The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology
Chapter 7: No where to run

An hour had passed since Thomas had picked up the girl he was with and they were now miles from the city and could feel more secure so he parked deep in the woods where they weren't easily noticeable. Just for the sake of safety he put blinder on all windows to make it impossible for those outside to see whats inside maybe it might fool anyone or anything to think that its an abandoned car. The outside of the car was already dusty so the car already looked abandoned.

They chose this spot for for a shut eye but none of them seemed to be able to fall asleep. After minutes and minutes of twisting and turning Tom finally talked

"Can't sleep huh"

"Yes" she replied

"Afraid i might turn?" he said

Theresa felt guilty for making him feel like she didn't trust her but her own father had tried to eat her

"Look I'm sorry i don't mean to doubt you its"

"Its okay, i can't imagine what you've gone through" he assured her


"My name is Thomas" he introduced himself

"Ohw Im Theresa" she replied realizing she had forgotten to introduce herself

"Things are so hectic, i forgot to ask your name" he said lying facing the car roof

Both their seats were inclined giving them a bit of comfort. There was silence once again in the car and everyone was back in their thoughts. Thomas' eyes slowly closed, nomatter how hard he fought it. He was too exhausted not just physically but even emotionally. He dozed off and in no time he was out. However Theresa on the other hand stared into nothingness as tears flowed down her cheeks

Daddy she thought

The night was so quiet and peaceful around them as though there wasn't a place where chaos was occurring. She would not sleep because each time she closed her eyes images of her father's final moments came flashing back.

Why did it have to be us dad?

She thought as she remembered how perfect their lives had been. The lives of everyone in Cyna city had turned into a nightmare in just a sparse of two days. So many people had died painful deaths due to the military's negligence. Those who had managed to escape were mostly in shock and denial. From a peaceful summer afternoon to a heart breaking and traumatizing ending. The longer she thought about her had the mire she dozed off and before she knew it she was waking up hearing birds chirping outside.

Uhm did i fall asleep? she thought as she looked around

Rays of light entered the car through small cracks on the blinders. She turned and saw Tom sound asleep and chose to let him at least enjoy limbo, where he was no haunted by thoughts of the realm of the living.

After a few hours Tom finally woke up. As he opened his eyes for a moment he felt like he was home but the thoughts came back rushing to him bringing him back to reality and he frowned

Theresa noticed "its the thoughts right" she said and he nodded

"How are you?" he asked trying to remember how he fell asleep asleep

"If you're fine I'm fine" she replied "so what now?" she asked

"Well for starters the food i got ain't enough for both of us, so we have to get some" Tom replied

They prepared everything and took off back to the highway. It was a short drive before they reached a Shell fuel station in the outskirts of town where there was no trace of life. There was garbage on the ground, spilled drinks and squashed potato chips. The store was wide open showing signs of heavy looting and there was not a single car there. Tom parked by the gas tank, he pulled out the hose and pressed it. The smell of petrol filled the air as it poured out

"What do you think happened here?" said Theresa as she picked up a 100 dollar bill which was on the ground where money, food and all kind of liquids were scattered

Tom looked around for any trace of blood but there was none but boot prints of all kinds.

"Probably looting because i don't see any blood" he said "to think people would leave so much money like its nothing" he commented

"I guess things are worse than we thought" she replied looking around

"Wonderful, here fill the car as i try to see whats in there" Tom handed the hose to Theresa and headed for the shop

He walked quickly but the closer he got the slower he became, the thoughts of the horrific sight he witnessed last night at Miss house gave him cold feet. He ran his eyes from one spot to the other on the ground until he found a thick silver crowbar

There feels much safer

Carefully listening and looking in every direction prepared he entered the store. Lightly banging the bar on one of the shelves, he waited for some sign that showed he was not alone but there was nothing. Sighing in relief he finally stood fully upright and relaxed his muscles.

There was disorder in the store, all the shelves that once contained snacks were either empty had scattered broken pieces of sweets, biscuits or any regular snacks found at fuel stations. The floor was in the exact same state. Walking to the fridge in hopes of finding something good to drink all he saw were water bottles.

To think people would value booze over water, pathetic he shook his head and took the bottles

Placing them at the counter, he went to the back office and found the drawers wide open and a lot of cash on the floor. It showed that whoever had been here left in a hurry.

"I don't need it, its not like ill use it" he said looking at the money

He went back into the store and began picking up the water bottles.

"Wow people went for the junk food forgetting the water" he thought out loud as he arranged them on the counter.

After a short while when he was sure he had taken everything they might need and was about to call Theresa he saw her sprinting towards the store with a pale face. Confusion struck him at first until he heard familiar growling and looked behind her. His eyes popped out, behold about seven of those flesh eating sons of bitches was chasing the girl. Assessing the situation he realized there was no way they would make it back to the car without coming into contact with them so the store was their only option. He waited for her and once she was in they closed the doors and reinforced with the metal crowbar going across the doors. The creatures came and slammed against the door groaning so loud the groans filled the room.

"We are so fucked right now" Tom said running his hands through his hair

"I'm scared Tom" Theresa held on to Tom as she trembled

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