The Rejected Mate
chapter 29 : party and attacks

I sigh for the hundredth time, throwing the forest green colored dress onto my bed, I turn towards Courtney with a look of defeat, who was going through my closet.

"It's too short for my taste, Courntey”

"If it was upto you, you'd wear a sweater my grandma would wear with some leggings” rolling her eyes at me.

"I mean what's the problem with wearing a sweater? Its comfortable” I argue back, making her blow air out of her mouth.

"You didn't even argue with the fact that you would wear granny sweaters" she states smugly, picking up a pillow I throw it at her, which she easily dodges, making me grumble under my breath "Why do we have to go to this stupid party?” I whine. If it was upto me I would've been lounging in my sweat pants and baggy t-shirts watching a movie, not getting ready so I could go to a formal party.

"Our pack is forming an alliance with River Stone Pack, and it's mandatory for every pack member to be present there, Alpha orders” she replies and I sigh. Its been three months, and I haven't seen much of him. Matthew had explained that it was indeed him who had asked Melanie to do that.

I had asked him what led him to do that in the first place, but his only reply was that he couldn't tell me now. I was really upset and angry at him at first, and had ignored him for a good two weeks until I caved in and forgave him.

To say I was feeling guilty was an understatement, I felt so bad after I had realised how cruel I had been towards him, even thinking about it made me vince, it didn't help that the guilt kept me awake most of the nights, gnawing at my insides.

I've seen Matthew and him together, around the pack house. Making my eyebrows to furrow with confusion, last time I checked Damien wanted to rip Matthew's throat out, then how come they were acting like long lost friends now.

"Bingo" she calls out, breaking me out of my train of thoughts. I watch as she pulls a black dress from the back of my closet.

"Who knew you had this gem hidden behind all your granny sweaters" she teases me making me stick my tongue out at her.

"Now hurry up and wear this, we have to do your hair and makeup next" shooing me into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I immediately change into the dress.

It was a ankle length bodycon black dress that hugged my waist pretty snugly, and flaring out a bit after it went past my hips.

The dress had a criss cross patterned lace at the back with a square neck line and thin straps holding up the dress. It had a slit starting from the middle of my thighs till my ankles, normally It would've made me self conscious but this dress oddly made me feel comfortable and confident. Courtney whistles at me when I come out of the washroom wearing the dress.

"Damn, you have been hiding that body under all that layers of clothing, you should show off it more babe" she says making me blush.

"but honestly speaking, you look beautiful Serenity" she says with a smile on her face.

"Thankyou Courntey, and so do you" I wink at her. She's wearing a maeve colored knee length dress that hugged her features, I'm sure Alex wouldn't be able to take his eyes off of her the whole night. Courntey makes me sit infront of the vanity, asking me to close my eyes and not to open it untill she says so, well more like threatened me to. After a few minutes of poking and prodding at my face and hair, she says that it's done.

Opening my eyes, I'm stunned at the person who stares back at me. My long brunette hair is in curls, perfectly framing my face.

Courtney had done a smoky eye on me, with some nude lipstick to complete the look, and lastly some nude heels, about which I complained to her being death traps.

Right then the door to my room opens and Matthew strawls inside, wearing a black suit with a white shirt and some dress shoes to accompany, in which he looked really handsome, with his hair perfectly gelled and styled into a neat quiff.

"Where is Serenity?" He asks Courtney and I gape at him

"I'm right here you Asshole" his mouth gapes open, taking in my figure he gulps.

"You look beautiful” he clears his thought, making me blush at his words.

Moving towards him, I fix his bow tie which was slightly crooked.

"Well so do you, I mean you look handsome” I say, making him chuckle at my words.

I turn towards Courtney, asking when she is going to come, she response was that Alex would be here soon to accompany her down to the party.

"Come on, the party is about to start soon" linking our hands together.

"Woah" I say as I take in the place where the party was taking place, it was the backyard which the pack had turned into a perfect place to hold these sort of outdoor parties. The grass has been trimmed and cut, fairy lights hung around creating a perfect ambiance for the evening.

