Mine, always. 


Aurora, that was the name Anna chose and after thirteen hours of labour and six stitches I can’t say I argued much if at all. I have to say the name suits her perfectly, I was a little worried how Thomas would feel about a new baby in the house but he dotes on her. If she needs anything he does all he can to help get it, she has us all tied around her little finger. Even at eight months old she knows her power as the baby Omega, Anna swears we are spoiling her but I keep telling her there is no such thing. Leaning over the crib I lay a small k*ss on her head, careful not to put too much pressure and to not let my beard scratch her. From the second she was born I vowed to protect her against anything and everything, if her mother has taught me anything it’s that Omegas are to be treasured and cared for. Aurora will never know any pain, torment or sadness and hell be damned to anyone who thinks differently. 

Creeping from the room I close the door as quietly as I can, waiting for a minute to make sure the click hasn’t disturbed her. When she doesn’t cry out I walk to Thomas’s door and open it a little to see he’s sleeping soundly within his bed. Entering the dinosaur themed room I pull the cover over him and lay a small k*ss on his head before leaving quickly. I’m two for two tonight which is a rarity, two pups are definitely more of a handful than one. Anna has been talking about a third but I am trying to hold her off until Aurora is walking, she keeps telling me her clock is ticking, she shuts up pretty quickly when my tongue hits her clit though. 

“They are both down, I figure we have about four hours before 

your boobs are needed,” I hear a soft giggle come from the bathroom as I close our bedroom door. Pulling my t–shirt over my head and tugging 


my boots off I leave them on the floor and pad over to the bathroom door. Leaning against the doorframe I watch Anna slide herself under the bubbly water and remerge a minute later completely wet. 

“And you said bedtime is hard.” Anna holds up a handful of bubbles. and blows them towards me. 

“You’re the one who complains Aurora is nursing herself to sleep, you want some company?” Anna nods her head so I start to drop my jeans, showing her I didn’t put boxers on today. The second I am n*ked in front of her my cock grows and shows my appreciation for her wet sl*ppery b*dy. 

“She only wants me for my boobs,” Anna pops her bottom l*p out as she slides forward making room for me behind her. 

“Can’t say I blame her.” I mutter as I sit in the warm water and bring my hands to her front to cup her breasts, Anna hisses and leans her head back on my chest. 

“Careful,” she whispers as I squeeze a little. I love her breasts like this, full with milk and ready to be drained, it makes them much bigger and more of a handful. I hum my appreciation into her n*eck as she lifts herself so my cock settles between her legs. 

“Want something, little wolf?” I whisper into her n*eck, she doesn’t answer me. Instead she brings my hand from her breast and pulls it beneath the water until I make contact with her centre. Using her wetness I drag a finger through her folds until I find her clit, I press down hard adding in a little wiggle, the feeling of her shivering in my arms does things to me, I can’t even describe. 

Moving from her clit I find her entrance and instantly slam two fingers into her until my knuckles stop my movement. Her back bows as she lets out a moan, I start to move my fingers in and out hard and fast, I add in a little twitch every now and again just to tease her g–spot. 



“More,” Anna moans as I bring my other hand up to her n*eck and hold her against me, taking my fingers from her, I leave k*sses along her n*eck and use my legs to spread hers more. Once she’s open to me I line my cock up with her entrance and keep her balance so just the head of me is touching her. “Please,” Anna whimpers out as she tries to push down on me. 

“Are you mine?” I whisper into her ear. 

“Yes.” That’s not enough for me. I ask her again as I rock myself slightly, I am on the cusp of entering her. 

“Are you mine?” I growl against her n*eck feeling Leo come to the 


“Always,” I hear Winter in her voice as she relaxes against me. 

“Always.” I growl as I slam myself into her, I roar as I am instantly balls deep within her. Taking my hand from her n*eck I tilt her head so she’s looking at me, her pupils are huge and blown in pleasure as I rock. myself deep within her. Claiming her mouth I pour all I feel for her into an all consuming k*ss, we don’t break apart until Anna needs air. 

“Mine, always.” I growl as I feel her clench around me and become impossibly tight. 

“Yours, always.” She moans back at me as her orgasm rocks through her b*dy, using my hands on her hips I pull her off me and slam her back down a few more times until I am holding myself deep and releasing my seed within her. Knowing my luck, pup number three will be in here in a few months, although as Anna pants to catch her breath and I trail k*sses down her wet n*eck, I can’t help but want to do it all over again. 

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