The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology
Chapter 21: End of the line

The weather quickly changed as the sky which was completely clear started getting infested by grey clouds. Desmond kept his foot on the accelerator making sure there would be no room for those soldiers to catch up to them. It did not take a while before rain began pouring down making it difficult to drive so they parked deep in the woods to avoid any encounters.

“Damn that was a mess” Desmond sighed as his muscles finally relaxed

“Merlyn how are we going to get her back?” Praise said worrying for their partner

“It won’t be easy but we have to go get her”

“We are not even military trained, we might die in the process” Praise commented

“I’d rather die than abandon a friend” he replied calmly it shook Praise

Desmond had always seemed like the reckless immature type but this persona he was portraying was the opposite of that. They had never really got time to know each other well since it was one thing after the other but one thing Praise had noticed wa how during the night Desmond woke up and stayed watch while they all slept back at the restaurant. All those nights there seemed to always be something on his mind, he would sometimes get so lost in his thoughts he wouldn’t notice she was awake unless he shook him.

“Tell me” she said lying back on her reclined seat

“Yes what” he replied

“There’s more to you than meets the eye ain’t there” she said and looked at him

“What do you mean?” he said eyes glued to the car ceiling

“I won’t ask what but I’m sure you are dealing with a lot behind that smile”

“Do you want to know?” he asked


“I’ll tell you as soon as we rescue Merlyn” he replied and silence prevailed

The rain got heavier, these parts got lots of rain during this time of the year. Rain was a good thing in a normal world but it the hell they were in it was a different case because the sound of the heavy drops impaired your senses making it impossible to detect enemies closing in. Staying inside was the best choice for everyone who wanted to love to see daylight.

Thirty minutes passed and it was already getting darker but the soldiers had not yet caught up to them. They had managed to flee. As they parked there about to rest and call it a day the sound of numerous gunshots jolted them out of their slumber. Desmond jerked up and looked behind them and there it was, in the distance with bright headlights. The jeep they had left was coming. He started the ignition and took off. Bullets came raining making numerous holes in the car. Things were getting dire for them so Desmond thought up a plan. As he drove he took a quick turn back into the highway and parked the car.

“Get out lets run, its easier that way!” he instructed and they abandoned the car

They ran fighting so hard to not get stuck in the mud and also not to be seen. When they reached a point where they felt was safe the stopped. A loud siren like sound went filling the whole area and a voice followed

“We know you’re here, If you don’t show yourselves we are going to fire motta that can blow up this whole area. The choice is yours” and the loud speaker clicked

Their hearts couldn’t stop beating, these guys were not the kind to joke around with they were no bluffing. They only had one option either to surrender or to die trying to escape and the second one wasn’t so wise because of the mud caused by the rain.

“Let me go, you stay and when they are distracted leave okay” Desmond said

“No no I am not agreeing to that, i am the reason you are here in the first place. If we die we die together” Praise argued

“Okay fine lets go” Desmond said and they began walking towards where they had left their car

He walked behind Praise and the moment she let her guard down her punched her in the back of the head instantly knocking her out. He caught her before she hit the ground

“I’m sorry” he said with sadness in his eyes

He carried her gently and looked for high ground. With all his might he placed her in a tree where the zombies could not reach her. Before leaving he kissed her on the forehead to bid her farewell. Trying by all means to not be seen Desmond went back to where the car was and fortunately the soldiers’ jeep was parked a distance from there. They sat there waiting for them to appear, they knew no one was insane enough to decline their offer so they relaxed. He started the ignition and took off alerting the soldiers. He sped back into the highway with the jeep right behind him. Once in the highway he accelerated creating an irrecoverable distance between them.

“Fuck we won’t catch up to him like this! Fire the motta” the driver instructed the other soldiers in the car

They took aim. His car was a bit hard to hit since it kept swerving in the road but with one shot the motta landed a direct hit sending the car into flames. It exploded with such force it took out some cars that were close to it.

“Bulls eye” said the gunman with a grin on his face

“Well there won’t be any evidence left to show to Rugal would there” the driver said

“Lets just go and check”

They drove to the car and found a tattered body in the driver seat almost fully burnt to a crisp. After confirming and reporting back they left. The rain subsided and it was when Praise began to regain consciousness.

Where am I she thoughts wondering how she got where she was

“Desmond!!” she jolted up as the memories returned

It was only when she tumbled down and landed on her back that she realized she was in a tree. Looking around there was no living thing in sight except for a stretch of grass and trees. She felt the back of her head throb and thats when she realized what had happened

“Damnit damnit” she said and took off in the direction where they had parked the car “Desmond!” she yelled but there was no answer

She knew something bad must have happened but her adrenaline kept her running.

I refuse to accept this she thought no

Her eyes widened realizing that the car was no where to be found. She looked down and saw tyre tracks leading back to the highway and followed them. Once in there she followed her instinct and went right. On the way she stumbled upon zombies and dodged or shoved them away. The fear of losing another person made her oblivious of the danger she can be in if a hoard was to stumble upon her. Looking ahead she saw flames in the middle of the road and sped up. The closer she got the colder her feet became, it was what remained of the car they were using

“No no Desmond please no” she screamed as she approached the car

She rushed to the front seat and what she saw destroyed her from within. Her knees weakened and she fell to the ground. He was the only person left she knew in this world. Everything had turned terribly wrong in mere hours. Zombies had followed her and were getting closer but she had lost her will to fight to live. One zombie grabbed onto her and as it was about to sink its teeth into her shoulder an ear deafening sound ringed in her ear and brains splattered in her face.

“Hey Jack we found another one of those suicidal maniacs” a female voice yelled out

“Knock her out, she’ll add to our sacrifices to Caesar”

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