The sky was gloomy, it has been ever since the last few days, we had been experiencing pouring rain for a few days now. I felt like something was going to happen today, I couldn't shake the thought off.

"Its beautiful right?!" Matthew asks me as he too takes in the place just like me, I nod my head at his question.

I watch as the pack members of both Midnight moon pack and River stone pack mingle with eachother. They seem to get along quite good.

I spot someone put of the corner of my eyes, I watch as a suit claddes figure holds a small baby, while talking to someone, most probably the Alpha of the River stone pack.

Damien is dressed in a black suit similar to Matthew's, it hugged his body and muscles perfectly with his long hair slicked back on top of his head and cut short at the sides. A golden watch sits on one of wrists. He's holding Elijah in his arms, who is dressed in a cute little black suspender accompanied with a white shirt.

Elijah giggles as the Alpha of River stone pack pulls some funny faces infront of him, Damien places a small kiss on his chubby cheeks, making Elijah to kiss him back, a smile graces my face at the beautiful sight.

Guilt churns in the pit of my stomach as

I recall the mean things I said to him at our last encounter regarding him being a bad father to Elijah, it was all a big fat lie.

Damien was a great father, he took time out of his busy schedule so he could spent some time with his son daily.

"Come on, let me introduce you to the Alpha of River stone pack” Matthew drags me across the room, towards where Damien and the Alpha of the other pack was standing, making me squirm with uneasiness.

"Alpha Devon Sanders" Matthew calls out, catching Devons attention.

"Ahh, if isn't my childhood friend, Matthew McDaniels" Matthew rolls his eyes at Devon.

They both do a manly hug, patting eachother on the back. Seems like they both knew each other very well.

"How are you man?" Devon asks Matthew to which he replies that he's been good. My eyes switch over to Damiens, to catch him staring back at me but when he catches my eyes he looks away. "And who might this beautiful lady be?" I hear Alpha Devon ask, taking my attention away from Damien's figure.

I smile at him as I extend my hand to shake his, "Hi, I'm Serenity. A friend of Matthew's and a member of this pack as well" It's true, me and Matthew had come to a mutual decision to just remain friends and just that. I could feel Damiens eyes on me when I said the word “friends’.

Devon takes my hand in his, and places a kiss on top of my hands making my cheeks to redden. "It's a pleasure to meet you Serenity"

"Like wise".

Elijah squeals when he sees me, extending his hands and opening and closing his little fists wanting me to pick him up. Moving towards Damien, I clear my throat.

"May 1?" I ask Damien, pointing towards Elijah, who is pouting at me now. He hands Elijah over wordlessly.

Devon looks at us both "I-I didn't know you both were his parents” he speaks up.

I, Damien and Matthew look uncomfortably at eachother.

"I'm not his mother” I speak up after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

"Uh, I'm sorry" Devon sounds apologetic and I just give him a small smile.

"Don't be".

"Well, I'll see you guys again. Matthew, we've to catch up on each others life man” he says to Matthew, making him laugh and pat Devon in the back. They both move across the room, towards the bar. Talking on the way.

"You look Amazing" a deep voice speaks up, my head snaps towards Damien's. He extends his hands, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. Goosebumps arises in my body at his heated touch.

"Thankyou" I turn a cherry red at his compliment.

"You clean up quite well” I compliment his look, he just nods his head in reply.

"Listen, about the things I said last time I didn't mean-" I'm cut off by someone shouting, making my breath to hitch in my throat.

"ROGUES" pack members who had been previously talking and having a fun time together instantly start to panic around, everything turns into chaos as the arrival of rogues is declared, this meant only one thing, Roman is here and it's going to be a bloodshed.

"Go towards the Underground Serenity, and don't come out untill everything is over" he instructs me.

Damien instantly rushes outside immediately, along with Matthew, Devon and all the male and female trained warriors while rest of them are ushered into the Underground, where Elders, mother's and children of the pack are kept in times of attacks like this one.

I panic myself, not knowing what to do. Do I fight with them or be a coward and hide untill everything blows over.

