

“One more on the left, make sure they can’t mount that grassy bit.” Darryl tells one of the warriors, they are moving the cars so that The Shalamayne can’t get past us. The wait is killing me, I sort of hoped it would be over quickly but it’s been two days, two days of Anna and Rick in the forest watching and waiting. I haven’t slept for fear of missing the call that they are moving. I’m waiting for Winter to send the message but it hasn’t come yet.

“Think they are onto us?” I ask Darryl as we watch the last car put into place.

“Nah, we are way too far back and Eva said they never leave the compound unless they are moving.” I cross my arms over my chest and sigh.

“I think we are putting too much trust in the pup,” I still don’t like the idea of Eva being the one to make sure the group stops. It was the only thing that made sense though.

“I think you need to look at the big picture, that poor kid is so broken she’s held together with duct tape and safety pins.” I don’t disagree with Darryl, Eva carries this air about her that makes you want to hold her and never let her go. It’s the reason we took her in when we found her the first time around.

‘It’s starting.’ Winter growls over our Pack link.

‘Remember your job Winter.’ I warn Winter to behave and I swear I can feel her roll her eyes at me. ‘don’t roll your eyes at me, little wolf.’



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‘Yes, Alpha.’ I chuckle as I close down the link, Winter is anything but submissive so it makes me laugh when she tries.

“Let’s go.” Darryl nods at me, “alright guys, they will be here soon. Shift and get ready, remember Rick and Mac’s team is coming from the left and Anna will be coming from the right.” I watch the warriors around us start to shift into wolves, “attack my Luna and there will be hell to pay.” Normally I wouldn’t have to warn a warrior about attacking a Luna but they are on high alert and it’s possible a mistake can be made.


Standing in front of the cars I lean against the bonnet of Darryl’s Impala but quickly stand back up again when he looks at me with his wolf in his eyes.

“Calm. It’s just a car.” I co ck an eyebrow at him and smirk.

“Wash your mouth out boy.” I laugh loudly at his face, he looks like someone just kicked his pup and then spat in his face. I never realised the man took his car so seriously. The smile is quickly wiped off my face as I hear engines approaching us. “Show time.” Darryl says with an equally serious face, we move shoulder to shoulder with our arms crossed, I can feel Darryl pulsing his Alpha Aura and I’m sure he can feel mine too. The humans don’t know what it is but with two strong Alpha’s they will be able to feel the presence of it too once they are close enough.

‘I have a tail, some help would be good.’ I hear Winter call over the Pack link just as a black car comes into view. I want nothing more than to help but I can’t move right now, instead I turn to the wolf at my side, he’s one of Ca s’s guys.

“Help Winter, she has a follower.” The wolf runs off before I even finish speaking, they all know Winter and Anna’s role and who she has with her. The black car in the front comes to a stop not too far from us,


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I can see two males in the front and a small female leaning against the window in the back, she seems to be unconscious.

“What’s the meaning of this then?” A man dressed in a smart three piece suit steps from the black car, he’s a fairly young man. I’d put him at around thirty, maybe thirty-five at a push. I watch him adjust his grey waist coat over his pale pink dress shirt as he walks towards me and Darryl. The sound of a growl draws his eyes to the side and he stops as Winter runs out of the trees with Aurora on her back, there is a small black wolf running between her legs and a man in full camouflage gear running after her with an assault rifle. “Ah, I see you got to the kids, not to matter. They will be back with us soon.” The man has a smirk on his face as the camouflage man takes aim, just before he can shoot though the wolf I sent to aid Winter runs full out at him and clamps his leg in his jaw, the man drops the gun and starts to punch the wolf as he roars in pain. Like a good warrior he doesn’t let up until his prey is flat on the floor.

“You’re not dealing with children now.” Darryl says smugly.

“Weak.” The man shouts as I look back at him, I’m dying to go to Winter and check on Aurora but right now I need to hold my place. “He was weak, I have no use for weak.”

“Not weak,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “Just human.”

“What do you want?” The man is going red in the face, it’s the only thing that gives away his anger.

“I’m Fraction, Alpha of the Swiftmane Pack. The white wolf is my mate and the pup on her back is our pup, you stole my pup.” It’s so hard to keep my anger in check, I want to pound this man into the floor but we need to know if he’s the leader before we act.

“It’s of no matter, you have two and an Omega wh ore you screw every chance you get. I bet there will be more for us to take soon enough,” I

take a step forward but Darryl stops me with a slight cough. “What? Not the bosses permission to make a move?” He’s taunting me, which means he thinks he has the upper hand.

“You’re used to dealing with females and pups, you have no idea what we are capable of” I say between clenched teeth as Darryl lets out a loud whistle. The man looks around and I see the first sign of unease as wolves come through the trees, surrounded from the front and both sides. “The only way you’re getting out of here is when you let all of the prisoners go and give us your boss.”

“Well gentlemen. I’m Reginald Baradriel and this is my community.” He spreads his arms out as if to display those behind him, I see a few men start to walk down the line of cars. All are in camouflage and holding guns. “you have your pup and I know you have your Beta and his sinful mate. I will not let anymore of my group leave.” Reginald takes a step forward. “So you either back down and let us pass or we kill the pregnant wh ore,’

A fierce growl from my left has me turning to see Rick swishing his tail and slowly walking towards the man who has emerged from the trees holding Eliza at gunpoint. Her l*p is blo ody and she has a bruise blooming on the side of her face, I hold my hand up a little telling Rick to wait.

“You won’t kill her.” I tell him as I keep Eliza and the man in my eyesight.

“Won’t I? I think you underestimate my distaste for your kind.” Reginald has a smug smirk on his face, he thinks he has the upper hand, “you think I haven’t known you were out here? Waiting like a good little dog. Da mn, the only thing you didn’t do was hand me your Omega yourself.”

“Oh you misunderstand.” I step towards him until I am barely an arms


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distance away, “you wont kill her because there is nothing more fierce than a pregnant female. Your man was dead the second he spotted her, she’s exactly where she wants to be.” I hope Eliza is listening and understanding my meaning.

“So what? You kill us all and then what? You think this stops, you think we are the only group?” I narrow my eyes at him as I nod my head at Eliza, she does exactly what I expect. She grabs the guy’s arm and with ease she fl*ps him over her back and onto the floor in front of her, she easily keeps him in place with her foot on his throat.

“Do it.” Darryl says as I maintain eye contact with Reginald.

“We are more organised than you think, if there are more of you out there we will find you.” I tell Reginald as Rick races past us and jumps on the male threatening his mate, he digs his claws into his chest and shreds the man through his armor. The man doesn’t make a sound thanks to Eliza’s foot on his throat.


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