The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology
Chapter 25: Tom to the rescue

After feeling a cool breeze brush her Jennifer began to slowly open her eyes. She looked around and saw the night sky

“Wakey wakey welcome back” an unfamiliar face hovered above hers

As her thoughts began to slowly return she remembered, its one of those people who had captured her. She tried to move but felt her hands and feet bound.

“No no I knew you was gon try to be naughty so i also tied those beautiful legs of yours” Bolt said smiling “well its great that you woke up because its just not fun doing the deed with someone whose unconscious you know” he added and he began laughing with someone else

She felt another breeze which made her shiver and immediately she realized she was fully naked. She could not even make a sound because a cloth was lodged in her mouth. She was helpless. Bolt picked her up and pressed her against a tree then began caressing her and kissing her on the neck

“Damn the monster down there really wants a piece of you, damn im lucky” he whispered in her ear

She could do nothing but endure because she could not move anything, the way he had tied her made it impossible. He put her down then began looking around

“Damn where did that bastard go off to now?” he complained “oh well it ain’t my fault if he got eaten” he added then began removing his pants

Jennifer struggled a bit but it was to no avail. He made her lie face down. She could feel his hands grab her backside trying to navigate a way for him to penetrate. Tears filled her eyes, she had been a strong woman but she never imagine being defiled by low lives like these. As she prepared for the worst she heard wood crackling behind her and Bolt fell on top of her. She stayed still wondering what happened, she could feel his erect penis slowly contract. His body was pushed aside and she felt hands touch her shoulder

Not another one she thought

“Are you okay?” a familiar voice asked

“T Tom” she said with relief in her voice

He untied her and the moment she was free she embraced him tightly.

“Thank you so much” she said with tears in her eyes

She did not picture things going this way. With how Tom had fled she thought he might be too traumatized to return, worst of all he did not even have a gun to fight back if he were to try and rescue them.

“You’re welc….come” he said embarrassed

He could feel the heat from her naked body and it gave him goosebumps

“Uh uhm Jane” he managed a few words

She let go of him “yes” she replied looking into his eyes

“Your clothes”

“Oh shit, sorry I’m so sorry” she realized she was naked and shrunk from him

She quickly looked for her clothes and dressed up to avoid making Tom more uncomfortable.

“Ummm” she cleared her throat “I’m sorry i got a little carried away there” her cheeks flushed

“I’m sorry I took so long to come back I”

“Thank you, for coming back for us” she cut him off “without your help I can’t imagine what would have happened to me so thank you Tom” she said humbly

Tom looked around then asked “where is Theresa?”

Jennifer froze for a moment realizing it had slipped her mind that Theresa wasn’t with them

“The house she has to be at the house” her eyes widened

“We have to go and get her before anything happens to her” Tom suggested

“I recall hearing two voices where did the other one go?” she asked for Darren and Tom pointed at his shirt

“I knocked him out” replied Tom

“Where?” she asked and he explained

“Okay pass me that jacket over there” she instructed pointing at a leather jacket which belonged to one of the bikers

She went and knelt next to * body folded the jacket, pressed it against the back of his head. Without warning she picked up his gun and pulled the trigger.

The sound of the gunshot was muffled by the jacket and didn’t go far but it was loud enough for Tom who had been facing the other direction to hear it. His heart skipped a beat when he heard it because his thoughts went back to the time he nearly got him.

“Hey what are you…….” he paused in shock

Blood was already flowing on the ground beneath * face. Jane was withdrawing the gun and standing up. She noticed the surprise in his eyes

“What?” she asked surprised by his look

Being in the military for too long had made her heart rigid. To her a life was just an exchange token for the greater good.

“You killed him” blutterd out Tom

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, it was like something from a movie. How can someone kill another and act like nothing happened.

“Yes whats wrong?” she asked

“I had tied him up, he was not going to do anything” Tom said raising his voice

“They were going to kill me you know” she explained

“Yes but isn’t that the reason I tied him up so that mother nature judges”

“Tom thats not how the world works” she said

“Even though, I don’t think its up to us to choose who lives and who dies” he complained

“Tom the world we live in now, isn’t the one we knew, we now live in lawless times. Its war now and in war you don’t spare your enemy” she refused to see things his way

“Not all of us are military Jane, these are human lives, nomatter how bad someone is. Life is sacred” Tom disagreed

“Open your eyes and get it into your thick skull, things are never going to be the same again damnit.” she snapped “stop thinking the government will do anything to change things, they won’t”

“We don’t know that”

“You see that girl back there, she believes in you and trusts that you can protect her she is your responsibility whether you like it or not” she said placing the gun at the back of her jeans “if you value her life you are going to have to do what must be done”

Thomas paused trying to find the right words to use but he couldn’t, deep down he felt what she was saying was true. These people had not thought twice before trying to kill him. Seeing how the boy was confused she toned down her voice, held his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

“Tom” she sighed “I’m sorry Its just people can be evil at times” she tried to explain

“The other guy is passed out down there” he ignored her words and pointed in the direction he came

She looked at him with sad eyes for a short while then left. After a momentary silence there was a gun shot then silence prevailed once again. She came back into view

“Now to rescue our little princess” she said

“Im pretty sure she’d snap if she heard you calling her that” replied Tom managing a smile


“She considers herself tough” he giggled

“Ohw is that so, then we better get her back. I’d like to see for myself how tough she is”

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