No, I wasn't going to sit around and watch as Roman terrorised my pack. I was going to fight back this time

I hand over Elijah to one of the mother's I have known from his nursery, "please take care of him" I say. She nods her head and hurries inside with Elijah in her arms, who has now started crying when he sees me standing there.

I immediately rush outside, I see all the warriors standing in position, ready to attack any given moment. Calvin (Damien's father), Sean (Courtney's father), Darius (Delta), Alex, Courntey and Devon and his pack warriors stand together, also ready to fight.

I rush to the front, but I'm stopped by Alex."Serenity, it's not safe out here, just go back. You might get hurt" he speaks making me angry.

"NO, I'm not going back to hide like a coward Alex" I snap at him. He just sighs and nods his head knowing that I wasn't going to listen to him and I can be stubborn if I want to.

I move forwards, and stop when I reach the front, I stand in between Damien and Matthew, both of them had discarded their suit jacket along the way, their shirts have been folded till their elbows. Both of their heads snap towards me

"Go back Serenity"

"I thought I told you not to come out untill everything blows over"

Both of them speaking at the same time, making me agitated.

"I'm staying" I state confidently, Matthew just shakes his head at my words and Damien remains silent.

We hear rustling noises from the forest Ahead, we watch as rogues emerge in their wolf forms from the thick forests, about hundred to hundred and fifty of them are present here, this was a lot since usually rogues tend to kill each other or just get killed more often and they wouldn't travel around in packs. I watch as a figure appears from the back, moving forwards. I take in his scarred face twisted into an ugly frown.

"Well, it's good that I have everyone present here. Wouldn't have to waste my time finding you all myself and ending your pathetic lives" he says with an arrogant smirk planted on his face, with his eyes trained on me.

"If anyone here is pathetic, that might be you Roman" I voice out.

Roman's face scrunches in distate as he takes me in,"have I told you how much I hate you?!"

"Wait, don't answer that" he says when he realises that I was about to speak up.

"Do you know why I hate you so much?" He asks and I remain silent. I never knew why he hated me so much, I thought it had something to do with mother's death.

"No" I ground out with my jaw clenched.

"You see Serenity” he drawls out, he steps towards my figure and drags a finger down my face, making Damien and Matthew growl out at his actions.

"Take your hands off of her you mutt” Damien growls his eyes a deep black now, Roman raises both of his hands in a surrender acting as if he's scared, his eyes gleaming as he cackles in amusement. "You are not my daughter” he says, my heart stops when I hear that, I look into his eyes to know whether he's lying or not, and I find nothing suspicious. He looked serious.

Atleast I was glad to find out that this crazy man wasn't my father.

"What do you mean?" I ask him quietly, who was my father if it wasn't him?! Who could it be?

"You see, your mother had met someone before she met me, fell in love with that person and fell pregnant with you, that was around the same time when she met me. And do you want to know who was the father Serenity?" Roman grounds out, his eyes turning dark, his cold voice sending a chill down my spine.

I shake my head, tears brim my eyes. My brain was coming in terms with processing this new piece of information.

"It was my twin brother, River" he spits out my father's name, bringing his face closer to mine, his dark brown eyes, similar to mine looks at me with hatred.

"She was supposed to be mine, MINE" he bellows out in rage. "and what did my dearest brother do? Take away something that was meant to be mine from the start, but every action has its consequences? Doesn't it?!" He speaks out, pacing back and forth.

"You want to know what I did to him?" A sadistic smile present on his face.

"I ripped his heart out, with my own two hands" he states, proud of his declaration, my heart stops at his words. I never got to get to know my father because of my own uncle's selfish actions.

A tear streams down my face.

"You'll pay for everything Roman, for hurting every single innocent soul who's life you ripped away for your own selfish reasons. I hope you rot in hell" I spit at him with fire in my eyes.

"You BITCH" He growls his black eyes turning deadly, he attempts to lung at me. Only to be stopped by Damien's black wolf jumping onto him, Roman instantly shifts into his reddish brown colored wolf.

The fight starts, with rogues attacking the pack members. Everyone shifting into their wolf without a second thought.

Rain starts falling down hard, pelting against my skin. Cool air whipping around.

