
It was late - or early in the morning depending on the perspective - when we all stumbled through the living room where Trinity teleported us. We all laughed uncontrollably with the alcohol rolling through our systems.

“Did you see that one guy?” Cassie giggled.

“The one with the tattoo?” Kate asked.

“No the other one,” Cassie clarified. “I put a dollar in his G-string with my teeth.”

We all giggled some more.

“That was so much fun,” I told them honestly. “Thank you.”

They waved me off, continuing to regale each other with their conquests of the night. It was all harmless fun that I imagined none of our overprotective men would allow had they been present.

“Hey, Jonathan,” Kate slurred. “You’re not going to narc on us are you?” Then she quickly followed it with, “Not that I answer to anyone.”

The reality was she had taken several calls from Emerick and even stepped away to make one herself. None of us pointed out that we knew. Cassie and I understood the difficulty of being a fated mate. Trinity and Micah were polite enough not to bring it up. Jonathan sat with his arms crossed the entire night, surveying the crowd, so I doubted he even noticed let alone cared.

I felt for my sister and for Emerick who I considered a good friend. Neither of them had asked for the situation they now found themselves in. I hoped they would be able to work it out, but knowing Kate, Emerick was in for a rough ride. She had always said she would never settle down.

We said our good nights and everyone picked a bedroom to sleep in. I checked the time and realized the sun would be rising in just a few hours. My mind drifted to my handsome mate and I found myself sad he wouldn’t be sharing my bed.

I pulled out my phone as my bedroom door closed behind me.

“Hello, little wolf,” he answered on the third ring.

“Hi big, bad wolf,” I responded.

He chuckled and the sound had me longing for him.

“Did you have fun?”

“I did,” I told him. “Thank you.”

“I didn’t put it together,” he said.

“No, but you didn’t argue too much.”

“I would do anything in my power to make you happy, Sam.”

I smiled at his words.

“I miss you,” I told him.

“I miss you too,” he said. “How’s the headache?”

“Manageable. It’ll probably be worse in the morning,” I told him, honestly.

“I’ll have Trinity get me as soon as she’s up,” he offered.

“How was your night?” I asked.

He paused before answering, “More eventful than I’d thought it would be.”


“Some of the guys here were more excited about a bachelor party than I had anticipated they might be. I’ll tell you about it in the morning,” he promised.

“Hmm,” I murmured, staring at the drawer of lingerie as my mind wandered. “I wish you were here.”

“You’re the one who sent me away,” he pointed out.

“But now I’m….” My voice trailed off.

“You’re what, little wolf?”

“Horny,” I whispered.

His low growl sounded over the line, furthering the discomfort I felt between my legs.

“What are you going to do about it?” He asked, his voice husky.

“What do you mean?”

“Tell me what you’re going to do about it, Sam,” he commanded.

“I… umm…”

“Tell me how you’re going to touch yourself.”

A blush crept up to my cheeks.

“Are you afraid?” He asked.


“Then what are you waiting for?” He challenged.

I walked towards the bed, stepping out of my dress as I went. I laid down, parting my thighs and slipping a hand between. A sigh escaped me as I did, feeling the release from the friction I had been craving.

“Good girl,” he murmured over the phone. “Go slow. Feel your clit.”

I listened to him, slowly stroking my most sensitive part.

“Close your eyes,” he commanded. “I want to be there with you. Stroking you, tasting you.”

Moisture pooled beneath me at the sound of his deep, rumbling voice. I moaned softly as I increased my tempo.

“I want my cock in that tight little pussy, Sam.”

I angled and slipped a finger inside myself, stroking my clit with my thumb.

“That’s it baby girl,” he murmured, his voice filled with lust. “Keep going until you cum.”

I dropped the phone and tweaked my nipple with my other hand as I rode myself, feeling my orgasm build and carry me over. I moaned my mate’s name as I did, panting as I came down. When my breathing returned to normal, I reached for my phone once again.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” he said after a moment.

I grinned as I laid back.

“If it helps, I still want you,” I said.

“Tomorrow and everyday after, little wolf,” he promised.

“I love you,” I told him.

“I love you, too. Get some sleep.”


As he said he would, Ivar texted Trinity and she went to retrieve the men first thing in the morning. He was accompanied by the three he left with plus four more. Apparently he lived with eight men aside from Trinity and Aidan. Four of them were needed in case of emergencies at the castle they referred to as headquarters. I had been there for the winter solstice gathering, so I knew what it looked like, but Ivar seemed uncomfortable with my describing it as a castle.

His men had all wanted to attend the wedding and festivities so they had drawn straws the night before over who would be joining. Duncan, Niko, Logan, and Liam had been the winners, although if their state of well-being was indicative of how the night went, they had all indulged greatly. All four sported bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair.

Despite their obvious hangovers, they fit right in with my friends and family. They quickly charmed my mother and Serena who had brought baked goods and coffee for the clan. My dining room was filled with the sound of joyful conversation and tales from the night before until a shout broke out.

“You had fae strippers at HQ?” Trinity demanded.

Logan ducked as Aidan threw a bear claw from across the table.

“You couldn’t keep one fucking secret?” Aidan chastised him.

“I didn’t know it was a secret,” Logan whined. “They were at a human strip club. What’s the difference?”

“You know the difference,” Aidan said, darkly.

I giggled quiettly at the exchange.

“Were they any good?” I asked Ivar next to me.

“I didn’t partake,” he said. “Not really my idea.”

“Aww,” I teased. “You should’ve tried to enjoy yourself. Tomorrow I’ll have you locked down.”

“There is nowhere else I would rather be than by your side,” he said, sounding sincere

I smiled and leaned over to kiss him.

At the other end of the room, Trinity was still scolding Aidan, for the strippers and the possible breach in security. He listened, while still glaring at Logan. Next to me, Kate was doing everything she could to ignore Emerick who sat on her other side staring openly at her. Luke chatted happily with the other three newcomers, and they seemed to enjoy his natural charisma.

I looked up at Ivar to find him staring around the room with a look of wonder.

“You look lost in thought,” I commented.

“I guess I am,” he agreed.

“This is nice,” I said, scanning the table.

“I was thinking the same.”

I smiled. “Ready for a day of party planning brought to you by Cassandra Stevens?”

“Is it something you need to prepare for?” He asked, frowning.

“She’s… not quite the same person when she’s 'in the zone',” I answered, carefully. “It’s best to just do as she says.”

“How bad can she be?”

“Oh, honey,” I said, cupping his cheek. “She’s going to eat you alive.”

I giggled and a grin spread over his face.

Just then, Cassie walked into the room wearing cargo pants and a fitted top. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she wore a ball cap over it. She looked more like she was dressed for combat than to plan a wedding.

“Alright team,” she said, clapping her hands together. “We have a little over 24 hours until ceremony time. I’ve prepared an assignment sheet for everyone. If you have questions, ask them, otherwise let’s get to work.”

Her voice was cheerful and she was smiling, but there was a glint in her eye that told me she was all business. The entire table stood and started gathering dishes before heading to the kitchen. Not only had Cassie printed what she called assignment sheets, which were explicit instructions and itineraries for each person, she also had a white board with the checklist for the day set up in the family room.

“Cassie?” Kate asked. “When did you have time to do this?”

Cassie waved her off. “This has been in the works for the last year.”

“Our names are on them,” Logan observed, his brow furrowed.

“How anyone believes she isn’t psychic is beyond me,” Luke whispered and I heard Ivar chuckle.

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