Tricked by the Beta.


Thomas is giggling up a storm as my mother pushes him on the swing when James’s voice comes over the mind link. I instantly roll my eyes, he’s been so moody lately that I have found it easier just to avoid him. all together.

“Fraction?” James asks in his now normal solemn tone.

“What?” I snap back at him, I instantly regret how I speak to him but there is no taking it back now.

‘Can you come to the Pack house, Anna aint doing so good.’ I’ve shifted into Leo before he has even finished his sentence. I don’t worry about Thomas, I know he’s safe with my mother. I knew I shouldn’t have left Anna alone. Winter is out of control at the moment but I just needed some time out of the house. Everyone seems to be on edge lately, if they aren’t being pis sy and grumpy then they are out right shouting at each other.

Once Leo has gotten us back to the Pack house I shift back into myself and run into the house, I don’t care to hide my nudity. As wolves we are used to seeing each other n*ked, I strain my ears to try and figure out where James and Anna are but I can’t hear anything. I take that to mean they are in my office as it’s the only room in the house that has walls erected to block out sound. Dashing down the hall and up the stairs I hear strange grunts coming from the office. My first thought is Anna has shifted and she’s attacked James but I can’t smell any blood.

“That’s it kitten,” I hear James murmur, my steps falter as I hear Anna moan. I’ve heard her make that noise before but only with me. Pushing


Tricked by the Beta

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the door fully open I see James has Anna pinned to the office wall, her arms are stretched above her head with James holding them in place. with one hand and her legs are wrapped around his waist.

“What’s the f uck!?” I scream out in rage. James looks back at me and I see his wolf at the service, Anna’s face is flushed and she’s got her eyes. closed in euphoria.

“James.” Anna says in a confused voice.

“Get off my mate.” I roar at James when he makes no attempt to move.

“Your mate is struggling with her wolf and needs a dominant wolf’s bite. She has a nice blank spot right here.” James trails a finger down. Anna’s n*eck while looking at me. “Doesn’t seem like she’s yours, Alpha. I don’t see your claim.” The red mist clears a little and I see. what he’s doing.

“Point made, now put my mate down before Leo puts you down.” James steps back from Anna instantly and she slides to the floor. “Anna come here,” I really need her in my arms right now. When she doesn’t make any attempt to move I look at James and then say again with a little more force. “Anna, come here.” We all remain silent as Anna gets herself off the floor and slumps over to me, when she gets to me she all but falls into my arms. I scrunch my nose up against the smell of James, he’s all over her.

“At least you showered first,” I tell James as I rub my face over Anna’s hair.

“Are you going to pull your head out of your as s and help your mate?” James asks me as he leans against my desk and crosses his arms.

“Get out,” James nods his head at me and walks towards the door. “Thank you.” I say quietly when he gets to the door. He doesn’t say anything, he just nods his head and closes the office door behind him.

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I stand in the middle of the office holding Anna to my chest for a long time, her whimpers have dulled to a soft sniffle.

“I’m sorry, James said it would work.” Her voice sounds so far away, I can’t believe I didn’t realise how bad she actually was.

“I’m sorry, little wolf. I thought you could do this alone,” I whisper into her hair.

“I am strong Fraction but I’m stronger when you stand next to me, not away from me.” I smile into her hair as I trail my hands down her back, cupping her as s I pull her up and against me. Her legs instantly go around my waist as her hand latch into my hair. “Fraction?” She gasps as I spin us around and push her against the closed door. Thankfully she only put on a pair of panties under my shirt, working my hand up her thigh. I make quick work of the panties by ripping them at the side seam. She gasps as I lean my mouth into hers, I snap the other side of her panties and they float to the floor. I k*ss her deeply as I line my hips up so my co ck head is teasing her entrance, she’s dripping wet already.

“Is this for me, little wolf?” I ask her when I break the k*ss to trail k*sses along her jaw and down her n*eck. Anna tilts her head back and moans loudly. I thrust my hips forward to rock against her cli t, “is this for me?” I ask her again. Sure it’s needy but after what I walked in on, my wolf needs reassurance.

“For you,” Anna gasps out as I start to suck on her n*eck, I thrust my hips again putting pressure on her cl it.

“Mine.” I growl as I claim her mouth again, I shift my hips a little and I find her entrance, I don’t give her any warning as I thrust balls deep in one go. She’s so tight I have to hold myself still for a minute, I can feel her clenching around me. Somehow she’s gotten even tighter in our time apart.

Tricked by the Beta

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“Yours,” she gasps out, throwing her head back. I feel her try to push back on me so I put my hands on her hips to stop her movements. “Please move.” Leaning back I wait until she’s looking me in the eye.

“You won’t ever leave me again?” Anna nods her head as I draw out of her a little, “you will stay by my side?” Again she nods her head so I pull out a little more. “You will be mine and only mine?”

“Yes!” She screams as she slams her hands on my shoulders, I feel her nails dig into my shoulders as I only have the tip of my co ck in her. “I’ m yours, I will always be yours. I’ll never leave, please Fraction!” She’s screaming up a storm as I thrust myself back into her, I keep a tight hold of her hips as I power thrust into her.

“Touch yourself, little wolf.” Anna shakes her head from side to side as I tighten my grip on her hips and use the leverage to pull her onto my c ock. From the sounds she’s making I’m hitting just the right angle to take her over the edge, I feel her quiver and pulse around me as I lean forward and latch my mouth onto her n*eck. Leo is right there with me and I feel my fangs extend and rip her skin apart. Anna starts to scream in pleasure as she latches onto my n*eck and I feel Winter pierce my skin, giving me a match mark. Once we are both connected I hold myself deep within Anna and spill my seed, it seems to go on forever as my co ck kicks over and over again.

As I come down from the mating high I start to lick at Anna’s n*eck, she sighs as she throws her head back against the door.

“You said I would have to beg.” Anna slurs at me, I laugh into her n*eck. “And that I needed to do it alone.”

“I thought you were stronger with me by your side?” Anna laughs at this as my co ck kicks inside of her, I haven’t lost any hardness and I’m ready to go again. “And who said I’m not going to make you beg?” I ask her as I start thrusting into her slowly.



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Tricked by the Beta

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