The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology
Chapter 19: Hostile hospitality

The car engine roared filling the whole forest making almost everyone in the car uncomfortable. A noisy car was not the best choice in a world like this but Desmond as usual had to make idiotic choices. Merlyn looked at Praise whose eyes were glaring with rage and read her mind

“He’s an idiot right” she smiled and Praise nodded “well this is better than walking”

The entirety of their trip was in the forest, it was only after about two hours when they finally found the highway.

“Alas we meet again, Highway knight of direction” Desmond commented in a voice actor voice

“How old are you? Grow up” Merlyn complained

“It ain’t my fault you single”

“What did you say!” she snapped

“Guys guys please, Desmond grow up” Praise intruded

“Awww you too” he made puppy eyes popping his head between their seats

“Argg, why did you wake up?” Praise rubbed her forehead

He fell back to his seat and asked

“Where are we going” his tone completely different from the playful one he was using

“There’s a military camp not so far from here, we wanna check things out there” replied Merlyn

The highway was literally deserted, they did not stumble upon a living soul or any moving car. All they saw were either broken down cars without passengers or a handful of undead that walked aimlessly.

“These abandoned cars might become a nuisance” complained Merlyn as she had to sometimes drive out of the road just to avoid them “this is not my king of thing, it was Jane’s specialty”

“I can’t imagine the terror that led these people to abandon their vehicles” commented Praise as she saw all the expensive cars that were deserted

“I find it wise to drive alongside the road to avoid high jacking” Desmond suggested and Merlyn obeyed

They drove for a while and switched places until finally arriving at the road which led to the camp.

“There’s a military camp not so far from here, huh?” Desmond sarcastically remarked

“Fuck you dude” said Merlyn who now sat in the back

“So how far do we go?” Desmond asked as the base came into view

“Stop the car here, Ill go and check things out on my own” instructed Merlyn

“Why? Isn’t this safer than out here” said Praise

“Trust me its safer out here than in there” Merlyn said exiting the car “take this if it makes a sound press that button to hear what i have to say” she gave Desmond a walkie talkie

Knowing the nature of her own kind she approached the camp gates with caution. Raising her hands in the air to avoid any misunderstandings. The soldiers on the watch towers located on both sides of the gate spotted her and informed the camp general.

“Yes, okay sir” said one soldier as he spoke on a walkie talkie

They signaled for her to put her hands down and advance without fear.

Maybe I should tell the others to come she thought as she reached for her walkie talkie no but something doesn’t feel right

She noticed how the soldiers were commanding others on the ground. The moment she arrived at the gates it swung open and three armed men came out

“Get on your knees!” one yelled

Shit I knew something wasn’t right

As she knelt with her hands behind her back a familiar voice made her heart skip a beat.

“So you lived” said Rugal as he appeared from behind the soldiers who had guns aimed at her

“You son of a bitch” she swore

“Hey watch your tongue!!” one of the soldiers yelled

“No don’t John worry she is an old friend, search her” he instructed and John complied immediately

He pulled out a walkie talkie from her pocket and gave it to Rugal.

“So you aren’t alone I see” he said scanning the surroundings

“Sir, I see a black van behind those bushes six o’clock” a watchmen reported

“Oh I see, take a van with you and go there, kill them on sight” he said his tone escalating to rage

He pressed the transponder button and immediately as a voice came through Merlyn yelled

“Run guys run!”

“Bitch” Rugal snapped kicking her in the face and knocking her out instantly “hurry up and get them” he growled

Desmond and Praise had been watching the occurrences but weren’t quite sure of what was happening because of the distance between where they were and the camp. The moment Merlyn’s voice came through Desmond reversed the car and sped off back where they came. Already on the side mirrors they could see two jeeps exiting the camp gates.

“Damnit Merlyn how do we get her back now” he complained as he kept accelerating the car

“Fuck, fuck, fuck” Praise swore slamming the dashboard

“Can you shoot?” Desmond asked as he realized they would not make it out without a fight

Quickly grasping Desmond’s thoughts Praise watched her mirror and when she decided they were close enough leaned out and began firing at them. It caught them by surprise because they did not expect this much resistance. They exchanged shots and some bullets came close to hitting her and Desmond but they were lucky. She aimed at the engine and miraculously one of her bullets hit a tyer sending one of the cars flipping in turn blocking the other causing it to crash into it.

“Yess!!” Desmond yelled and gave Praise a high five

He took a left into the highway and raced out of sight.

Meanwhile at the camp Rugal was raging and yelling at the soldiers who had failed to capture Desmond and Praise.

“What!, are you telling me they got away. What kind of idiots are you men. Useless pieces of shit. There will be hell to pay if you come back here without those people”

“Sir we have injured men here” a soldier explained through the walkie talkie

“Leave them there and follow that car, they know too much to be left wondering about as they please. If you don’t kill them don’t come back to this base. There will be no place for you” he instructed and hung up

“Damn we have to follow them” the soldier with the walkie said

They started their remaining car and took off in the direction Desmond and Praise had left in.

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