
When the morning sun started glinting through the curtains, I realized I hadn’t slept at all. I was at peace with whatever decision she made, but I hoped like hell she chose me.

It was selfish. I knew that. Still, at the prospect of eternity without her, I felt true fear, maybe for the first time in my life.

Although Luke’s conversation with her had given me a glimmer of hope, I knew at the end of the day no one could convince Sam of something she didn’t feel was right. It was one of the many things that I loved about her.

There was no denying it now. I loved my beautiful mate endlessly. If I was forced to walk away, life would never be the same. I would never be the same. And yet, if that’s what it took to keep her safe, I would. Even if she hated me.

The ringing of her cell phone sounded from the kitchen. I gently extricated myself from her to go answer it.

The caller ID read “Dad”.

Well this might be a little awkward.

“Good morning, Elias,” I answered, grimacing.

There was a distinct pause before he said, “I was calling to let Sammy know I’m heading to pick up her sister from the airport.”

“Right. I’ll uh, let her know,” I said, scratching the back of my head uncomfortably.

“Is she still asleep?” he asked.

“Yeah, we were up a little late.” I felt myself blush as soon as the words left my mouth.

Why the fuck did I say that?

“Right,” Elias said, his tone betraying nothing. After another pause he continued, “You should know, I don’t really care if you’re the king. If you hurt my little girl, I’ll fucking kill you.”

“I don’t doubt it,” I muttered.

“We should be back in an hour,” he changed the subject. “You should wake her up. She doesn’t like to feel rushed to get ready in the morning.”

“Good to know.”

“And King? Prepare yourself,” he warned. “My younger daughter is not a werewolf. She will not respect your title, and she has always been her sister’s fiercest supporter.”

“What exactly did Sam tell her?” I asked, frowning.

“Not sure,” he replied. “But Luke was right. She hates you.”

“Great,” I muttered. “See you when you get here.”

I hung up and turned to find Sam standing in the doorway of the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket and smirking.

“She doesn’t totally hate you,” she said, mirth playing in her tone.

“That doesn’t seem to be the consensus,” I pointed out.

She shrugged and giggled as I wrapped her in my arms. I breathed in her sweet smell, letting it seep through me like a drug.

“Don’t tell me the great King Ivar is afraid,” she teased.

“Of your sister who is apparently harder to handle than you?” I asked. “Terrified.”

She grinned impishly before giving me a quick peck and pulling away.

“I should probably go make myself look more presentable,” she said.

“You look plenty presentable to me,” I argued, my naked body betraying my arousal.

There was a glint of challenge in her eyes before she dropped the blanket covering her and sprinted towards the stairs.

“Catch me if you can,” she called, giggling.

I smirked before taking off after her.


We had just finished cleaning up the family room from the night before when a distant car engine and crunching gravel alerted us that someone was approaching.

“They’re here!” Sam squealed, running out the front door.

I grimaced, bracing myself for what was to come, while I followed my clearly excited mate. Elias’s truck rolled to a stop in front of the porch and Sam ran to the passenger door as it opened.

“Kate!” she called. “Thank you so much for coming!”

“You almost died, Sammy. Of course I’m here.”

Kate stepped down from the vehicle, her white tennis shoes crunching on the gravel beneath her, and wrapped her sister in a tight hug. Her resemblance to Sam was undeniable, but where my mate radiated warmth and welcome, Kate’s energy seemed to burn like an inferno.

She was dressed in workout gear, but all of it was designer and hugged her curves closely. Under an unzipped jacket, her cropped and low cut top left little to the imagination. Long, auburn hair hung in curls over her shoulders and her makeup was so perfect it might appear natural. She strode toward me with a confidence that told me she was not here to make friends.

“So,” she addressed me, “you’re still here.”

“I am.”

“Hmm.” She glanced at Sam who was greeting her father before lowering her voice. “I’ll be cordial, but I’ve watched what you’ve done to her for the last year. You’re not my king and I’ll cut your balls off in your sleep if you don’t figure this shit out without completely destroying her. Again.”

“Understood,” I replied, coolly.

She narrowed her eyes at me before heading into the house. I heard Luke and Debra come in the other side through the backdoor as I waited for Sam and Elias to make their way in.

“She’s fun,” I muttered to Sam after her father passed.

“Try to play nice,” Sam said, smirking. “I’ve seen her make grown men cry. I wouldn’t want you to be her next victim.”

I grumbled as I followed her to where her family had gathered. At least the newcomer was a good distraction from the decision we had looming on the horizon. If it delayed Sam sending me away for good, I could play nice with the devil in designer clothes for a while.

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