The Rejected Phoenix
42. We need him alive

Chapter 42.

Subtitle: we need him alive.

*** general POV***

The whole area was dominated by his submissive aura every single one of the witches brought their knees to the ground forcefully.

The Phoenix and fox were no exception, they may not be his kind but the power of the black wolf was next to non.

It was the unquestionable aura that no wolf dares to disobey, that goes along with any other being "now I'll only say this once, all you f*cking witches should kill yourselves in ten seconds. I repeat,ten seconds! "

His voice was different from the usual and was deep, husky, dangerous and scary.

Within the blink of an eye lulu and Melanie watched as over a thousand witches that were kneeling to the floor used their own powers to kill themselves, their bodies vanished immediately they died. The scenes was shocking.

Melanie looked over at Ryker and saw that his eyes were deep black, as black as dynamites.

She was getting afraid of what may happen if he couldn't control his wolf, it was the first time she was seeing his wolf in person and she couldn't help but gawk at how large, agile and handsome it was. But she could not help but worry about how dangerous yet cold it looked.

She tried to lift her limbs from the floor where she was rooted to but to no avail, she was rooted to the same spot.

She could only watch as the witches vanished one by one,in less than a minute more than a thousand army of witches were no where to be found.

The area was clear,only a large phoenix bird, a beautiful blue fox and an unconscious man where left.

The black wolf turned around and stared at the direction the three were, eye searching for someone. His eyes met that of his pretty mate.

Her yes we're red and enchanting and his held desire and love.

"we fiannally meet, mate.. "

The hazy and agile wolf of earlier was now speaking softly and walking slowly towards the Phoenix who had her eyes fixed on it.

"we actually met weeks ago, in Mexico. It was the first time I saw you.

But you didn't stay for long.. *

The Phoenix replied and the wolf chuckled.

"that's true. 1 didn't acknowledge you because I was shot by a poisoned spear before I could talk to you.

Your one pretty phoenix.

The wolf muttered and shifted back to the alpha king, but his eyes were still as black as

anything, meaning Zack was still in total control.

"thanks for the compliment, your more caring with words other than you other half who betrayed me.."

The Phoenix replied and also shifted back to her human form after dropping the vampire softly on the floor.

Ryker walked over to Melanie with slow steps, he was naked and only grabbed a loosed rope that was on the floor, putting it over his naked body.

"I'm sorry for what we did to you.. I tried to take over and warn him but he was too stubborn to let me take care of things.

I am still mad at him..

I hope you won't hate us right? *

He asked touching Melanie's face.

Melanie smiled.

"I won't hate you, although I'm still very angry with you for what you did Ryker, oh I almost forgot your not him, your a true alpha, he's just a scumbag.

Hey Zack."

Melanie muttered and smiled sincerely at her mates wolf,but she knew for sure that she'll be dead if Ryker knows she called him a scumbag.

Zack was jumping up and down inside with glee

"it sounds too sexy and seductive when you call my name mate.

Say it again! "

Zack ordered and Melanie sighed with a pretty smile before muttering his name again.

They heard a loud hand clap from a far and this drew their attention towards the direction of the clap.

In the dark stood another witch with a large back veil over her head, it was connected to her rope and it flew down to the ground.

The clap was followed by a loud and sneering laughter.

"hahahahahah! It feels so good seeing you two talk to each other like its the end of the world.

I underestimated the strengths of the black wolf, you've succeeded in killing almost all my companions.

But it's okay... I don't need them to rule the world anyway, I'll just thank you for helping me get ride of them.

My queen will be pleased, but you'll be dead sadly. "

The witch said loudly and began emerging from the dark sides of the thick trees.

"you dared to return with the body of the dragon.

Hahaha,your too foolish...

You'll be dead before you can even revive him, that's if you know how to do it though.. "

The witch smirked as she approached them slowly.

With dangerous steps that screamed danger.

Zack immediately got in front of Melanie and growled hard at the witch.

"I'm gonna break all of your bones and crush them to pieces.

I'll make sure to spray you crushed bones into the river,your only but a sly empty witch.

You dare mess with me! *

His voice was thunderous and the witch had to stop right on her track due to how he screamed at her.. It was endearing and dangerous.

"calm down big guy.. I won't be the one to fight you..

Dragon! *

The witch laughed and called, and a large shadow walked out from the trees.

It was really large and with Every step it took the earth shook it was breaking down the trees that stood in its way as it emerged.

"what the fis that..."

Lulu panicked and rushed besides Melanie.

The large dragon that emerged from the shadows was a huge ice dragon.

The largest to ever exist, it was a hundred times the size of any other creature present there.

The dragon made a bow to the witch who nodded and walked towards it, it kneeled to her and used it's wings to scoop her from the ground, and then ur brough her right towards it face letting her touche it's nose, then she brought her forehead and leaned it over on the dragons nose, she closed her eyes and stayed like that for some minutes,to the shock of Melanie the dragon also closed its eyes as if it was having a mind link with the witch and if seemed to be enjoying it.

Then the witch snapped her eyes open and the dragon also did, this time it's eyes weren't blue but we're as black as anything, the witches eyes were also black.

She was controlling him.

"kill them! *

The witch shouted and the dragon began walking towards them slowly, it's steps shooked the entire place and lulu fell to the ground with a loud thud

"lulu, quick take the dragons body and hide it. Guard it until I tell you to bring it out!"

Melanie ordered lulu who nodded and did as she was told in a swift.

The dragons body was dragged away into dark.

Only the wolf king and the Phoenix where left to face the huge dragon.

Melanie made a loud sound and jumped up from the ground, she immediately shifted into a large phoenix she is and flew around the whole dark area in anger, Zack was still in control of Tyler and he also shifted to his black wolf, with only one Intend-to kill the dragon.

"Zack please do not kill him! We need him alive!

Melanie muttered but Zack was out of control.

He was blood thirsty and wouldn't listen.

"go ahead and kill him big guy.. You ain't afraid of a dragon are you? "

The witch added to his irritation and he growled and launched at the dragon who was approaching them slowly, he jumped up to the dragon and landed on its knees, it was a really high jump,the dragon was too tall

Without thinking, Zack sunk his large long teeth right into the dragons knees that made his teeth crackle due to how hard it's scaly body was.

The dragon screened in surprise and pain since he didn't expect to be attacked.

The dragon threw its feet around and wriggled Zack off him with an angry force.

The large wolf fell to the ground with a loud thud.

A large ball of ice rain came flying towards the wolf that was struggling to stand to its feet, Melanie was quick to to conjure a large sized fire ball, throwing it the same direction the ice balls were taking, it was really a narrow escape, the fire ball met with the ice ball just before it hit Ryker and it dissolved and fell to the floor like rain.

Ryker looked at Melanie with a thank-you look and the wolf stood back to its feet, this time it was determined to get the dragon.

Zack shifted back to Ryker's form and snapped a spear from the ground besides him with his legs and then hhhe grabbed it, holding it firm in his right hands.

His eyes were all black as he raced towards the dragon with all of his might gathering in one place, Melanie knew he needed help with flying so she was quick to dive down towards him and lift him from the floor, flying high with him,she flew as high as possible, to the height of the large dragon who was busy throwing large ice balls at them as they turned and and turned around in circles while they fly, trying to dodge the balls.

She made sure she was above the dragons eyes such that the dragon won't be able to see her before dropping Ryker right on the scaly head of the dragon, she didn't forget to mutter a "we need him alive!"

To Zack before flying to safety, leaving the rest of the work to him.

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