The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology
Chapter 23: Tom decides

Twisting and turning in his bed, Thomas could hardly fall asleep due to the extreme summer heat. His mind was also restless because he feared those undead bastards might attack anytime and he did not want to wake up while being devoured. After trying to force himself to sleep he finally gave up and woke up. Quietly opening his cabin door he walked down to the river to take a piss and enjoy the view of the forest under the full moon light. Taking a seat and leaning against a gum tree, the tranquil environment began to slowly get to him and he was beginning to doze. As he was about to cross over into dreamland he heard loud voices yelling at the house. Standing up without thinking he ran back in the direction of the house when he spotted Jennifer and Theresa on the ground with guns to their heads

“Hey another one there!!” one of the four people standing there spotted him

Realizing this Tom slipped trying to reduce his speed and just as he tried to get up a bullet grazed him on the cheek

Shit he thought

He quickly got up and ran ducking his head. A lot of bullets missed him until he was out of sight. Panting really hard and periodically looking back Thomas ran through the woods as fast as he could. His heart was racing and confusion clouded his mind, he had never been fired at before. The thought that he could have died if the bullets hit frightened him. After covering a long distance he finally stopped and checked if anyone had followed him but there was no sign of life anywhere. Slumping down leaning onto a tree he caught his breathe

Oh Damnit that was close he thought finally regaining his grip

As he sat there slowly calming down something hit him

Oh shit Theresa he thought

What the hell was he going to do. He couldn’t leave her there, there was no other choice but to go back.

Oh God help me he covered his face with both his hands

Each time he would even think of going back his thoughts would lead him back to the moment the bullet grazed him.

Meanwhile back at the house where Jane and Theresa were the people who captured them were bikers.

“Hey Chester look at this one, she’s got dog tags” a blonde scruffy fat man said

“Tags, is that what makes you think you can trespass on our property?” asked Chester as he cleaned his gun with his massive hands

“What about their friend, what do we do?” asked a slim tall man

“Don’t worry Bolt, that one won’t be returning the way he ran with his tail between his legs i doubt” a brunette comment who wore the same leather jacket and jeans as the others

“Its pretty obvious these here are town folks well too bad even if they wanna report it there is no police to report to not in this hell hole at least” Bolt commented

Theresa’s eyes were filled with tears to the brim and she was fighting really hard to hold them back. Jennifer on the other hand was studying their capturers to determine if there was a way to escape but at that time there was none.

Tom where are you? Theresa thought wondering if he would come back

“Are those tears I see there” Reggie said moving his face close to Theresa and she shook her head obviously terrified “no no let me help you get them out” he added and swung his hand slapping her so hard she coughed and began crying loud calling for Tom

Seeing this enraged Jennifer and she sprang up giving Reggie a headbutt so powerful blood immediately gushed out of his nose. He went tumbling down and immediately falling unconscious

“Reggie!!” Chester yelled standing up

As he walked to Jennifer she tried to attack him but it only took one powerful blow from him to knock her out cold. Theresa’s eyes widened with horror seeing how easily she had fallen.

“Diane get some water and wake Reggie up and you two take this bitch strip her and tie her against a tree close to the road i’m sure our dead friends would appreciate the gesture” Chester instructed

“Noo! Don’t, Jane wake up!!” Theresa yelled helplessly as she watched her friend being carried out “please wake up pl”

“Hey!!!” Chester cut her off “make any more sounds and you’ll be following her” he glared at her

She could do nothing but sob helplessly. What was going to happen to her if Jane or Thomas wasn’t there. Theresa had never been this afraid in her entire life, this felt like something from a movie. Chester instructed Diane to take Theresa with her to her room then they’ll what to do with her the following day.

“Walk you little shit!” Diane yelled as she pushed Theresa to walk to the cabin Thomas slept in

“Please let me go, I promise i won’t tell anyone” she begged with the hopes that maybe the humanity in her would intervene

“No no, you and I are gonna have a lot of fun together, its been a while since i’ve been with a woman especially a virgin”

Theresa’s eyes dilated and as she was about to scream, Diane covered her mouth. She fought hard struggling trying to free her lips until finally Diane slammed her with a gun at the back of her head, she fell unconscious.

“Damn doing it with an unconscious person isn’t any fun well it’ll have to do for now” she commented with a crude smile

Bolt and Darren reached the road with Jennifer and lay her down in order to properly strip her.

“Hey Bolt”

“Ahuh?” he replied

“Don’t you think before we leave her to those dead bastards we ought to have her for ourselves even just a little” Darren suggested and Bolt smiled in agreement “I’ll go first so watch my back okay” he added

“Okay but let me take a piss I’ll be back, you know it ain’t fun on a full tank” Darren said and walked deeper into the woods

He unzipped his jeans and began peeing while whistling his favorite tune. Oblivious of what was happening around him all he thought about was how he was going to continuously bang Jennifer until midnight.

“Alright done, now back into your hole young one i have a surprise for you” he said as he zipped his pants

As he turned to return to his friend, his eyes met with someone else’s.

“Who the fuck is” Before he could finish his sentence a hard log slammed him in the face causing blood to splatter from his nose.

“Oh fuck fuck,” he cursed holding his bleeding nose “Bol…….t Bo” he tried to yell but another heavy beating came this time from the back of his head

Dizziness hit him and he staggered trying searching for something to hold on to for support but it useless. His body was shutting down faster than he could keep up. Everything began to blur and in a few seconds it all went black, he fell face down.

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