“Get down!” yelled Praise as she took aim

Merlyn slid down going in between the gigantic man’s legs. The moment her movement exposed the man’s face, a bullet went through splattering his brain matter everywhere. The headless body staggered a few steps back then crushed to the ground. Merlyn looked at her friend and smiled.

“Denzel’s sniper lessons are paying off” she commented

“Big time”

While Praise and Merlyn fought with their own foe, the others also had their hands full. Denzel and Sofia had Hugo one of the originals Ceaser had sent while Shelton chose to fight on his own.

Barely dodging the abnormally fast attacks from Gerald one of the five men Ceaser had sent after them, Shelton tried by all means to find an opening but it was impossible. He could see that in terms of skill he was way above this man but the speed Gerald possessed and the abnormally rough skin made him close to invincible. Since the start of the fight he had managed to land less than ten blows but he on the other hand had received quite a few.

“Is dodging all you know” said Gaz as he noticed all Shelton did was evade his attacks

The duel went on that way, with Shelton dodging watching each and every move Gerald made and finally after multiple exchanges he saw what he wanted. The trees around them made it easier for him to evade. Gerald's movements had slowed down, all the heavy blows that he was throwing and missing were slowly wearing him out.

“My turn” said Shelton and he clenched his fist

Having been a professional boxer in the old world he had learnt that fighting is not all about going all out but taking your time. He started jumping up and down just like boxers do during fights and began advancing. Gerald approached and threw mutliple blows but kept missing. The numerous failed attempts got to him and he snapped. Out of rage he began raining blows at his foe in an effort to catch him off guard. Putting his back into it Gerald threw a powerful haymaker that if it made contact would instantly take Shelton out, but he missed. Shelton took the chance and threw his own haymaker. The force from his fist combined with the momentum from Gerald's body created a blow powerful enough to make blood gush out of the man's nose. He staggered backwards and held his bleeding nose.

“You son of bitch” he snapped “youll pay for this”

“Uh uh language please” said Shelton still jumping in one spot “okay enough games” his smile faded, lifting his fists to cover his face, he narrowed his eyes like a predator about to pounce on its prey

Gerald charged at him and but failed to ladn a single blow. With each evasion he was either punched in the ribs or the face. Shelton began increasing speed slowly and with each second he gained ground over Gerald, until he was the only one left punching. Gerald would try to evade but each side he dodged to he would be welcomed by a blow.

Impossible, was he toying with me

The blows began raining on his face that he ended up just staggering backwards too slow to react until the numerous hits began dulling his senses. Shelton would skip from left to right redesigning and mercilessly blasting the man’s face. Blood splattered everywhere and Gerald's arms ended up just hanging down as he took each hit. With a final push Shelton stepped back a few strides then gave the gigantic man a powerful destructive blow which took him out instantly. The huge body slumped to the ground.

“Woooh damn, what a rush” he said wiping the blood off his face

“I would not want to be on the receiving end of that” said Merlyn

“Sure took you long” commented Praise

“I was just warming up, what about Sofia how are they doing” he asked

Sofia ran as fast as her feet could carry her. The original followed her trying to catch her but she would dodge each and every attempt. Speed was her greatest strength and her reflexes were unreal. Being someone who had participated in all events in the Olympics in the old world, her body was well built. Hugo was fast but his reaction time was not as good as Sofia’s so when she dodged he could not react in time to switch positions. Even though running was her specialty even Sofia was beginning to feel worn out.Due to his massive body, the running was slowly wearing him out and he was slowing down. After what felt like forever he finally stopped for a breathe.

“Bunch of fucking cowards” he gasped for air

“Whose the coward here, the running girl or the huge man trying to beat up a girl” Sofia mocked him maintaining her distance

That was close she thought while keeping a close eye on him

“If I catch Im going to skin you alive” he snapped

“Like hell you will”

“I can already see you’re exhausted, unlike you we originals recover our stamina twice as fast” bragged Hugo as he once again stood erect

His body had already recovered in that short space of time. On the other hand Sofia was barely keeping it together, another run would definitely cause her to faint.

“How about we try that again” he said cracking his neck

He took a takeoff pose ready to pounce on Sofia. She could see through his eyes that he was not bluffing. Without warning he charged at her. She managed to evade his initial approach but was not fast enough to dodge the second one. Hugo grabbed her foot and yanked her towards him,. As she came he prepared to bore a hole in her chest and as he was about to land his hit, his hand felt numb and blood gushed into the air. Hugo’s elbow had been destroyed so much the bone was showing.

“Shit,” he let go of Sofia and held on to his arm searching for whoever shot him

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” a voice said from behind him

Turning to see who it was another bullet hit him on his left knee sending him on his knees. Sofia's eyes widened when she saw who it was, grinning at them with a semi automatic in his left hand was Denzel, barely visibke due to the closely packed trees around them.

“You son of a bitch”

“Eat led” replied Denzel and he pulled the trigger

The bullet went through Hugo’s forehead ending him instantly.

“Where the fuck were you, I could have died” complained Sofia as she sighed in relief

That was a close one she thought as she looked at the bruise created by Hugo’s grip

“I’ve always wanted to use that line, did you see how I did it…..I was like ‘eat led’ damn” Denzel said clearly ignoring Sofia

“I hate you, you know that” she said pushing him aside and walking back in the direction of the camp

“Did we get them all?” asked Merlyn as everyone regrouped

“One got away terrified as fuck, he was spouting something about Ceaser coming to get us personally” said Alberto who also belonged to their group

“What did you tell him?” asked Praise

“To tell Ceaser that The soldiers of the old world are coming for him”


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