“What should we do with her?” a female voice said from the back ground

She lay on the ground motionless. Her ears were the first of her senses to open up and they did so slowly. She could hear people debate over what to do with her.

“How are you even sure she is not a hunter?” argued the same female voice she heard earlier

“Look at her she is just a child, and look at the wounds she sustained” defended a deep male voice

“News, this is no longer the outside world we can’t just trust anyone” advised the woman

“Look Christine I know but I couldn’t leave a child like her to die, a biker was after her” said News

“Okay but if I even think she wants to double cross us, I’ll kill her myself” said Christine

“No need, I’m leaving as soon as I can open my eyes” she spoke

Her face swollen to a pulp, even her eyes were sealed shut.

“No you are free to stay as long as you want”

“No she is not” objected Christine “if she stays ill make her leave myself”

“You don’t even stand a chance in hell against the likes of her Christine” said a soft male voice

“What do you know Takashi” said Christine

“I retraced her footsteps, she took out two heavily armed bikers while she was on foot. To the naked eye she looks just like an ordinary girl but those scars should tell you she’s more than that” he commented

“Are you sure Takashi” asked News

“Yes and I found these, I think they belong to her” he lifted up two identical automatics

The day slowly went by and News kept coming to check up on her condition. He would change the napkins which were placed on top of her eyes and dress her numerous wounds. She stayed in this state for two days.

“What do you think?” Christine said braiding her long hair into one thick bunch

“About the girl?”

“Yes Taka, about the girl” she strongly emphasized on the girl part

“What is there to think about?” he asked

“Damit, you’re hopeless” she said standing up and briskly walking away

She violently kicked the grass as she left and mumbled something under her breath.

“Not much on the trusting side ey” said News emerging from behind a tree

“Yes, she has a bad past with betrayal” commented Takashi in response

“But what do you think?” asked News

“Whoever she came with must be some really tough folks”

3 hours later………

Slowly opening her eyes to avoid being blinded by the light she hadn’t seen in a while Theresa wondered what the people who helped her looked like. Takashi and News both stood next to her waiting for her to wake while Samantha stood in the distance with a dissatisfied look on her face.

If this somehow comes back to bite us, you two better not complain she thought as she watched how easily they had accommodated the girl

“Welcome back to reality” News said smiling down at her

She sat up, her body aching on more points than she could note, she flinched.

“Your eyes might have healed but remember it takes time for heavy wounds like the ones on your body to heal” commented Takashi when he saw her frown from pain

“Well time is not something we have to spare” she spoke

“Its good you understand that” agreed Takashi

“Thank you…….thank you for helping me” she said

“After looking where you came, it didn’t seem you might have needed much of our help” News said giggling

“You are one tough fighter, here I found these where you left them” Takashi said placing her guns next to her

My guns

“Thank you,” she said

“Try to stand, at least you must be able to walk and run incase we are attacked after all we are living on borrowed time” News said

Samantha still stood a distance from them and had not said a word. Theresa slowly stood up and at some point fell back to her knees. News tried to help her but she declined the help, she wanted to do it on her own. After pushing really hard she did it.

“How does your body feel?” asked Takashi as he saw how many wounds she had from top to bottom

“Its like its on fire, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m told I’m bleeding internally” she replied reaching down for her guns

“Eat this, its a natural quick numbing agent, usually used at war. It can help make the pain go away if we are attacked but it does have a disadvantage” he said

“Let me guess, once the effects wear off there will be hell to pay” she said and he nodded “its fine we can save the hell part for later” she added and Takashi smiled

“I can hear engine sounds and gunfire, those bastards are awake now, anytime is tea time” Samantha said “save the reunion with princess Sofia here for later”

“Its princess Theresa” she said rudely ticking Samantha off

Woah News blurted into laughter

“I think we are going to have a lot of fun, don’t you think so Takashi?” News said trying to lighten up the mood

“I believe so, follow me Theresa, by the way I’m Takashi” he said and walked away with her behind him

They reached a thicket of bushes and he pulled out a bag from them. He unzipped it, inside it were multiple boxes of bullets for all type pf guns.

“So apparently none of us are gun users, I’m a sword user as you can see and for the others ill leave it to them to tell you.” he said and gave her the bag

“Wow so why do you have all these?”

“We took them from a hunter’s jeep that we took out last night, and thought we should keep them incase we ever stumble upon a gunslinger” he explained “and we did”

“Thank you, but why are you trusting me a total stranger?” she asked finding it odd for people to be this trusting in the world they lived in

“Well because as long as we are all being hunted, there is one common goal we all wish to achieve and that is survival. None of us here came to wonderland as friends we all met after the hunt began so ya you see why new faces aren’t an issue” he said

“But your female friend seems to not like me” Theresa said recalling seeing Samantha glare at her

“Its hard to tell what she is thinking since I just met her a fews days ago when we came here but all I can say is she has no evil intent”

“Ohw I see……I’ll do my best not to stand in her way”

“That would be wise”

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