The Rejected Mate
chapter 26 : regrets

Its midnight and I couldn't sleep properly, tossing and turning every other minute untill I had enough. I walk down the quiet hallways, careful not to make any noise and wake up the sleeping pack mates.

Suddenly I hear rustling noises, nearly giving me a heart attack. I place a hand on my chest, feeling my heart beat like crazy. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion when I hear the rustling noises again. Deciding to check it out, I follow the noise to a door farthest and secluded from others, staring at the door painted in black, I realise it lead to Damien's room

Slowly twisting the door knob, praying to god that I don't wake him up. I slowly tip-toe into his room. Its completely dark in here, but thank God for my enhanced vision I could navigate around it perfectly. My eyes could make out the king sized bed and the figure under the covers.

Slowly approaching his king sized bed, I watch as he twists and turns on the bed, with his eyebrows scrunched and face twisted into a frown, it takes me a moment to realise that he was having a nightmare. A thin layer of sweat coats his forehead even though the air condition was switched on. My hands slowly reach out towards his form, wanting to move the covers he had laid over him, so I could help a bit and ease him. As soon as I reach out and clutch the blanket in my hands, a hand wraps around my wrist, gasping in shock as the tingles takeover my body.

I look up to find grey eyes looking at me with confusion and tiredness.

"Serenity?" He sounds unsure, not knowing if it's me with his disoriented form.

I clear my throat.

"uh, I heard noises coming from your room so I thought I would come and check if everything is okay. You were having a nightmare” I state making him sigh.

"Yeah" he drags a hand down his face.

Its only now that I notice that it pains under where he had my wrist in a tight hold, my face twists in pain.

"Damien, could you please-..." I point my free hand towards his hand that has mine in a tight hold. His fingers instantly recoils from around mine.

"Sorry" his eyes on my wrist, where I could see a bruise forming.

"Its okay" I smile at him reassurance.

Its silent for a few moments, both of us not knowing what to say.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I ask him.

he shakes his head in reply.

"I think I should get going”

He just stares at me, I could make out uncertainty in his eyes. I knew how it felt to sleep and be woken up by a nightmare, leaning you disoriented and fearing what it would be the next time you go back to sleep. Would it be worse or wake you up screaming?.


Turning around, I only manage to take two steps forward, when a hand wraps around my wrist for a second time tonight, turning around I find his eyes trained on me. This time he was careful not to bruise me or injure my hand, holding my wrist softly.

Clearing his throat he speaks up, his next words managing to render me speechless.

"Can you stay with me, please?" He asks, adding a quiet please at the end leaving me shocked, all these years knowing him, I have never heard him say please or thankyou for that matter.

His eyes darts away from mine in uncertainty, fearing if I might reject his offer.

I ponder on it for a few seconds, contemplating my options. I nod my head after a few seconds, I watch as his eyes light up a bit making me bite back my smile at his actions.

He scoots over in his bed, making the covers to slip from covering his body. My mouth drops open when I get a glimpse of his shirtless upper body, he had a toned stomach, sculpted abdomen and arms with bulging muscles and ofcourse, with a six pack. Tattoes cover every inch of his body, no skin in sight. His body like was a canvas laid out for art.

A blush takes over my face, my cheeks reddening in embarrassment. I shake my head lightly praying to God he hadn't caught me checking him out, one look at his face is all it takes me know to realise that he noticed but speaks nothing of it, which I was thankful for.

I slowly ease into the firm but surprisingly soft bed, a sigh leaving my lips as all the tensed up muscle in my body let lose. My eyes starts drooping as tiredness from the day takes over.

The last thing I remember before sleep completely takes over my form is the feeling of a pair of hands moving wrapping around my waist and scooping me into their arms.

Unconsciously, a smile takes over my features.

Chirping of the birds is the first thing I hear in the morning when I wake up, light hits my face, managing to escape and scatter around the room from the sides of the binds, placed over the window.

I turn around in the bed, I freeze when I'm stopped mid-turn, my eyes trail down my form and settles onto the tattoed muscular arm that is wrapped around my waist in a firm hold. My eyes trail around the room, taking in the black furnished room with sleepy eyes, the events from last night hits me making me understand my current position.

We were both facing each other, Damien holding me in his arms, holding me as if like I was going to disappear any moment. He had his face stuffed buried in my neck, his soft breaths hitting my neck occationally making small shivers to run down my spine.

He looked so peaceful in his sleep, with his face relaxed unlike last night, I didn't want to move and wake him up.

