

“Wake up,” a hand on my shoulder shakes me awake and I come up fighting. “Woah, it’s just me!” Bellamy is standing next to my bed with his hands up to show me he means no harm.

“Sorry Bell.” I’m breathing heavily having been woken up so abruptly. “What’s going on?” I ask him while rubbing at my eyes. I never know if it’s day or night here so I just sleep when I’m tired, which seems to be more and more each day.

“Something’s happening, babe. Come and look.” I don’t know when he started calling me ‘babe’ but I can’t say I hate it. I might have been conflicted before but it’s safe to say me and Bellamy have become close while locked away together. If it wasn’t for the fact that we are surrounded by enemies and in a glass box I would probably have him pinned to the bed day in and day out. Stretching as I stand from the bottom bunk I don’t miss the way Bellamy’s eyes slide down my n*ked. b*dy, I feel my co ck twitch with interest as I walk over to the glass. walled door.

“What am I looking at?” I ask standing behind Bellamy and leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Down there, look at the females.” I put my hands on Bellamy’s waist as I look down at where he points. There on the lower levels the guards. seem to be leading the females out of their units, I’m glad they all seem to be females, I don’t think I could stand seeing anymore pups. degraded like Zoe in the mating room. Some of the females are n*ked. like me and some are dressed, all of them are being led out of the containment units and off to a place I can’t see from here. I squint my



eyes as I notice one of the blonde females start to argue with one of the guards, I swear I know her.

“See the blonde, the one arguing with the guard?” I say to Bellamy.

“Yeah, the one who looks like she’s about to get her as s beaten?” I nod my head against Bellamy’s shoulder.

“I’m pretty sure that’s Sarah. she was Fraction bit on the side before he met Anna.” I squint my eyes some more and the more I look the more I’ m sure it’s her.

“Goddess. how long have these ars eh oles been taking Pack members?”

I shake my head.

“She wasn’t Pack, she couldn’t handle Fraction and Anna together so I made her leave. I don’t think Fraction or Anna know,” Bellamy turns around in my arms and looks at me.

“A Beta’s job is never done?” I nod my head before dropping a quick k*ss on his l*ps. “Where do you think they are taking them?”

“Can’t be anywhere good.” I tell him as I watch the guards walk up to the next level, “and it looks like we might be soon.

I pull Bellamy away from the door as the beeping starts which I now know to mean the door is opening, once it’s open we both just stand. there unmoving.

“Out.” One of the guards grunts at us, the gun in his hands leaves very little room for argument, I feel Bellamy sl*p his hand into mine as I lead us from the place that has been our home for only the Goddess knows how long. The sounds of chatter are loud now the door is open which tells me the rooms must have some kind of sound proofing. Some people are shouting and some are arguing, a few of the females. are crying and some of the males look like they are trying to hide that



they are too. Following the guard in front of us, we follow a line of males down some stairs and along the bottom floor, this is a different path to the way they took me last time. The guards push open some doors and for the first time in ages the warm sun beats down on my n*ked skin. Lifting my head I soak in the sun for a second before the person behind me stumbles and knocks me forward.

‘James!’ I hear someone connect to me over the Pack mind link, it shocks me at first. I haven’t felt Zeus in a long time so I assumed my Pack link was severed too.

‘Who is this?’ I ask not recognising the voice.

‘It’s Sam, we are here but hidden. It’s so good to finally lay eyes on you, you’ve looked better though mate.’ I look down at my n*ked b*dy and see that I am in fact filthy, it’s not like I’ve had the chance to clean up in the time I’ve been here.

‘Is the Pack here?’ I ask him quickly as I follow Bellamy, he’s made a face that tells me he knows what I’m doing. Bellamy has taken the lead and is guiding me with his hand in mine.

‘Not right now but they are coming. Alpha is making a plan, don’t let them move you out of the compound James, not until we tell you we are in place.’ I roll my eyes at the young warrior.

‘Not like I have much of a choice here.’ I tell him sarcastically.

‘If you’ve been shot you will have a tracker in you, you need to find a way to take it out so that we can get you away quickly.’ I know the place he’s talking about because me and Bellamy both noticed a bump under the skin on our shoulder, the exact place where we were shot in the forest the day we were taken. ‘Just listen for us, Fraction says you will know when it’s time.’ The link is closed as we are pushed into a





The room itself is unremarkable except for the sixty or so shifters now cramped inside of it. The guards hold the doors open and we pile in before the doors are closed. I suddenly start to feel very nervous, they could do anything to us here. With no access to Zeus I’m kind of stuck between a rock and hard place.

“James”?” I hear screeched from across the room.

“I think blondie has clocked you.” Bellamy whispers from next to me, I watch as a very ragged looking Sarah pushes through the crowd to get to me. She stops for a second taking in my n*ked form before shaking her head and carrying on. She looks thinner than I remember and her once bright blonde hair is now dull with brown roots.

“Sarah, what are you doing here?” I ask once she reaches me.

“They caught me in New York, when I left the Pack I didn’t know where to go so I thought I’d give the human world a try.” Sarah huddles in closer to me and Bellamy as more shifters walk into the room. “I got a job and an apartment, I met this guy who was really sweet and kind but turns out he worked for these guys. Once he confirmed what I was, I was in cuffs and being Packed into here.” Looking around the room I again notice that all of the shifters here seem to be adults, there isn’t a single pup in the room. “Why are you here? I can’t see you leaving the Pack?” I just look over at Bellamy and Sarah’s eyes widen. “Oh you’re one of the g ay ones?” The way she says that makes me look at her harder.

“What do you mean? Are there more?” Sarah nods her head.

“They love the g ay ones for some reason, you guys and Omega’s by the looks of it. Take a smell, can’t you smell all the Omegas in here?” I sniff and I realise what she means, the room stinks of Omega. Having been around Anna for so long I know the subtle sweet smell they carry with them, I’ve become so used to it that I barely even notice it



“What do they want?” Bellamy asks Sarah, it’s not like we know much having been locked in here.

“No idea, they locked me in that cell and other than being allowed out. now I have never left. They tagged me as dangerous, I have no idea why.” I think I understand now, whoever The Shalamayne are, they are trying to control the shifters of the world but I don’t understand why. I can only hope Fraction has some clue about what is going on and the numbers in here.

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