His Rogue Omega: Chapter 26.

✩ Eva✩

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“Relax Angel, no one is coming.” Cas buckles me into the car and closes the door just as Selena and Sookie reach the car. Selena slides into the back seat while Cas and Sookie put the bags in the trunk.

“You alright?” I just nod my head at her as I close my eyes and try to relax myself just like Cas said. “I got you some basic boots cuts and some with lace on, nothing too se xy. And some bralettes, if they don’t fit I’ll get Cas to bring you back some other time.”

“I still needed to go to the sensual oil place.” Sookie complains loudly as she climbs into the back of the car, I roll my eyes at Selena who covers her mouth to hide her laugh.

“Tough, I need to get back to the Pack. I just have one stop to make before we do.” Cas starts the car just as he reaches over and squeezes my hand, “be home soon. Try and have a nap.” A nap actually sounds ideal. My whole b*dy feels like a live wire, rubbing my hands up my arms, I close my eyes and try to zone out Sookie complaining loudly about missing out on her shopping trip.

It’s not long before the car is stopping outside of a large yellow building. I expect Cas to get out of the car but instead he winds down his window while pressing a button that pops the trunk.


“Castiel Freelin?” A young kid in a bright yellow jacket and a hard hat one asks, Cas just nods his head and signs the cl*pboard pushed through the open window, “We’ll pop it in the trunk for you and you’re good to go, any issues just contact the seller.”




17.00 M)


His Rogue Omega Chapter 26.

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“What’s that?” Sookie asks from behind us, I don’t bother to look but I feel the car jolt as something heavy is put in the trunk.

“Something for me, now let’s get you home ladies.” Cas starts the car again and after a while the motion of driving down the freeway has me nodding off into a much needed nap. Ca s’s hand stays in mine, he doesn’t seem to mind driving one handed and I actually like the feel of his hand in mine, it’s helping to ground me to the current moment and not think of the past.

For the first time in a while I wake up feeling quite refreshed. I couldn’t have slept for long because the mall wasn’t too far from the Pack house. I don’t think I had a bad dream either which is rare for me, my dreams are normally an instant replay of one beating or another. A sharp poke in my shoulder has me jerking around, the first thing I realise is that the car is empty except for Sookie.

“Where did everyone go?” Sookie just fl*ps her hair over her shoulder as I look outside of the car for a sign of Cas or Selena.

“They went inside, there is an Alpha visiting from another Pack. I don’t know, apparently it’s some big to do, from the way they both rushed in there.” She nods over at a black Impala, I only recognise the care because of the comics some of the kids used to read at The


“Which Alpha?” I don’t think it’s Alpha Fraction as I think he used an SUV but I could be wrong, it’s not like cars are the first thing I notice.

“How should I know, I was just to stay here until you woke up but honestly it’s boring as hell. Think we can get your pampered a ss inside now?” I roll my eyes at Sookie as I go to step out of the car, “finally. Da mn pampered princess.” I don’t know why Sookie hates me so much but her snarky comments all day have left me feeling like she wants to say something but she’s holding herself back.

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 26.

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“Have I upset you?” I ask her, it takes everything in me not to look at the floor but I know if I do this woman will just walk all over me. She just gets out of the car slamming the door behind her so I quickly follow her so we are standing beside the car, “Sookie?”

“What do you want from me?” My eyes widen as I take a step back from the blonde banshee now standing in front of me, looking around I try to find someone to save me from the angry shifter but no one is here. “Isn’t it enough that you come and sleep in my future mate’s bed? That he fawns all over you and stays by your side? Honestly you must have a golden pus sy because I’ve never seen a man fall so hard for a woman in my life.” She points her finger at me, clearly not done with her rant now she has the freedom to get it all out. “And now to top it all off I have to play babysitter, just do us all a favour and run off like the scared little rogue you are. If you can even call yourself that!”

“I didn’t ask to be here.” I say quickly but this seems to just anger her more as her red l*ps puff out and her shoulders become stiff.

“Oh no, poor little Eva doesn’t have to ask for anything. You have Sally waiting on you hand and foot, the Head Warriors mate is basically nestled in your as s, she wants to be your friend so much. I’m pretty sure if you actually ventured out of my mates You would have this Pack wrapped around your little finger.” I’m actually shocked at the words coming from Sookie, other than the diner I’ve had very little to do with her. For her to judge me like this and not actually know me it’s making me angry and I’m not someone who gets angry often.

‘Oh this bit ch needs to be taught what is what!’ For once me and my inner crazy are in sync

“You don’t know me, you have no idea who I am!” I’m actually shouting, I can’t remember the last time my voice was more than a whisper. “I didn’t ask for any of this, your Head Warrior asked me to

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His Rogue Omega Chapter 26.

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stay when I wanted to leave so if you have a problem with me being here you need to take it up with him and your Alpha.” Sookie just stands there and confident I have said my peace I turn and walk away.

“You need to learn your place.” Those six words have me stopping cold, ‘learn your place’ that’s what Jeremy used to say as he laid into me, it’s also what the various members of The Shalamayne used to say as they whipped me. ‘Learn your place’, I’m so sick of people telling me to learn my place. Without even thinking about what I’m doing I turn around and throw my fist into Sookie’s face, thanks to my time with The Shalamayne I know how to defend myself and throw a decent punch if I need to.

“Like I said, don’t pretend to know who I am.” Apparently I vastly underestimated a female shifter because when she looks back at me her once blue eyes are now yellow. My survival instinct kicks in and I také a step back as she starts to growl, her arms seem to shake as she falls. forward onto her hands and knees.

“When this is over you’re buying me a new set of nails.” I try to move but something is stopping me, I can feel the fear shaking through me as I watch the woman in front of me slowly turn into a dark grey wolf.

‘I’ll take it from here.’ I don’t really know what happens but one second I am there watching this dark grey wolf growl and lower itself to the ground and the next I am pulled backwards as an equally loud growl sounds. I try to look around me but it’s like I’m stuck looking at the situation folding out in front of me, Sookie’s wolf steps back like she’s shocked just a second before I hear a scream.

“Sookie stand down.” The dark grey wolf instantly sits back on her hind legs and looks down at the floor, she looks like a scolded pup.

“I thought you said she didn’t have a wolf? Now you have a dangerous rogue on your land.” I don’t recognise the voice shouting but as I





His Rogue Omega Chapter 26.

288 Vouchers

process the words I wonder which rogue she’s talking about. A loud growl sounds which makes me think there is a wolf behind me so I stand perfectly still.

“Just stay where you are, Darryl, a little help.” I see Cas step into my view with his hands out in front of him like he’s showing me he’s not a threat. “Hey beautiful, you picked some cracking timing to shift for the first time.”

‘I shifted?” I try to say but all that comes out is a low whine.

‘Duh, what? Did you think I was the da mn tooth fairy or something?’ The voice that speaks in my head somehow sounds louder, ‘bi tch was going to cut you down. I needed to take matters into my own hands.’-

“As beautiful as you are, we have guests right now. Think you can let Eva come back out?” I feel myself move as my wolf steps closer to Cas, he stands perfectly still as she sniffs along his arm and then winds her b*dy along his legs, swishing her tail as she goes. “If you let Eva back out I promise you and Storm can go for a run later.”

‘Oh da mn right I’m running with that sinful wolf.’ My wolf says excitedly just as I feel myself pulled forward, one second I’m someplace far away and the next I’m on the ground listening to Cas shout at people to turn away from me. Gasping for breath I feel breath, I feel Ca s ‘s arms come around me and pick me up from the cold floor, the second I am in his arms I wrap my hands around his n*eck and s b.


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