Bringing a hand forwards, I trail a finger down his features, my hands trace his defined jaw up towards his cheeks, slowly trailing a hand in an invisible manner through his smooth skin. My hands slowly move towards his pink plump lips, they felt as soft as they looked.

My hands move the hair covering his eyes, brushing it back with my bare fingers.

Lastly my hands settle on the tattoes adorning his body, I trace the tattoo of a rose situated above the left side of his chest right above his heart.

I feel fast puffs of air blow on my neck, making me still in his arms. I look down to find his grey eyes trained on me, making me immediately move my hand away from their earlier position on his chest. my mouth opens to spew some excuse but he stops me from speaking up by placing my hands on its earlier position, right above the rose tattoo I was examining earlier.

His actions made be realise that he wanted me to continue what I was doing before he woke up. Once again I trail a hand on his chest, tracing the outline of the tattoo, it's now my eyes find something different with the tattoo, there is a letter 'S' tattoed in a calligraphical manner instead of the original stem, you wouldn't realise its a letter instead of the actual stem of the flower since whoever tattoed this had made a damn good job of concealing it from wandering eyes.

I trail the letter, wondering its meaning. Did the S stand for my name?

I immediately erase that thought from my mind, let's not get that ahead of ourselves.

"Why a rose?” I ask him curiously, I don't get a reply for a few moments, even though I knew he heard me because I felt him stiffen beside me when I asked him the question.

"It was my mother's favourite flower and she used to say that a rose is just not a flower, the main thing that kept people from ruining its beauty was the thorns that it carried, just like a protective wall around itself. She used to say it was how a pack worked, there were the pack mates, infants, elders who represented the flower, meanwhile the Alpha and Luna were the thorns protecting the flower." he replies after a few minutes.

I'm speechless at his words, no one would've thought that deeply about a common flower

like rose. His mom sounded like a great person, I wish I had got to know her atleast once.

"Do you miss her?" Placing my hands flat on his chest.

"Everyday" he replies without missing a beat.

"I'm sorry about what happened to her, I hope-" my next words are immediately cut off when I feel Damien abruptly moving away from my figure, standing up beside the bed, looking tall as ever as he towers over my body.

"How do you know what happened to her?" he sounds tense and his voice has gone up an octave. I immediately realise my mistake, no one other than a number handful people like former Alpha, Beta and Delta knew about the incident.

"I-, 1 don't” I stand up, feeling nervous and sweaty all of a sudden, my eyes dart away from his in nervousness.

"You're lying" he states, sounding so sure of himself.

"I'm not" I ground out, trying to conceal my nervousness behind a tough facade.

"Oh really?” He moves towards my figure, closing in on me and stopping when he had finally trapped me between the wall and his shirtless body.

"Then care to explain why you there is small beads of swear coating your forehead, you are nibbling on you lower lip, and twiddling your hands together, which I noticed is what you do when you're either lying or nervous about something” my mouth drops open at his theory, I never realised myself that I did those things.

"I-" I gulp, not knowing what to say.

"Tell me Serenity, how do you know?" He hisses near my face, his voice sounding as if he could shoot spikes of ice with them.

I shiver hearing the coldness of his voice.

I could feel my heart beat fast in my chest.

"TELL ME" his hands slam on the wall beside my head, making me jump in fear.

"I found y-your diary” I watch as his eyes immediately darken with unleashed fury, scaring me further.

"FUCK" he roars, his eyes switching between grey and black, his grey eyes held more darkness than any black eye I had ever seen.

I didn't realise someone could hold such darkness inside them untill now.

"You had no right snooping around my things" he snaps at me.

"I know and I'm sorry" the guilt hitting me in the gut.

I watch as his claws extent, digging into his palms as he fists his hands, drawing blood immediately. The sight of blood nauseated me, but made me concerned for him.

"You're bleeding, you should get it-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"Get out."

"But your wound might get-"

"I SAID. GET. OUT." he grits out through clenched teeth, his breathing has changed to an irregular manner, his chest heaving up and down in a fast motion, almost on the verge of transforming into his wolf.

I slip through his room almost immediately, not wanting to anger him further. I rest my head on the wall outside his room, realising that I messed up, I knew he'd be angry if he found out about the diary situation, but his reaction scared me.

I knew I was in the wrong, I shouldn't have poked my nose in the business, snooping around his stuff, finding about things which he clearly did not like anyone knowing or even mentioning about. I hear crashing noises and glass breaking in his room making me vince.

It seems like whenever we took a step forwards in our relationship or whatever this is we had going on, we end up taking two steps back.

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