The Rejected Mate
chapter 23 : killian

Today was a good day; the clouds covered the sun, making the air cool and it felt nice on the skin. Since werewolf are normally warm, and a sunny day means you'd be sweating bullets like crazy.

I was in a good mood, which was honestly weird for me to be in, since nothing has been going the way I want it to since I came back home three months ago. I decided a walk through the stream would be calming for me and my wolf.

The dry leaves on the ground scrunch under my boot claded feet, hands buried deep inside the jacket I decided to wear last minute, extra measures for if it got more chilly than it already was outside. Walking calmed me, hearing the birds chirping, the occasional spotting of a squirrel or rabbit running away.

Eventually my footsteps come to a stop, I could make out the soothing noise of the fresh water flowing through the stream. The stream was one of my favourite places to come to when I wanted some alone time to myself, helped me to think about things.

Removing my jacket and folding pants so they wouldn't get wet, I dip my legs into the stream, sitting at the edge occasionally moving my legs back and forth and amusing myself by scaring off the small fishes swimming by.

The calmness of around me made me relax, which didn't last long when I felt a another presence. No matter what, I couldn't shrug off the feeling of being watched

Discretely turning my head to the side, not wanting to alarm whoever was out there that I knew about their presence, my sweep the edge of the forest. My eyes look over the tall trees that stood proudly, moving towards the slightly raised ground which almost resembled a cliff, but in this case a small one.

My breath hitches in my throat, I could hear my own heart beat wildly in my chest, which felt like it was likely to jump out of my chest at any given minute when I spot the huge black wolf that stood on top of it.

Scrambling up without a second thought from my seated position on the ground I stumble back in shock, eyes wide and heat beating wildly.

Looking at the beast eyes, I find them filled with slight amusement. looking closely I realise its Killian, Damien's wolf.

I roll my eyes at myself, feeling extremely stupid. but you can't blame me for my actions, my lunatic biological father was out there ready sprung at the chance to kill his beloved daughter, I think sarcastically.

Killian had similar eyes to his human side. Damien's wolf side stood proudly on the cliff, looking like the powerful wolf he is. Radiating his Alpha power. Killian was a huge wolf, almost as big as wild bear.

black coat shining under the sunlight.

"You scared me, you know?!" I mumble looking down at the ground, feeling slight embarrassment course through me.

I don't look up and almost stumble back for a second time today when I realise he had moved closer towards me, taking advantage of my distracted state. he stood a few feet away from me, eyes filled with amusement,

Which irked me.

Killian almost was a big wolf, which was expected since he's an Alpha. he almost came up to my chest in his wolf form.

Narrowing my eyes at his wolf, I move towards his wolf form without a second thought, wanting to run my hands through the shiny black coat, wanting to know if it felt as soft as it looked from my position.

Killian stood upright on his front paws, staying alert and in anticipation of my actions.

Reaching a shaky hand forward, I don't know if it's because I'm scared or because of the tingling sensation our skin contact makes me feel, my body immediately relaxes which was previously tensed in anticipation. Warmth spreads throughout my body.

What shocked me more was Killian's reaction to my touch, I look in amazement as his eyes closes on its own accord, a small purr like sound to come out from his throat, making me jump back in shock.

Opening his cloudy grey eyes when he misses my touch, he whines at the loss of contact.

This just makes me more surprised.

Moving forward, he nudges my hand continously in an attempt to pet him again, but I don't budge, amused and wanting to see his next move

Growling in frustration he nudges my hand a little hard this time, my hands comes to rest on his head. I scratch him behind his ear and he purrs continously. His head leans forward in pleasure and I laugh.

My heart fluttered in my chest at his reaction to my touch. Which also makes me curious as to how the both of us still feel the matebond even after me accepting the rejection three years ago

Almost as if snapping out of the trance, he backs away, I watch as his eyes cloud over making me realize that someone might be mind linking him.

'I'm needed at the border, I'll see you later at the pack house’ Killian's voice sounds in my head and I just nod in understanding.

Silently walking back to the pack house, thinking over my recent encounter which continously plays on loop inside my head. I smile at the memory.

I don't look where I'm going and almost collide with someone, a small “oomph’ releases from my mouth when I realise I'm going to fall flat on my ass.

Arms wrap around my waist at the last minute, I'm only a few inches from kissing the ground. I thank the heavens above for that.

"Couldn't help falling for me? Huh" recognizing the familiar voice I look upto the strangers eyes to find hazel eyes filled with amusement.

Standing upright from the awkward position, I roll my eyes at his cockiness.

"I'd rather step on a pile of shit" I retort back and Matthew pouts at me, looking hurt but we both know he's just mocking.

"You wound me" he says sarcastically.

"Please, I'm sure you will survive just fine" I reply to him with a wave of my hands.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while now" I ask curiously after a few moments of silence, now that I think about it I haven't seen him in a week, I mean I do occasionally see him around the pack house but we haven't been spending as much time with eachother for a while now. "I have been training with the pack warriors for the past few days." comes his reply almost immediately.

I just nod my head in reply, I have a sneaky suspicion that he's lying since I have been going out for walks for the past few days as well, and never once have I seen him training with the pack warriors. I shrug my shoulders maybe he might be training with another batch and not the one I come across on my way to the stream.

"Well, let's go before it gets dark outside" saying that I grab his hands tugging him towards the pack house.

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