His Rogue Omega: Chapter 18.

✩ Cas✩

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I make myself wait, I listen to Selena talk to Eva and then leave up the stairs, I want nothing more than to rush to her side but I make myself stay and finish the email to Alpha Darryl. I need his opinion on how to handle the Eric situation and also if he has any insight about shifters on drugs. John Micjens has been locked in a cell for days now and he’s still strung out on the drugs he’s taken, Rowan has had a guard on the cells so there is no way more drugs have gotten in. John should be clean by now but Selena said it’s a mix of a few different drugs and they are playing havoc on John’s system. I hope Darryl has seen this before and can tell me how to fix it before more of my Pack succumbs to this new activity plaguing our streets.

Figuring I’ve kept Eva waiting for long enough I quickly lock my laptop before leaving my office and locking the door behind me. Sure I’ m only going to be next door but if my mother can get past my Head Warrior then anyone can get down here and I’m not taking a chance with the information I have in here. Opening my bedroom door I’m instantly confused, I didn’t hear Eva leave with Selena yet she’s not in the room.

“Eva?” I ask as I close the door behind me, the water is running in the bathroom so I guess she had to pee. Sitting on the chair I wait for her to come out, it has to be a scary experience for her. The last time she was in a Packhouse she was kept in a small cell and made to have no contact with anyone. Sure I snuck down to see her as often as I could but if I’m honest I could have argued her case a lot harder than I did. Looking at my watch I see it’s been a good ten minutes since I entered




His Rogue Omega Chapter 18.

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the room, I don’t like to judge but there is no way she’s still using the facilities.

“Eva, you can’t stay hidden in there. We need to talk.” She must hear the annoyance in my voice because slowly the bathroom door opens and she walks into the room. Selena changed her out of the clothes she was in and put her in some sleep clothes, they look huge on her, not that Selena is big, Eva is just that small. Her shoulders are slumped and she’s got her head down, using her hair as a shield against me and her. “No need to be shy, come and sit down.” Eva slowly shuffles over to the bed and I notice how she’s favouring her left foot over her right, I guess that is the one Selena was talking about.

“Why am I here Cas, I didn’t do anything wrong.” She can’t really be so clueless, moving around in the chair I try to think of how to phrase what I need to say.

“You’re not in trouble Eva, I think you will just be safer here.” It’s hard to see what she’s thinking as she curls in on herself and uses her hair to hide from me. “You needed medical attention, we kept an eye on you when you went into the forest but we didn’t realise how sick you were until the winds changed. When Eric showed up I had to make a choice, I figured you would rather be here than with a rogue.” I try to stress to her how little choice I had.

“You could have at least asked.” I smile at this, clearly she doesn’t remember what happened in the cave.

“You were completely out of it Angel. There was no way to get any sense out of you, you asked for me when Eric picked you up.” Eva’s head soots up and for a second I swear she has flecks of purple in her soft green eyes.

“I did? I asked for you?” I nod my head at her, I need her to understand that I didn’t make this decision lightly. “I can’t stay here Cas, Fraction






His Rogue Omega. Chapter 18

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made sure no Pack will take me and they shouldn’t, I’m dangerous.”

“Sweetheart, your many things but dangerous is not one of them. Out of everything I have going on right now you are the least complicated one.” I’m not going to tell her everything that is happening but I need her to understand she’s not a complication to me, she’s actually the opposite.

“I highly doubt that, you don’t know what I can do.” A small shiver works its way down her spine as she curls in on herself again.

For a while we sit in silence while I wait for her to elaborate but when she doesn’t I get up from the chair and walk over to the chest of drawers.

“How about you settle down for the night? Maybe you will feel more like chatting in the morning.” Turning away from the drawers I notice she’s moved from the bed to the corner of the room, sitting with her legs tucked into her chest she’s back to using her long black hair as a shield. “I thought you might like to change into some clean sleep things.” I drop the plain black t-shirt I picked out onto the bed and then walk past her and into the bathroom. Starting the shower I figure it will give her time to change and get settled before I come back into the room. Dropping my own sleep pants on the side of the sink I look into the mirror and try to see myself as she must. Sure my six foot nine height will be intimidating to her barely five foot four but then the rest of me is pretty easy going. My hair always does this weird ruffled thing that a girl once told me, made me look like I’d just got done f ucking. My eyes are a deep chocolate brown and other than the dark circles from lack of sleep I don’t think they hold anything threatening. I’m not littered in tattoos or a bushy beard like Fraction. I’m not over muscled or scowl faced like Darryl, I don’t see what she sees.

‘And you won’t, not ever. You can’t know what it’s like to be the small





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 18

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wolf under an Alpha’s boot.’ I roll my eyes at Storm as I push off the sink and start to strip for my shower.

‘I know what that’s like all too well, it’s why I want something different for her.’ Storm knows my past better than anyone else but I have to agree it’s definitely different for a man than a woman. I don’t know if it’s the world around us making violence normalised or if it’s S*xist but men seem to just shake this kind of thing easier than women.

‘Do they? Think. Maybe Eva just carries her pain for you to see, you still have pain, you just bury it deep down.’ I roll my eyes again as I step under the warm spray of the shower and close the glass door behind me. ‘Don’t kid yourself, you feel the pain as much as she does. Domestic violence is the same no matter the gender, you just have Alpha in you which helps you push it down. Don’t forget I know your nightmares.’ Placing my hands against the white tiles I drop my head so the hot spray can batter my back.

Storm is right, no matter how much I bury my past I can’t seem to hide from it at night. I wake up covered in a cold sweat most nights terrified my father is going to come into my room and start beating me for some arbitrary reason. Not that he needed an excuse, me being born a male and one day taking over the Pack was enough to insight his anger. Staying in the shower until the water runs cold I try to think of a way to help Eva when I can’t seem to help myself.

Stepping from the shower I make quick work of drying off and pulling on my sleep pants. I gave Eva my shirt so I just stay tople ss, the woman has seen me balls out n*ked after a shift so a lack of a t-shirt shouldn’t scare her much. Opening the door to the bedroom I see she’s curled herself back into the bed but she’s perched right on the far side of the mattress and from what I can tell she’s curled up in a tight ball. The shirt I left for her is still on the end of the bed which means she’s still in the same clothes as before. I want nothing more than to climb into





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His Rogue Omega Chapter 18

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the bed and pull her into my chest, stroke her hair and promise everything is going to be alright. Instead I drop myself into my chair

and pray the nightmares don’t come tonight.



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