His Rogue Omega: Chapter 15.


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I’m not sure if it’s my bedroom door being banged open or my mother screaming, that wakes me up. Whichever it is, I’m instantly up and in front of my bed protecting Eva from the threat.

“You can’t be serious, you drop Vince as Beta, kick him out of the Packhouse and now you have a rogue in your bed?” My mother’s voice is so loud that I turn slightly to check she hasn’t woken Eva. Thankfully she’s still laid in the middle of my bed completely knocked out from what Selena gave her. Growling low I grab my mother’s arm and drag her from my bedroom, carefully I close the door behind me careful not to create more noise.

“Who do you think you are? Barging into my room like that.” My mother whimpers a little as my Alpha aura starts to pulse around me, “what I do is no business of yours.”

In my anger I realise I’ve pushed my aura out a little too much so I try to grab it back a bit.

“I raised you better than this, declas sing your Uncle and bringing rogues into the Pack. This isn’t how you were raised!” My mother is pointing her finger at me as she sways on the spot, one sniff and I know instantly she’s been at the gin before coming down here.

“You didn’t raise me, you nursed a bottle of gin while my Alpha beat the shi t out of me.” Her dull brown eyes widen as I shout back at her, I think I’ve actually shocked her by not falling in line.




His Rogue Omega Chapter 15


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“I did the best that I could but regardless of the past, you can’t just bring a rogue into the Packhouse.” Growling I run a hand over my face, I’m exhausted after running the Pack by day and watching Eva by night. The last thing I need is my mother in my face about my choices.

“She stays, simple as that. Now go away so I can get some sleep.” Turning away from her I’m stopped by her hand on my forearm, it takes everything I have not to beat her off me. Her very touch makes my skin crawl with revulsion, if I had a valid reason to do so, she would have been banished the second I took over as Alpha,

“Martha?” The door at the top of the stairs opens as Rowan shouts for my mother.

“She’s down here.” I talk to Rowan but I keep my eyes locked with my mother as I push her hand from me.

“S hit.” I hear Rowan’s footsteps on the stairs just a second before I see him, “Martha I told you not to come down here.” His face is red with anger as he finishes his descent into the basement and walks over to us. “I’m sorry Alpha, I told her not to come down, I only stepped away to ensure Selena got to bed alright.” I just nod my head at Rowan as he hands me a red folder, it’s thick with paper, I take it from him


“Is this what I asked for?” Rowan just nods his head at me as he pulls my mother towards the stairs, “once she’s secure come down to my office.” Sleep forgotten about, I push the door next to my bedroom open and enter my office, sitting down in my desk chair I open the file. A few days ago I asked Rowan to find out everything he could about the rogue hanging around Eva, other than his name he couldn’t find anything. Apparently that has changed considering the information sitting before me.

‘You need to call the Elders, you can’t let this guy run around


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His Rogue Omega Chapter 15.

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unchecked.’ I hum in agreement with Storm, as I start reading about Eric the Alpha of The Onyxfur Pack. Apparently Alpha Eric killed his brother, Beta and Head Warrior before fleeing from his Pack, he left the Pack dripping in the blood of those who trusted him and fled to America. For an English Alpha to make it this far he must have some big connections, I’m also surprised the Elders haven’t found him yet.

“Interesting read, right?” I nod my head at Rowan as I flick the page to see a picture of a small blonde woman, the page tells me this is Lisa, Luna of The Onyxfur Pack.

“I could smell that he wasn’t a normal rogue but I didn’t expect this. We need to call the Elders, I can’t have a shifter like this anywhere near our land.” Closing the file I open my desk drawer and drop it inside as I lift a fresh bottle of Jameson out, holding up to Rowan I silently ask if he wants a drink.

“Not for me, given what’s in that file I have patrols set up on the borders.” Unscrewing the bottle I can’t help but think again how good Rowan would be as my Beta, he does everything without asking if I don’t know it’s needed. “I figured with Eva here and what’s in that file we should take precautions.”

“I agree, make sure you rotate out often. I don’t want the warriors getting tired and sl oppy. In the morning I will call the Elders and Alpha Darryl, he might be able to give us more information on Eric.” If anyone knows about Packs and any threats coming for us then it will be Darryl, he’s the oldest Alpha in America and he has the biggest Pack. If we still had royalty then many think he would be our King.

“How is she?” I don’t have to ask who Rowan is talking about, he’s looking at the wall separating us from Eva as if he can see her.

“She hasn’t woken up yet, Selena seems to think she will be out for a few days.” I down my drink and pour myself another one, “when Eric





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 15.

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took her from the hospital she was still in a really bad way and being out in the forest for days did not help.”

“Why is her wolf not healing her? I can smell her more now than I could when we first spotted her but she’s still so distant.” Rolling my head back on my shoulders I try to decide how much of Eva’s past to tell Rowan.

‘He’s trustworthy.’ I agree with Storm, I trust Rowan so I think I can trust him with the truth.

“How much do you know of The Shalamayne?” Rowan’s eyebrows scrunch together as he looks at me, confusion is written all over his face.

“That old ghost story? I remember it from when I was a pup but

honestly couldn’t tell you it word for word.” Chuckling a little I open my desk drawer and pull out a second glass, placing it on the table in front of him. I quickly pour two fresh glasses of Jameson.

“It’s not a ghost story, you’re going to need this.” I push the glass towards him as I sit back and get ready to tell my Head Warrior how my mate has lived her life. “What I’m going to tell you is going to pis s you off but I need you to keep a level head and know I would never put this Pack in any kind of danger. Eva’s past is dark and not one that I would wish on anyone, I don’t know it all but I know enough.”



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