
I took in the scene. The piece-of-shit alpha stood before me, trying not to cower. I half expected him to piddle on the floor. Aside from him, twelve wolves circled, unsure where to hold their alliance. I wasn’t positive which side they would land on once I struck against their leader, but disliked my odds.

I watched as Ender cleared the window and heard his paws trail away from the warehouse. At least Sam was safe. Her father, although appearing wary, shifted and his midnight black wolf, Cedar, came to stand at my side, clearly prepared for a fight. I imagined he was more than ready to avenge his daughter.

In the distance, I heard vehicles approaching and more wolves making their way through the trees. I prayed they were coming here and not chasing after my mate and her son. With the two women on his back, I wasn’t sure about Ender’s ability to outrun them after our journey here.

The main threat I worried about now was the amber-eyed witch staring down my sister. Black veins trailed from Trinity’s eyes.

“End the spell!” Her voice echoed in her throat, telling me she was calling on dark energy.

The witch showed no fear, instead chuckling, “If I end the spell, you can kill me and spare your sweet she-wolf. If you kill me while I have a hold on her, a piece of her dies with me.”

I growled at her words. Who the fuck did these people think they were to threaten my mate?

“I’ll make you wish you were dead,” Trinity threatened.

I didn’t doubt her ability, but I worried about Sam’s safety above all else.

Focus, Trinity spoke in my mind, I won’t let her hurt Sam. More wolves are approaching. We are greatly outnumbered and at the moment, I can’t help you. Keep the wolves out of my way.

Trinity spoke the truth. Aidan was on our trail, but I hoped he would help Luke when they crossed paths. Otherwise, Elias and I were on our own, and I was nowhere close to full strength.

Rankor snarled, calculating the movements of every wolf in the room. He would strike the alpha first, hopefully the rest would bend the knee. My muscles bunched as I lunged for his throat. I held the alpha’s neck in my jaws, feeling the life seep from him as he clawed at me uselessly.

Suddenly, I felt the fangs of another wolf sink into my back leg, and I buckled at the unexpected attack. As I fell, the others descended and the alpha ripped himself free. The room was enveloped in a cacophony of growls, whines, and snapping jaws.

So be it, I thought, tearing through those before me.

More wolves flooded through the open window and broke the door down. Every one that we fell seemed to double, and I feared for Elias’s life as well as my own. Wounds pooled blood beneath me and more sprayed as I fought. Only my rage fueled me further.

Suddenly, a silence fell around the room as a blast of power emanated from where the witches stood. A sonic boom shattered the remaining windows as the Moon Valley wolves were thrown against the walls.

“You never had her,” Trinity cursed. “She fucking blocked you and now you’ll die.”

I watched as my sister bent before the light witch who wilted in absolute terror.

“Please!” she begged. “He made me do it! He -“

“He paid you,” Trinity snarled. “He didn’t make you do anything.”

Trinity placed a hand on the witches head and I watched as her body withered, leaving nothing but ash. When Trinity turned toward me, her eyes glowed as bright amber orbs. For someone who had never seen it before, the view was quite unsettling to say the least.

Leave the alpha, I told her and she gave me a slight nod.

Then she lifted her hands and pushed them out around her. Energy blasted away from her in an invisible force and our enemies were all but obliterated in the room around us. Quiet once again fell as Trinity hurried to Cedar’s side.

I padded slowly to stand over Alpha Spurnwood. He shifted into the serpent-like man he had been before.

“Please,” he begged, reminiscent of his witch. “I didn’t know she was yours. I never would have taken her.”

I shifted and knelt beside him only so I could enjoy watching him squirm a little longer. Behind me I heard Cedar yelp as Trinity healed him. The sound made me all the more furious.

“Everyone knew she was mine,” I told him, keeping my voice flat. “I made sure of it.”

“I’m new to being an alpha,” he pleaded. “I hadn’t heard.”

“So you would take a she-wolf against her will if she didn’t belong to me?”

His face paled.

“Because this,” I gestured around us, “Doesn’t scream consensual Mating Ceremony to me, pup. There are laws.”

“I-I-I,” he stuttered.

“Shhh,” I told him, standing back once again. “It’ll all be over soon enough.”

I shifted and he screamed, trying to scramble away once again. I caught him by the foot and easily flung his body against the wall. He landed with a sickening thud and Rankor descended on his throat, ripping it out and silencing his terror. Once done, Rankor stepped back and let me retake control.

Trinity tossed me a towel from her bag and I wiped the blood from my face before securing it around my waist. Now that the fight was over, the adrenaline left my body and I felt my shoulders slump from fatigue. I frowned as I looked down to find I wasn’t healing once again.

“Here,” Trinity said. “Let me.”

She took my hand and warmth trailed through my being, settling over my injuries. I breathed a sigh of relief as energy returned to my form.

“I have to get to Sam,” I told Trinity and Cedar.

Cedar nodded and then stood and shook. He padded over to the now splintered door.

“I’m sorry,” Trinity apologized, frowning. “I don’t know that I have the juice to buzz you over. Your injuries were pretty gnarly.”

“I can run,” I told her, but I was disappointed it would take more time. It took me three hours to get here and I imagined it would take longer to get back.

Trinity nodded. “I’ll teleport and make sure she’s okay,” she assured me. “Then I’m going to call up to HQ and get a cleanup crew out here. This pack is in a real shit storm.”

I growled. If every wolf responsible for Sam’s pain wasn’t already dead, Rankor would be hunting them now.

“Full investigation,” I ordered. “No one from that line is to be named Alpha. They will reject the call if they are.”

“I’ll pass it along, Your Highness,” she said and gave an exaggerated bow.

I grimaced before shifting and trotting to Cedar’s side. He nodded and we broke into a run for home.

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