The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology
Chapter 13: A New World

“Get down” Tom whispered to Theresa whose head was popping out too much from behind the bush they hid behind

“Okay okay, you don’t have to be so rough” she complained shrugging his hand from her shoulder

“Sorry, okay so you see here is the plan” he said

They needed more food and had stumbled upon a grocery store by luck. The only problem was that the parking area was filled with flesh eaters making it impossible to get in. The mindless creatures just walked aimlessly awaiting any unfamiliar sound or sight. The stench of death filled the air, making it uninhabitable.

“You take those three on the left just like i showed you okay” Tom instructed

“I’m not a baby Tom I know how to handle myself” Theresa said arrogantly

Tom rolled his eyes in disbelief

“Whatever, just make sure you follow the rule book”

Tightly gripping his baseball bat Tom took a deep breath preparing to go into the lot. Theresa swung hers in preparation and upon nodding at each other they went into the lot. The moment they came into sight the undead shifted their attention to them. They hissed and groaned

Theresa frowned “disgusting” she said

Taking a deep breathe she held her bat tighter.

Remember what Tom taught you she gave herself a mental pep talk

Adjusting her stance, she got into swinging position as the first one approached. It lazily dragged its unresponsive left foot coming towards her. As it was about to get to her she swung the bat with such force it broke the bottom jaw of the zombie and burst out the top of the head splashing brains everywhere. Just the sight of this would make anyone in their right mind throw up but these two had found a counter measure, ginger. Upon destroying the eater’s head she chewed her ginger forcing a bitter taste to flood her tastebuds thus reducing the possibility of throwing up. The headless body tumbled to the ground.

Thomas watched and smiled in approval. On the other hand Tom waited for his to come at him and as it got within his range he swung the bat shattering its right knee forcing it to fall forward. Before it hit the ground he welcomed its green rotting face with a powerful swing which destroyed half the head exposing the remains of the brain. They proceeded to the rest and finished the job unscathed. Upon completion of the assault blood, brains and rotting fluids dripped from their bats.

“Monstrous strength” Thomas teased Theresa as they walked to the store

“Don’t worry I’ll be the adult here and let it slide” she replied

“Silence is admission of defeat” Tom tried push her buttons but she bit her teeth trying hard to ignore him “cry baby” he added

She ignored again but her face was flustering with rage

“Wiwwle ba”

“Say one more word and you’ll end up like them” she said pointing at the eaters lying on the ground

Thomas laughed out loud causing her to get even angrier and begin chasing him around the lot.

“Try harder!!” he yelled laughing at how hard it was for her to catch up

“Tom Thomaaaass!!!!” she screamed

“Woah woah sorry sorry okay” he laughed as he watched how personal she had taken it

"No you can’t do that” she protested “you just can’t”

“I’m sorry, you know i wouldn’t do anything to hurt my hero” he complimented her

“Stop it right now” she warned

“I’m sorry, please forgive this misguided boy” he tried to get her to smile again

Her rage slowly toned down

Arrggg i hate it when he does that she rubbed her forehead

“You trust me right?” he asked smiling and she didn’t respond “right?” he repeated

She sighed and rubbed her forehead once more, the frown slowly disappearing

“Yes” she mumbled

“I cant hear youuu” he said putting his cheek closer to her face and she pushed him away

“I said yes okay yes” she unwillingly responded

“Good, I love you too” he said trying to embarrass her

She blushed “can we go now” she said

“First smile for big old Tommy” he teased her as he walked closer to her

She tried really hard to fight the smile but she couldn’t. An innocent radiant smile dominated her face.

“Good girl, now we can go”

“You dummy” she said punching him on the shoulder

“Ouch monstrous strength”


“Ohw sorry” he said and

They both laughed in unison.

Tom looked for supplies while Theresa walked on the shelves calling herself a ninja. As she jumped up and down, sometimes almost falling, he would watch with a smile on his face. She was finally beginning to open up. The days after the incident at the fuel station were hard on them both. She needed support and Tom was the only one in position to give it. He too wanted support but chose to be strong for her because she had been strong for him in other ways. They had left the Cyna region a while ago and it already been a month since this whole mess erupted. All the belief about the government fixing things was quickly fading.

People were beginning to accept the new way of living. Distant places that had not been attacked yet had already prepared measures to prevent this virus from spreading however news would come here and there mentioning some of those places being overrun. No where was safe, the government kept promising people it would find a cure but nothing has been done yet. Communications are still up, all service providers have made everything free for all since money no longer has any use however lack of repairs and maintenance of these services is causing it to deteriorate to the extent that some places no longer have service. The virus spread so fast it had already reached all the continents. Planes are falling from the sky, nuclear explosions are detonated without consideration of civilians and the law is no longer binding because there is no one to enforce it. Many religious believers are calling it the end of the world also known as Escatology.

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