No words.


There are no words. How do you describe to someone the pain that consumes you when you lose a child? I want to keep looking but I feel like someone has dropped a house on top of me and then set it on fire. I’m wearing my grief like a blanket and I can’t seem to stop it from seeping out from me. I know I will be affecting the whole Pack but I can’t seem to stop the grief from consuming me. Each time I think I can get up the night seems to roll around in the blink of an eye and then I wait for the next morning. I’m not sure how many times the sun hast risen and set since I found my way into our bed, one of the Pack girls comes in and leaves a tray of food a few times a day but I don’t remember eating more than a bite or two.

“Anna, it’s Mac.” I pull the pillow over my head as a soft knock sounds. through the room, “Darryl is here and so is the Alpha Heir from the Everfur Pack. We’ve come to help. how about you come out?”

“Go away.” I grumble, I don’t think he hears me because the knocking keeps coming. Eventually it stops and for a while I think he’s taken the hint and left, it isn’t until I hear the door creaking that I realise he’s just given up on being invited. The duvet is pulled from me so quickly that I don’t even have time to grab onto it, laying there with my head under the pillow. I just sigh and wait for him to say whatever it is he’s got to


“Wakey, wakey Luna.” Pulling the pillow from my face I roll over to see Darryl standing at the end of the bed, looking over to the door I see Mac standing there with his hands on the top of the door frame. He’s leaning his b*dy in as far as he can without actually being in the room. “You stay there.” Darryl points at Mac, “the last thing I need is a


murderous Alpha on my hands.” I just huff as Darryl warns Mac,

Fraction won’t be murdering anyone. From what I understand he’s busy drinking the entire Pack dry.

“Go away. “I grumble as I roll over and curl into myself.

“Time to get up. Patrick is on his way and I’ve done some digging with the Elders. I’m pretty sure we know where James and Aurora are.” Hearing Aurora’s name I uncurl myself and sit up on the bed.

“You found her?” I can’t keep the hope out of my voice, “where is she?”

“We think we’ve found her.” My shoulders slump as I realise he has not idea where she is.

“We looked, there is no sign of her. We looked for days, Zoe took her from the Pack house then ran through the forest and that’s it. She’s just gone.” I can’t stop the tears from rolling down my face.

“I’m so disappointed in you.” My eyes flick to Darryl and I see he has his arms crossed over his chest and a stern look on his face. “You were doing so well, you were becoming one of the strongest Luna’s in the area and now, you’re taken down by a pup?”

“I am strong.” The words sound feeble even to me.

“Then get out of this bed, shower and come down to the office. We have work to do, unless you don’t want your pup back?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer, he just shakes his head before leaving the bedroom. “I’ll check on Thomas, unless you’ve forgotten you have another pup?”

I have to give it to Darryl, he knows how to push someone’s buttons. I’ m not sure if it’s anger at Darryl, the hope that we have a lead on Aurora or that I’ve been neglecting Thomas but for the first time in a long time I put my feet on the floor and slowly shuffle my way to the



bathroom. Once I’m in the bathroom I drop my pajama pants and pull my vest top over my head I try to avoid looking in the mirror as I lean into the shower to get the water flowing. I have no desire to see how I look at the moment I know my face is pully from all the crying and I bet I’m rocking some serious bed han after my lay in.

Showed and dressed I feel a little more human so I leave the bedroom with the intention of finding Thomas Darryl was right. I have been holding myself up and I’m ashamed to say that means I’ve been. neglecting Thomas in the process Opening the bedroom door I

I see Mac standing against the wall waiting for me to come out.

“I’m going just nods at me as I look at the floor, I’

to see Thomas N m ashamed Darryl and Mac saw me in that state.

“Lewis has him in the kitchen, maybe we should go to the office. Rick called, he’s only twenty minutes out.” I want to argue that Thomas needs me but my desire to find Aurora wins out, it’s not that I’m choosing Aurora over Thomas it’s just I know he’s safe in the kitchen, I don’t know where my daughter is. I hold my breath as Mac leans forward and brushes a hair out of my face tucking it behind my car, lean away from his touching knowing that Fraction won’t like his scent

on me.


“Get off my Luna, warrior.” I look around as Fraction’s voice sounds out but I don’t see him, “get your butt down here, little woll.” Jumping back from Mac I quickly dash down the stairs and see Fraction standing on the landing for the warrior quarters in nothing but a grey towel. His beard and hair are wet and the water is dripping down his chiseled tattooed chest.

“You showered.” I say when I reach the bottom step.

“You too, we should get to the oflice.” Fraction holds his hand out for me and I notice a slight shake to it, the last week or so of alcohol has



taken its toll. “Anna?”

“How are you feeling?” He glances down at his hand and quickly drops it to his side, clenching it into a fist.

“About as well as you. let’s go.” There is a distance between us that I don’t know how to close, I have a feeling it won’t be fixed until our family is whole again.


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