His Rogue Omega: Chapter 6.


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It’s been two days since cas came into Dragon’s Flame asking me about drugs being sold here. I lied to him and told him I didn’t know anything but I know Jeremy sells something that isn’t legal. I’m not certain it’s drugs as I’ve never been allowed in the basement but I know only a select few people know about it. I told Cas I would tell him if I saw any drugs but I’m not even sure how I would do that, I don’t have a phone and I never go anywhere without Jeremy knowing about it.

“Earth to Eva!” Selena is standing in front of me waving her manicured hand in my face.

Recharge successful!

“Sorry, what did you say?” I push Cas from my mind as I glance around the diner, I only recently did a coffee sweep so there is nothing to do right now.

“I asked if you wanted to come to the city with me next week? I have this big family thing coming up and I want a new dress.” I smile at the blonde beauty, she’s been trying to get me to do a girls trip with her ever since she started working here.

“I can’t, I’m busy.” It’s only after I reply that I realise she didn’t tell me a day or time, I inwardly slap myself at the sl*p up.

“Really? Eva, when do you have some down time? It seems like you are always running from one job to the next.” She looks genuinely unhappy that I’ve turned her down again. I would love nothing more than to have some time for me but Jeremy doesn’t allow it.




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 6.

288 Vouchers

“Sorry, Selena.” I walk around her and head over to the menu’s thinking I’ll give them a wipe down when the front door opens and I smell a shifter I’ve never smelled before.

The man standing in the doorway looks like a model from the front of a magazine, his full beard hides most of his face but his piercing blue eyes shine bright when he takes off his sunglasses.

“Table for one,” I just rapidly blink at the man talking before I realise he’s talking to me and I’m just staring at him. I quickly grab a menu and take him to Selena’s section, no point in putting myself under the nose of another shifter. “I didn’t think there would be another rogue around here.” His words are just for me and cause me to gasp and drop the menu on the table.

“Your server will be right over.” I practically run from the table, I head straight into the back room where the man can’t see me. I’ve been in Midsey for just over two months now and the only shifters I have ever seen have a distinct Pack smell about them. This man is full rogue, he has this earthy sp icy smell that I’ve only ever smelled on shifters belonging to anyone or anywhere.


“What was that?” Selena pops her head around the doorway, I stand up from leaning against the wall and try to calm my breathing.

“Sorry, I just felt really sick for a second.” The lie rolls right off my tongue, it’s not like I can’t tell her the man out there is a rogue and possibly really dangerous.

“Well I moved that guy to your section, Liam is sending me home early because it’s dead out there.” I inwardly moan as I nod my head at her, she walks over to the lockers as I prepare myself to go back out onto the diner floor. “You sure you’re okay Eva?” I ignore her as I hear Jason shouting that an order is ready, “oh that will be his pancakes. He



His Ringue Omags Chapter

wants a coffee too.”

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I feel the rogue’s eyes on me as I walk onto the floor and over to the kitchen hatch, with a shaking hand I pick up the pancakes and maple syrup. I take my time walking them over to the table, once I get there I simply pop them down and walk away to get the coffee pot. It’s really rude and with a normal customer it would cost me my tip but I don’t think a rogue will tip me anyway.

“So is it just you around here?” The guy asks as I pour his coffee into the waiting cup, he pulls the pancakes towards him and starts to tuck into them.

“No.” I keep my voice low, afraid I will be overheard talking to the stranger, I look over at the old man a few tables down and hold up the coffee pot but he just shakes his head.

“More of us or a Pack?” I just shrug my shoulders at him, sure I could warn him about Ca s’s Pack but then again I don’t owe this man anything.

“Can I get you anything else?” The man just sniffs before shaking his head, I sigh in relief and retreat over to the coffee station. I try to keep myself occupied with cleaning so I don’t keep staring at the rogue but my eyes keep travelling back to him. Other than Cas and his Pack, this rogue is the first other shifter I’ve seen since my time at Swiftmane.

It isn’t long before it’s just me, the rogue and Jason in the diner, it’s just gone ten in the morning so the lunchtime rush wont start for another hour or so.

“Eva, I’m just popping out for a smoke,” Jason’s head appears in the hutch, he looks at the guy nursing his coffee cup. “If you need me just holla.” I nod my head at Jason as he leaves me alone in an empty diner


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 6.

288 Vouchers

with the rogue, deciding I need to try and move him along. I head over with the coffee pot. I haven’t had it back on the warmer so it’s purposefully cold.

“Refill?” My voice comes out flat and as uninviting as I can make it.

“That thing will be cold by now, it’s been on the counter for the last thirty minutes.” I feel myself become stock still as he confirms he’s not only been watching me but also watching what I’ve been doing. “What are you?” I point to my name tag and look at him.

“Eva, my name is Eva.” I know it’s not what he’s asking but I don’t know how else to explain myself, I know I smell like a shifter but only partly, it’s like part of me is missing.

“Not your name, you smell like a shifter but you also don’t. You also smell like Pack but not, you’re an odd one Eva.” He pulls his wallet from his jeans and throws a fifty on the table before sliding from the blue booth seat, “the name’s Eric by the way. Feel free to let the Pack know I’m in town.” I just stand there at the booth watching Eric leave the diner and jump into a pick up, he peels out of the parking lot and heads down main street. I guess he’s staying in town and considering he’s just left almost double what his meal is worth I guess I wasn’t completely right about rogue’s being bad tippers.

I try to think of a way to contact Cas so I can tell him a rogue is in the area but I can’t think of any way to do that. Plus one rogue ratting on another, I bet there are rules about that somewhere. Some kind of rogue code, shaking my head I grab the cash on the table and slide it into my apron. I don’t owe Cas anything, I can’t tell him about drugs when I’m not sure and I’m definitely not his local link to everything rogue. Cleaning the dishes off the table I get ready for the lunch rush, I just hope the Pack doesn’t come in today.


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