His Rogue Omega: Chapter 13.


288 Vouchers

Eva is running towards the Pack, through the forest. Get eyes on her but don’t approach.’ I send a message to Rowan over the Pack link, Storm is begging me to chase after Eva but I know now is not the time. She’s shaken and I think she’s realising that the man she has been with is no good for her. It can be alarming to any woman to come to this conclusion, particularly one who has been treated like trash all of her life.

‘And you?’ I’m already letting Storm push his way forward as Rowan speaks over the Pack link.

‘I’m going rogue hunting.’ Shutting the link down I focus on my b*dy changing into Storm, some shifters hate this process and feel nothing but pain. Not me though, me and Storm are one thanks to my father, each time he beat me or locked me up Storm would be there. He’s healed me through some horrific wounds and kept me company during my lonelier nights. Changing into Storm is just as easy as taking my shoes off at the end of a long day.

As soon as Storm is back on four paws he starts to sniff at the ground, it doesn’t take long before he has Eric’s scent. It’s weak thanks to him being in the truck but Storm captures it enough that he races off through the trees, the complete opposite way to Eva. He told Eva he was at the edge of town and given that I haven’t scented him around the Pack land it means he’s on the other side of the town to us. Sitting back I give Storm full control, he guides us through the trees dodging trunks and rocks, sailing over small rivers, never does he lose Eric’s




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 13.

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scent or get us seen. Storm is a master at tracking thanks to a wolf I met in Thailand when I was eighteen, he taught me everything I could ever need to know about tracking and Storm soaked it up. When I left the Pack, my parents thought I would go rabid without a Pack, instead I hunted down powerful Alpha’s and learned everything I could from each one.

“There.’ Storm skids to a halt and nudges himself low into a bush, ahead of us is a small cabin and from the smell surrounding it. Eric is the only one here. I don’t see any lights on in the cabin but I can make out a shadow sitting on the porch.

“Might as well come out Alpha Cas, I know you’re there.” He’s not shouting but I hear him clear as day, “there are some pants to your left.”

‘Might be a trap.” I take Storm’s warning but I do need to speak with this rogue and normally when you’re planning on killing someone you don’t dress them first.

‘It will be fine.’ I pull Storm back much to his irritation, once I’m standing on my own two feet I walk slightly to my left and see some grey jogging bottoms hanging from the branch of a tree. Giving them a quick sniff I can tell they are clean, so I slide them up my long legs. Thankfully Eric seems to be as gifted as me in the height department so they fit rather well. Once I’m somewhat covered I start the walk from the trees up to his cabin. I’m not a complete fool though, I keep my senses on the alert for any surprises or hidden people.

Once I am within a few feet of the cabin I can see Eric is sitting in a wooden chair eating what smells like a BLT. For a second I just stand and look at him, for a rogue he looks pretty clean and relaxed. His dark hair had this just ruffled look that I always try to get with mine but never quite reach. His hazel eyes are warm and welcoming, sniffing I






His Rogue Omega: Chapter 13.

288 Vouchers

can smell the Alpha surrounding him. This man might be a rogue but he was Pack at some point recently.

“Have a seat.” I shake my head and cross my arms over my bare chest, “are you here about your mate?” His voice is like smooth caramel and I’m pretty sure it has a slight Texan twang to it.

“How did you know she was mine?” I’m instantly on the defence, I can count on one hand how many people know Eva is my fated mate.

“You have Pack watching her constantly and from what I understand of Everfur that’s not normal behaviour. At least not of your father’s,” it’s odd that Eric has heard of us, most rogues don’t care about Packs and what they do. “Was easy to put together once I saw your patrols.”

“You’re not a normal rogue but you aren’t Pack or you would have come to me.” Eric shakes his head as he takes a bite from his


“Not a rogue, well I guess I am now. Honestly I didn’t come and declare myself because I thought your father was still in power and I have no time for people like him.” I’ve not heard of any Packs

disbanding or Alpha’s being beaten in a challenge, so I have to admit I’m curious about who he is. Taking the last few steps up his porch I sit myself in the chair opposite him.

“Where you from?” I accept the beer Eric holds out to me but I don’t drink from it, I want a clear head this evening and I prefer whiskey.

“Doesn’t matter anymore, I live here now.” I look around and from what I can see in the dark he’s isolated himself away from everyone and anyone.

“You’re pretty close to my Pack, I could see that as a threat.” He doesn’t look shocked, more like he knew what I would say which leads me to believe he is in fact an Alpha. “Another Alpha moves in so close, it





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 13.

could be a challenge.”

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“There is no challenge, I just want to be left alone.” Now that I’m closer to him I can see the bags under his eyes and the stress his face holds, something is weighing on this Alpha, that much is clear.

“Do I need to warn you about the consequences of pursuing my mate?” I lean forward so he can see how serious I am about Eva, I can let it slide the disrespect of not coming to see me but I won’t allow him to try and steal my mate.

“Trust me, I have no desire to steal your mate. At first I was intrigued about why she was unclaimed and then I was concerned when I could barely smell her wolf.” He sips at his beer but when I don’t offer an explanation he continues, “you know her human mate is beating her, right?” I clenched my hands together as he confirms what me and Selena suspected when she first came to the hospital.

“I do now, I didn’t before this though. I thought she was happy where she was.” Eric nods his head at me before draining his beer.

“Did she go back?” I shake my head at his as I run my hand through my hair.

“She ran into the forest, I have my Head Warrior looking for her now. I just wanted to come and see you before I join him.” Eric looks over at the trees as I speak, he looks almost annoyed.

“It’s going to rain tonight, with no wolf to protect her it’s going to be miserable.” I look up at the sky as he speaks and see the grey clouds are indeed rolling in. “I’ll keep my eyes open for her and shout if she comes this way.”

“I appreciate that,” I jump up from the chair and walk down the porch. “Nice meeting you Eric.” I don’t hear his response as I let Storm take back over so we can go and hunt down Eva.



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