anna’s question.

“I’m just looking for time to figure out what the hell is going on, I told you I will fix this. I just need’ time.” Fraction tells Anna with a small





“You still think something is wrong?” I ask them, “I mean more so than a second mate.” I quickly add at Anna’s annoyed look.

“Of course there is.” Anna says quickly.

“There has to be.” Fraction agrees. “When I’m with Anna it’s all passion, fire and comfort but there is also loyalty and longing when she’s not near me.” His eyes don’t leave Anna the whole time she talks and I can tell by the look on her face she agrees. “With Faye there is. nothing but a slight smell that sort of smells like a mate and then there is nothing unless she touches me. It just is not right, even Leo doesn’t like her wolf.” I tap my pen against my knee, he’s not wrong, something sounds very weird.

“You haven’t touched her again right?” Anna says instantly getting her back up.

“Of course not little wolf.” Fraction says instantly.

“Ok, tell me about how this conceding thing works.” I settle back in my chair knowing that I’m not leaving this office any time soon.

I wish I had taken some pain pills in the kitchen, I have a feeling this tension headache is going to quickly become a migraine. At least they aren’t screaming and shouting at each other anymore, I guess at some point they have come to an understanding over this whole situation.

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