His Rogue Omega: Chapter 24.


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“Da mn springs,” I groan as I try to lift myself out of the armchair, it’s been yet another night of barely any sleep and not just because of the chair. I don’t know if it was talking about Jeremy or thinking of the past but Eva was having nightmare after nightmare last night, I had to will myself not to go to her as she cried out in pain. Looking over at my bed I see Eva with the comforter up to her chin and her l*ps pressed in a thin line, her face is bright red from trying to stop the laughter escaping. “Oh, you think this is funny Angel? I hope you’re comfy in that California king because I’m going to have major back issues later in life now.” That does Eva in and the most beautiful sound I have ever heard echoes around the room, at least until she can’t catch her breath and she snorts.

“Oh!” She covers her face with her hands as I roar with laughter on my way to the bedroom, I like that telling me about Jeremy seems to have put a kink in her armour.

“Don’t worry Angel, I won’t tell anyone you’re a little piggy.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she just blushes redder than a raspberry. “On the sofa there are some clothes Selena left you. Get dressed while I shower, we’re going out today.” I don’t wait to see her reaction to leaving the bedroom, instead I dash into the bathroom for a quick shower.

It isn’t until I am running the soap over my chest and ignoring my rock hard co ck that I realise I didn’t pick up any clothes. I can only hope Eva does not panic when I step out in nothing but a towel.



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 24

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‘You don’t have to get n*ked in front of her.’ Storm growls at the idea of me scaring our mate.

‘I’m not going to get n*ked, I’m just going to grab my clothes and come back to the bathroom.’ I roll my eyes as I rinse the soap from my b*dy and turn the shower nozzles to stop the water.

“This trip is pushing her too fast, she needs protection.’ I listen to Storm as I step from the shower and grab the towel from the back of the door. I knew Storm was protective of Eva but I didn’t think he felt he had to protect her from me.

‘What she needs are her own clothes, stuff of her own, females need that kind of stuff. How can I expect her to feel comfortable here when she has no stuff of her own?’ I finish drying myself off and wrap the towel around my waist, making sure it’s secure, I open the door to see the bedroom is empty.

“Eva?” The woman has barely left the room in over a week but now she’s just gone.

“She’s out here with me, Alpha.” I hear Selena shout from the little makeshift lounge I have down here.

‘She doesn’t need stuff, we need to take her and run. Protection is the only thing she needs, you need to go old school on this.’ I slam Storm down so quickly he starts to growl at me, I can’t say I know what to do about everything but I do know that throwing Eva over my shoulder and running off into the wild is not what needs to happen.

“I’ll be there in just a minute and then we can get going.” I shout as I head over to my drawers and quickly pull out some Levi’s and a plain black t-shirt. Once I’m all dried and dressed I step out of the bedroom to see Selena standing at the little mirror and Eva sitting on the sofa looking totally uncomfortable.



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 24.

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“Ready?” Selena asks as she looks at me through the mirror, her voice is a little too chipper and I can see the worry around her eyes.

“Everything alright ladies?” Both of them just nod at me in a way that tells me everything is anything but alright, “well let’s get going then.” I clap my hands together and start for the stairs, Selena beats me to them and starts on up as Eva stops me.

“Cas?” Her voice is so low that I almost don’t hear her over the clicking of Selena’s heeled black boots on the wooden stairs.

“What is it, Angel?” I turn back to her with a hand on the bannister, she hasn’t moved from the sofa and looks really worried. She’s picking at the nails on her hand which I’ve come to notice as a nervous gesture she has.

“Where are we going?” Closing my eyes I realise how stu pid I’ve been, I’ve treated her like any other female who would love a surprise but Eva isn’t just any other female. Stepping off the stairs I look up to ensure Selena isn’t listening, once I’m sure we are alone I walk over to the sofa and sit down. Eva shuffles over a little so our legs stop touching but otherwise stays on the sofa.

“Well I figured you would be more comfortable with some of your own stuff around you.” Eva sits up straighter and I can tell she’s instantly on high alert, “don’t worry. I heard you last night, we aren’t going to Jeremy’s, we are going a couple towns over to the big mall.”

“I don’t have any money, he took everything. Even the tips I tried to save,” she practically deflates when she realises I’m not taking her to Jeremy. “I can afford anything, I highly doubt I have a job anymore.”

“I’ll worry about the money, let’s just go and get you all you need.” Thinking we are done I stand up from the sofa and turn back to Eva holding out my hand to her, she just looks at me shaking her head

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His Rogue Omega Chapter 24.

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“I can’t take your money.” I sigh as I see the stubborn look in her face.

“How about, I lend you it? I’ll get you what you need and when you get back on your feet you can pay me back?” I have no intention of taking her money but I really want her off this sofa and out into the world, she needs some fresh air and some interactions with people who aren’t me.

“Alright,” Eva smiles up at me just before she stands and runs her hands down the form fitting dark grey leggings she’s wearing. “It will be nice to have some clothes I don’t have to fold over to fit me. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Selena is a giant compared to me.” I hold back a laugh as she starts to walk up the stairs ahead of me, I told Rowan last night to make sure the Pack house was empty this morning. At least until we leave, I’m not going to push the Pack in Eva’s face in one go. I’ll introduce them to her slowly and over time.

She waits at the top of the stairs for me, not knowing where to go. I figure she’s just waiting for me to tell her, once I come through the door I realise that’s not what made her stop.

“Sookie? What are you doing here?” I can’t keep the venom from my voice, I’ve been avoiding her since that day in the diner.

“Apparently she heard we are going to the mall and wants to tag along.” Selena rolls her eyes as she grabs Eva’s hand and pulls her in the direction of the front door and my car.

“You aren’t coming, Sookie.” The idea behind this trip is to kit Eva out and maybe help fix the friendship between her and Selena, at no point did I want to introduce her to Sookie.

“But baby,” Sookie’s whiney voice has me scrunching my nose. “I need some girl stuff and I haven’t seen you in ages.” She twirls her platinum



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 24.

288 Vouchers

blonde hair around her finger and bites her bottom l*p in what I’m sure is meant to be seductive.

“You can come and get your shopping but you don’t bother Eva or Selena and you absolutely cute out this baby cr ap.” I put on my hardest Alpha voice to make my point to her, “I’m not now nor will I ever be you ‘baby’, it’s Alpha or Cas when around the humans.” Sookie’s eyes go wide for a second before she nods her head, knowing I’m going to regret this I head for the door listening to her follow me.


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