I shift into my auburn colored wolf, I felt adrenaline run through me and I felt energetic. Just then I see a wolf with grey fur barrel towards me, with its jaw open ready to snap.

Snarling at the wolf, the wolf tries to claw at my sides, seeing an opening I clamp my jaw down on its neck, it tries to break my hold on its neck by squirming around in my hold, but it whimpers one final time before its body goes limp, it's still body hitting the floor when I release it.

Turning around, I see a brown colored rogue creeping upon Matthew's wolf, who was fighting with another grey colored rogue. I immediately rush to his side, upon seeing me, the rogue jumps onto my wolf. It manages to slash my sides with its claws, making Kira whimper in pain.

My wolf retaliates by clawing at its chest, effectively pulling out a good chunk of its flesh. Its lets out a loud whimper, Matthew who had killed the rogue he was fighting previously, now bites into the rogues neck, ripping its throat out.

The light from its eyes dim and turn lifeless.

"Thankyou" Matthew's voice sounds through our mindlink and I nod my wolf head at him.

The clearing looked like a battle field, with rain water washing off the blood from dead bodies, the crimson colored water spread all around us like the red sea. Bodies littered almost everywhere, mostly rogues but we'd lost some of our warriors who fought bravely, making me sad.

I didn't know where I was getting this energy to practically rip through these rogues like I did it on a daily basis. I don't remember how much rogues I killed. It would've made me nauseated even thinking about killing someone but it seemed like it didn't matter now, this was a fight for survival

I see Damien's black colored wolf fighting from my peripheral vision, his actions were getting sloppy. Making me worried

A auburn colored wolf bites onto my hind limbs taking advantage of my dazed mind, making me growl in its face, I knock it off its feet. Making it land a few feet away from where I stood. The rogue manages to stand after a few moments, I watch as it limps on its front paws. Lunging forwards, I bite into its injured paw.

I was so immersed in injuring the wolf further that I hadn't seen a reddish brown colored wolf sneaking up on my figure, with my back turned towards Roman's wolf.

I rip the rogues throat, turning around when I hear grunts and whimpers coming behind me. I find a black colored wolf, Killian and Roman's wolf fighting each other, both of them putting up a fight. Roman's wolf had Killian under him, Killian takes advantage and keeps slashing Roman's under belly mercilessly, making Roman roar out in pain. Both of them tumble, rolling in circles, now with Killian on top. I watch as Roman's eye glints evily.

Bringing forward his claws, he claws at Killians throat. Not before, Killians manages to rip out Roman's heart, which falls onto the muddy and wet ground, just like both of their wolves, that fall to the ground.

My heart stops beating, pain ripping through my chest as I take the scene in.

I can't help the defeaning scream that leaves my mouth as the black colored wolves body hits the ground, shifting into his human form.

I immediately shift into my human form, not caring about the fact that I'm completely naked before all this people

I rush towards Damiens curled figure, blood oozing out of his wounds, but one stood out in particular, the claw marks present on his neck.

I panic seeing a lot of blood, tears stream down my face like a waterfall.

"NO NO NO" my hands covering his neck, trying to stop the bleeding.

"DAMIEN" I slap his face gently to help him stay awake, I watch as his eyes droop further.



My cries resonates around the clearing.

"DAMIEN, PLS STAY AWAKE" his grey colored eyes look at me with sadness. A gentle hand clamps around my hands that is placed on his face.

"Serenity" Damien's weak voice speaks up.

"I'm right here, don't speak. Oh god, it would open your wounds further" tears still flowing down my face, I fear that I might lose him too

"I'm sorry for everything" his voice is almost a whisper now, his eyes on the verge of closing. "DAMIEN, PLEASE STAY AWAKE" the rain water washes down the blood from both of our bodies.

"I love you" those where his last words before his eyes close, making my heart to literally drop. My heart beat spikes at his words

"NOOOO" I let out another defeaning scream.

"SOMEONE HELP" Matthew rushes over along with all the other pack members. I feel someone place a blanket to cover my naked figure, but I didn't care about that at the moment.

The voices continue but I have no idea what is being said.

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