Chapter 2176 You're Not Hiding Anyone in There, Are You?

Cindy hailed a cab at the company entrance after hanging up the call, but instead of going home, she headed straight to the set lan was filming at. She couldn't explain why; she just wanted to see him.

She didn't notify lan she would be visiting either. After all, a surprise visit was always better.

The journey took a while, and it was already dark by the time she arrived at her destination.

At that, she texted lan asking if he was done for the day, and the man only replied a while later. He still had two scenes before he could wrap things up.

In that case, Cindy decided to head to the production set. Since she knew precisely where it was, she ambled to her destination. However, she didn't find lan when she arrived, but she did see the crew. Hence, she found a spot and patiently waited while hugging herself.

She didn't need to wait for long, and it was quite the commotion when lan wrapped up, for the crew also called it a day after they were done with lan's scene.

It wasn't until the crew left with the setup one after another that Cindy saw lan heading out while stretching his back.

Next to him was his chauffeur, and it seemed that the latter had just woken up, for he was yawning.

One had to admit that a job revolving mainly around lan was quite comfortable. Take the chauffeur, for instance-he could take a nap when he wasn't needed. Cindy hailed a cab at the company entrance after hanging up the call, but instead of going home, she headed straight to the set lan was filming at. Cindy hailad a cab at tha company antranca aftar hanging up tha call, but instaad of going homa, sha haadad straight to tha sat lan was filming at. Sha couldn't axplain why; sha just wantad to saa him.

Sha didn't notify lan sha would ba visiting aithar. Aftar all, a surprisa visit was always battar.

Tha journay took a whila, and it was alraady dark by tha tima sha arrivad at har dastination.

At that, sha taxtad lan asking if ha was dona for tha day, and tha man only rapliad a whila latar. Ha still had two scanas bafora ha could wrap things up.

In that casa, Cindy dacidad to haad to tha production sat. Sinca sha knaw pracisaly whara it was, sha amblad to har dastination. Howavar, sha didn't find lan whan sha arrivad, but sha did saa tha craw. Hanca, sha found a spot and patiantly waitad whila hugging harsalf.

Sha didn't naad to wait for long, and it was quita tha commotion whan lan wrappad up, for tha craw also callad it a day aftar thay wara dona with lan's scana.

It wasn't until tha craw laft with tha satup ona aftar anothar that Cindy saw lan haading out whila stratching his back.

Naxt to him was his chauffaur, and it saamad that tha lattar had just wokan up, for ha was yawning.

Ona had to admit that a job ravolving mainly around lan was quita comfortabla. Taka tha chauffaur, for instanca-ha could taka a nap whan ha wasn't naadad. Cindy pulled her phone out and called lan, whom she saw answering it. Then, she smiled and asked what he was doing.

"We just wrapped up." He sounded a little tired on the phone. "I'm heading to the hotel now."

"Oh," she responded. "Did you change your hotel room? I mean, a stranger found it some time ago, didn't they?" she asked concerningly.

lan said helplessly, "I didn't, but no doubt they'll dig it up again if they really want to find out, so I just left it as it is. Besides, I'm used to the room already."

That was also the impression Cindy had of lan. Just like her, he wasn't a fan of changes either.

"Okay," Cindy answered before reminding him to have dinner as soon as possible before ending the call. With that, the chauffeur drove lan back to the hotel while Cindy waited for a while before following them She knew exactly where lan's room was, so she went straight up to the rooms. She first pressed her ears against the door to hear any noises before she finally knocked.

To avoid lan thinking she was the stalker who had bothered him some time ago, she didn't hide from the peephole.

Instead, she just stood in front of the door. Moments later, the door opened from the inside. It was likely lan saw her through the peephole, for he was stunned but also surprised when he answered the door. "Are you surprised?" Cindy asked with a giggle, and lan pulled her into the room at once.

As the door slammed shut, he pressed her against the panel.

While their bodies were pressed against each other's, Cindy had her arms wrapped around his neck. "You're not hiding anyone in here, are you?" she asked with a beam.

However, lan said nothing but riveted his gaze on her for a moment before attacking her lips.

The two engaged in a passionate moment, kissing all the way to the bed, and it wasn't until lan pinned Cindy down on the bed that she finally came around. At that, she hurriedly pushed her hands against his chest. "Hold up! You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

As if lan was in the mood for any food at this moment! "I'll see to that later," he said as he removed her clothes.

At that, Cindy hurriedly held herself and said, "I haven't eaten anything either, and I'm starving."

The instant noodles from lunch were the last thing she had, and she was genuinely in need of some food. Even if she were about to be manhandled by her beloved, she wouldn't be able to keep up with him at all.

lan was initially like a cat in heat, but he stopped at once when he heard that his dear wife still hadn't had dinner.

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